Monday, October 17, 2011

New political parties

I have not been paying a lot of attention to the Occupy Wall Street protests, but it looks like they are gaining some ground. Here is a story. 

This looks to me like another version of the Tea Party. While the Tea Party is pretty much a conservative outfit, this new one is pretty much a liberal outfit. I know both claim to not be either ... but if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck .........

While the Tea Party made its hay with anti-government rhetoric, the new group is all about anti-rich rhetoric. It is worth noting too that these anti-greed protestors appear to be fairly rich themselves.
Ah the hypocrisy of politics.

The Tea Party's thing was how bad government is, yet they want to run government.

The new group is against wall street and corporate greed, yet ...  “To the villainy-of-the-rich theme emanating from Washington, a child is born: Occupy Wall Street. Starbucks-sipping,  Levi’s-clad, iPhone-clutching protesters denounce corporate America even as they weep for Steve Jobs, corporate titan, billionaire eight times over,” columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote Thursday.

But politics in general is not about truth, reality or solving problems. Politics is about rhetoric and ideology. Style ... no substance. So the two groups - Tea Partiers and the 99 Percenters (i guess thats what they call themselves) - are no exception.

The thing is. Republicans and Democrats are so out of touch and both are becoming irrelevant. Maybe - hopefully - people are getting more weary of the fighting and seeing that its all smoke and mirrors.

The new parties suffer from the same hypocrisy and lack of substance, but they at least are following the model of becoming a political party. Political parties are a necessary evil, just like money is. .. You cant win an election - or promote ideology - without some sort of organization. and some cash.

There have been changes over the years in political parties. Even as we have pretty much always had a two-party system, they have both changed. There were the Whigs once upon a time.

I think there will be even more parties emerge as people grow more weary of the Republican - Democrat claptrap.  Right now the two new parties are just a different version, perhaps a bit more extreme, but still ... Tea Party-ers are basically republicans and 99 percenters are basically democrats - I know both will deny that, but .... its still the truth.

What I would like to see is more parties. And ideologies that are neither conservative nor liberal. Ive said before, I think the biggest problem we have in America is the ongoing boring battle between the two. Someone is making a fortune with this battle and we have no progress to show for it.  For now politics is just about "which side are you on" and not about actual solutions.

At least the new groups are a starting point.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Someone suggested i do an update yesterday. I thought that sounded like a good idea.
There are still a few people coming here and I appreciate all 10 of you :) ...
It is kinda interesting, the stat tracker that I put on here shows different numbers than what Google shows.. Google shows   more visitors.

Anyways. I am a sports writer in Ardmore, Oklahoma. I was getting paranoid there for awhile, and that is why i was vague about what was going on. But now Im here, and its going ok.

The biggest thing is that I now work at night. Like from 4 pm. until midnight, or even to 1 a.m. at times depending on how busy it gets. I go to a lot of high school games. We put the paper together at night and it is on doorsteps by daylight. We cover about 15 high schools. Teams go to Oklahoma City now and then, so I go there a lot as well.

People take high school sports seriously here, and they expect the paper to let them know what is going on in this area. I like that really. Also my boss has high expectations. Higher standards here.
I did try doing some of that at the paper there, but it was difficult.
It is expected here, that work will be of high quality and be done on time .... no drama, no bs, just do it.. Things do still fall through the cracks at times, especially in sports, because of the high amount of information you are dealing with and all at deadline. I like it though.

Working till 12 or later at night, i end up staying awake until 2 am. or so. There is the deadline rush, so Im still a little hyped up when work is done, so its really hard to go to sleep soon at all. That has been the biggest adjustment. Im trying to not stay up so late and get up earlier so I can do more fun things. I have my free time before work, instead of after.

I found a nice place to live. It is in one of the nicer areas of town. I am in a small building out back of a larger house. The lady decided to rent it out after her husband passed away. He used to have an office here.

I am still visiting churches. Some days I dont get up in time and ive just not found the right place yet. The big baptist church was good. The main church has mostly older people. They also have a church for younger people at the same time, which is more like going to a rock concert ... but that is fun to.
The methodist and presbyterians downtown do the same thing, but thiers is not so much like a concert. There is a bit of tradition mixed in.

Im just enjoying going to different places.
Ill write more about my adventures here tomorrow, or later on today.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Anyone out there?

I see the blog is still getting a few visits.
Where do we go from here?
im not really in ark city enough to know whats going on now.
let me know if you have any suggestions.