Tuesday, April 26, 2011


AP story says economy is growing steadily
things are looking up all over


how will the republicans say this isn't so ...
how will the dems take credit ...

im the one saying its a natural cycle that happens because it happens and not that much can affect it.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

which side are you on

Here is a comment made in another string. It was the comment i wanted to hear in a sense, because it opened the door to the rant that follows :)

I suppose I could answer your question with a question.
What's the Democrat answer?
well thats the point ive been making for months - maybe years -
your only answer to "what is the republican answer" is "what is the dem answer"
which is to say ....the only thing we can say is the other side is worse...
or the only answer you have is to point at the other side.

the dems say the same... their answer is _ at least we're not as bad as the other side -

neither party has any answers, its time to move beyond parties. there are other parties, and new parties can be started... and will eventually when enough people get tired of the dem-pub, cons-lib fighting.
the idea that we have to have a two party system is a lie ...
if you think beyond your ideology at all, you will see that there are many issues where con-lib does not fit. neither side is right about everything, and in more cases than not, both sides are wrong
both are extremes. you can look at every issue through the lense of your partys ideology if you want, but if you take the glasses off, you will see that both sides are just putting their spin on every issue ... there is no truth, just the left or right spin...

so many times it happens, if you disagree with someone, or question something they say, they dismisss you as a lib or con... they wont even think about the issue, its just a matter of which side you are on.

its not even about politics really, its about money - cash flow....
i wish people could see the money that is being made creating this divisiveness in our country. if anytihng will destroy us it is the divisiveness, but the media mogules - both con and lib - are more into making money than caring about the country.. yes our economy has problems, it has had problems before, it will recover, and when it does many other problems will be fixed.
Dont you remember the 80s and hyper inflation? or was that the 70s? .. then it got better in the 90s, and of course both sides took credit.

but just think about the major spokespersons for both sides. (i really dont listen to any talk radio or tv anymore, i dont even know their names anymore... i guess rush is still around?)
they need to keep ratings up, they need to sell books, papers, etc., so keeping the division going is how they do that....

we are not sinking, that is just b-s /... part of the selling of division is the selling of fear and paranoia.. remember the "RED" scare of the 60s the cold war and all... now it was serious with the nukes around, but the ruskies were just as scared as we were and doing the same things as far as selling the population on fear and paranoia.

look at our history honestly .... we have had problems before, worse than now... and we always came through...
WWII could easily have been lost, there was the great depression (and real socialism was waiting in the wings to take over then. i think it was more a threat then than now)
after the civil war, just about any country could have invaded and taken over.
had the brits not been so arrogant, they would still own the colonies..

the economy will improve.. things will get better and the cycle will start again.
i really think a lot of it is just natural cycles that we really cant do anything about, we can maybe influence them some, make it faster or slower, but the cycles are natural and you cant really fight nature.....

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Figured it out

Last night I figured out this whole birth certificate thing.
It is really a rather clever conspiracy. Obama is pulling the classic bait and switch scam.
As many have pointed out, he doesnt have a lot of qualifications or experience. So he needed something to distract everyone from that, because he could really get a lot of grief over that.
And he needed something to keep people busy so as to not notice his agenda - which is really the elite liberal agenda. By the way, this is how he rose so fast in political circles. he is the front man for the vast left wing conspiracy.
So there were actually two things that needed to be hidden. or at least enough of a distraction so he could more easily pursue his agenda.

To throw the right wing off his tracks, he came up with a distraction.
 He needed something that would keep people busy, and keep them chasing, so they would not notice the real things that needed hidden. or at least throw them off enough so he could get more things through.

He was born in hawaii, and his father is from kenya (i think thats right, or some other country) .. whatever. that was the framework for the bait and switch.
People love a conspiracy, there are large groups who think we never went to the moon, that elvis shot JFK, or that it was someone else anyway, or even that bush was really behind the 911 attacks.
What better distraction could there be? had he been born in iowa, it might have been a tougher sell, so hawaii made it much more convenient.

So the idea is sent out there. Of course the right wingers hate him, they would hate any liberal president. so obamas people knew that the fish would be biting so to speak,
so they send out this morsel and the right wingers grabbed the bait.
So that was the bait and switch. The first ones to put out this idea were no doubt closet liberals working as double agents in conservative circles. With the internet, you have no way of knowing who someone really is ... do you know for sure when this claim started? and who started it?
Its like criminals running from the cops. make them think you are going north and youre really going south.

So a lot of energy is expended on this birth certificate thing, while obama sails along happily with not that much attention being paid to his real weaknesses. He is laughing his behind off in the white house...

Now, this is the real reason he does not, and cannot, show the long form. or even more evidence that would remove any doubt. (actually he is really ticked at the liberals who keep showing evidence, or perhaps they are part of the conspiracy as well?)
If he did, the con would be over. and he would be in real deep doo doo... the right wingers would then be on his tail for real.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

here it is, birth certificate

and here is a link with some actual evidence

 so would birthers be convinced if he showed a new one?

what about
, the conspiracy would need to be even deeper than our colleagues realized. In late July, a researcher looking to dig up dirt on Obama instead found a birth announcement that had been published in the Honolulu Advertiser on Sunday, Aug. 13, 1961:

Obama's birth announcement

The announcement was posted by a pro-Hillary Clinton blogger who grudgingly concluded that Obama "likely" was born Aug. 4, 1961 in Honolulu.
Of course, it's distantly possible that Obama's grandparents may have planted the announcement just in case their grandson needed to prove his U.S. citizenship in order to run for president someday.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

what's going on

See i write a well thought out piece about a topic i find interesting, and it gets no responses. But just mention certain issues, and that gets people going.

Well i did want to write about what i am up to these days. I am not exactly in Texas. I misled everyone for a reason. I am almost in Texas. I am in Ardmore Oklahoma, which is not far from the lone star state...  I am a sports writer. Just go to ball games, tell the tale, and help out in putting together the sports section and updating the paper's website. Interestingly enough, the higher-ups here have an Ark City connection. The publisher was once the publisher at the Traveler, way before it was sold, and was aware of winfield and the people at the paper there... so maybe there was a little bit of understanding.

The reason I misled everyone is  I became paranoid. For months I realized that i needed a regular steady job. My freelancing was doing ok, but just ok... So I started applying for jobs. Papers or other publishing companies, would show interest, we would be going through the "dating" process so to speak. Interviews and all that. I was very open and honest about what happened in AC ...
So then I would tell people in ark city, well i had an interview with this company... and suddenly that company lost interest... no explanation no reason .. just not interested anymore.. each time it was exactly the same thing..
So I misled everyone about where this job was. I got offered the job... It does make you think...maybe it was just a coincidence .. or maybe not... i just know what i saw.

I like the paper here a lot. Totally different culture than where i was before.. higher expectations and standards, and a spirit of teamwork. The bar is raised, but there is also a great sense of appreciation and value in what is being done.
Also I am not in management by any stretch. Just a lowly reporter - albeit in sports. So i dont have to be concerned about the big picture at all, or what others are doing... I dont even have to worry about tomorrow's paper.. how it will get done, what will be in it. I am only concerned with what game i am going to today, and what help is needed on the desk (putting the paper together)...so it is much less stressful.
I found a neat place to live. It is a garage apartment type thing in someone's back yard. All my utilities, including cable tv and the net, are included in my rent, so i only have one bill to pay...
I hate to admit it, but life is pretty good right now...

The only thing that has been difficult at all is getting used to working for a morning paper. I work "second shift" .. 3-4 p.m. to midnight. I am getting adjusted though..

So that's it. I may write more about my job and what its like here.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Evidence ...

Here is a story that illustrates what i was talking about in my previous post about what the bible says. This story is much shorter, and much better written...


This is a good example of using evidence, science, and the bible together to try to find truth.
This article talks more about the last supper ... what day was it ... i think the conclusion of the person here is very valid ..

Related to that is the issue of Good Friday and Easter, the church celebrates his death on good friday and his resurrection on sunday .. and still says he was in the tomb three nights and three days...
and many people have gone through a lot of gyrations to make three days out of friday night to sunday morning ...
A clear reading of what the bible actually says would mean that he was crucified on wednesday.. taking the bible and matching it up with the jewish calendar of the time ... not our modern calendar.
As the article suggests, the last supper was wednesday night, and easter was on sunday....

what the bible says

Here is a post from another thread. I thought it was interesting and it raises some good points. 

JJ, what if the Bible clearly did say when life began? What then? Do you take everything the Bible says as fact,without argument even in the face of contradictory scientific proof? What do we do with our reason and intellect? I think part of the problem we get ourselves into, is that we believe the Bible has something to say about every facet of our lives, and have used it to polarize ourselves.

This got incredibly long, sorry, but it was fun to write.. if you read it all, then comment, ..:)

God created us with a brain, and gave us reason, logic and intellect for a reason.
The bible itself says "examine everything carefully, keeping the good and discarding the bad."
We do not need to stop thinking
That is a huge problem in religion today. People twist the bible to make it say things it does not say, and when that happens you do have to stop thinking. atheists also take things out of context to try to prove it wrong ...
Some things are tradition and not biblical. Galileo got in trouble with the church because of his discoveries, and advocating the idea that the earth goes around the sun instead of hte other way around.. the problem was, that was church tradition. and not bible...
The bible does not say either way. It does say things like the sun rising or setting, but ... that has been a common way of phrasing things since we had words. we still say that today, but it really doesnt. we say today the sun isnt shining when it is cloudy ... everyone knows that isn't literally true. yet we still say it all the time ..and everyone knows what is meant

An example today is the idea of creation. Seven literal 24-hour periods, or seven periods of time.. i lean towards the latter, there are logical problems with the seven 24-hour period idea, one being that the earth was not created on day one, so you could not measure day one ... also the hebrew word translated "day" can just as easily be translated into English as "time" ..
That is not the real issue in my opinion. Whether it was 7 days, 7 seconds or 7 bajillion years doesnt matter.. There is no real controversy here between science and the bible .. the problem comes when you try to force it to say something it does not say.
The real issue is ... "In the beginning God Created"
The problem is on both sides. Athiests take evolution to mean God did not create..wheras pure science based on observation, experimentation and reason, cannot say one way or the other. it can only say that species develop over time. .which does not contradict the bible at all. The bible does not say..

If there is a logic problem, or even a blatant contradiction with science, that should raise a flag.
You don't blindly choose one or the other,
If that happens, you need to study more. chances are the problem is more in your understanding than with either science or the bible.... a huge problem is that people think they have things figured out so they blindly go forward and twist the bible or science to fit that set of beliefs .. religious people, atheists, pubs, dems ... the problem is they are interpreting evidemce through the lense of their ideology, which is backwards.. which is why i say truth is more important than ideology.... are we willing to admit that our ideology might be wrong? What do you do when you are faced with evidence that contradicts your beliefs.. many people dismiss it .. what we should do in that case is study more..

If you cannot show a clear teaching throughout the entire bible on an issue, ... then to be intellectually honest, you have to say ... it doesn't say. and you should keep studying...also another important point .. studying an issue is not trying to find evidence to fit your beliefs .. it is pursuing truth where ever it leads, and if you have to change your belief on an issue .. then .. you have to make a choice.
Some people say they are using biblical principles in making decisions. I say that is a dangerous idea... and that is one area where i am a bit radical even in christian circles.. it is a slippery slope from "biblical principles" to making it say what it does not say....

A key point in biblical interpretation is understanding the type of literature it is. What was the intent of the writer?  Also context is everything... one verse by itself does not mean anything .. for any issue you have to seek what the ENTIRE bible says about it..
Interpreting the bible is no different than interpreting any piece of literature. To really understand what  the bible actually says, you have to study a lot, you have to think a lot, and use reason a lot.

The Psalms are poetry. we all know what poetry is .. so the ideas presented in poetry are literally true, but the words used are metaphors. whether the things literally said are true is irrelevant.... the psalms are more for comfort and thinking about things in different ways - just like any poetry is - so it should not be used for setting doctrine... psalms speak of God's strong right arm ... God doesnt have arms, God is not a person with a physical body ...
Jesus told stories, parables, these are stories to make a point. the points are literally true, but the stories themselves may or may not be, He talks about a sower and the seed, and how it grows if it is in good soil... he is not talking about how to farm here..
Other times his sermons are recorded, and these are clear  teachings .. love your neighbor as yourself.. that is a direct order from the chief :)

And there are times where the bible does speak to an issue, but it is not clear .. the problem is that people want it to be clear, so they take one part and ignore the other part.
Free will and predestinaiton is one issue .. this is a deep philosophical issue.. the new testament writers say both and seem to have no problem with that .. to me that should be part of the equation... if they didn't have a problem .. why do we?
It really is like .. can god build a rock too big for god to move?
It is easier to pick one or the other and make the bible say that .. but ... we should be looking to what it actually says ..
Some people ask what about when the bible contradicts science (my answer to that is, you don't yet have it figured out.) ,... i like to ask, what about when the bible contradicts your ideology?

Many controversial issues are controversial because there is room for interpretation. We dont have all the evidence, or what evidence we have does not really answer the question.
So we take up what evidence fits our belief system and dismiss the rest as heresy ... its easier to do this than it is to actually think.

So.. if you can line up what the bible says, what pure evidence says - what you can see,.what you can think .. if they all line up, then you have truth .. if they do not all line up the problem could be that you do not yet really have it figured out and need to study more..
You don't need to shut off your mind or intellect when studying the bible - or anything else, but you do need to try to shut off your ideology...

Friday, April 15, 2011

hot button issues

 In another post we were talking about the hot button issues. I was saying they could be solved if people wanted them solved.
I wanted to comment first on the thing about compromise itself. Then someone asked about if I would compromise my religion. I dont think that is a legitimate argument against compromise. You cant "make" someone believe something, even though i guess you could make certain religions illegal as they do in muslim countries.
But I have my beliefs. I realize some dont agree with me. The thing is, I just dont have a burning desire to show them where they are wrong. I could be wrong on some things. We dont need to agree on ideology - or a set of beliefs. That is not the real issue. The real issue is actually solving problems and doing things that matter, instead of just continually arguing the same arguments over and over.
Here is an example. I really do believe pornography is wrong, on many levels. However, I think it would be a big mistake to make it illegal because even the supreme court can't define it. So, while i dont change my belief, i have to "allow" it..
Here are my answers to the three hot button issues that were raised.
These are just not black and white issues as some try to make them be. 

Democrats are for bigger government, and Republicans are for smaller government.
To some extent this is a bogus argument. we have a huge country, more than 300 million people. so everything is bigger. Wichita has to have a bigger govt. than Ark City just by the nature  of each city.
The real issue is what do you want "government" to do.
Those who are against "big" govt and govt. interference are not intellectually honest. They want govt. to tell people what drugs they can use, how fast they can drive their car, which side of the road to drive on. they want abortion to be illegal, they want govt to not allow other people to take your stuff from you...(stealing) . and the list goes on ....
The answer here is to stop the rhetoric and work on issues. WHAT do we want govt to do? The constitution says by the people and FOR the people. So ... maybe we have to have 100 questions on the election ballot.

Democrats are pro-abortion, and Republicans are anti-abortion.

This is an issue that is not as black and white as either side wants to make it. It is not about choice. You make the choice when you do what you do to make a baby....
The real question is when does life begin?
people used to think that if you had sex for any other reason than making a baby, you were doing wrong... even with your spouse.
With all the advances of modern medicine surely we could define when life begins ..
so we have to "agree" on that question. you dont change your ideology and agree with it necessarily, but you get something and you give something ...
The bible really does not say when life begins. the verse often quoted - God knew you in your mothers womb - is a poem full of allegory .. it should not be used to set doctrine - that is just basic sound biblical interpretation..

Democrats are anti-gun, and Republicans are pro-gun rights.

Again, here both sides need to get over themselves a little bit.
Dems need to concede that most americans want their guns and that owning guns is a basic right.. even the supreme court has said this.
Pubs need to be honest about regulation, and understand that you have to have some kind of law .. even pubs dont want a 5 year old carrying a gun to kindergarten... or a blind person carrying a gun.
So, Dems admit to the basic right to own a gun, and Pubs admit that there needs to be some regulation...

Ok, there you have it, ...
let the arguing, er discussing begin.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

election results

A reader posted this on another thread, just passing it along.
Amazing to me that less than 650 votes would have won a seat .. wow..

Arkansas City City Commission (unofficial results as of 8:50 p.m.)

•Joel Hockenbury — 788
•Charles Tweedy III — 705
•Chad Giles — 648
•Jean Snell — 501
•Ron Hirst — 431
•Dotty Smith — 330

Friday, April 1, 2011

DUI bill

I saw where the DUI bill has stalled in the Kansas senate. They were going to make the law tougher.
I know lots of conservatives get upset about the idea of looking at what other countries do, but ... it would be interesting for people to understand what they do in Europe.
Here in the U.S., we see driving as a right. and we dont have the infrastructure for public transport, so it is a necessity as well. If you dont live in a major city like New York or Chicago, a car is a necessity. In the large cities here, and in Europe, a car is really a burden.
They do take driving more seriously in Europe. You have to be 21 i think, or maybe 18. And you have to take serious driving classes. You cant just show up and take a test like you do here. You have to pass a hard driving course and it costs a few thousand dollars to get a drivers license.
THey dont mess around with laws either. When I was in Europe i got a parking ticket, and it cost nearly $100. From what I hear, a speeding ticket can cost several hundred, and second offense you might lose your license. Drunk drivers lose their license and go to jail for a long time. They have cameras that record speeders. You dont get pulled over, you get a picture of your car speeding in the mail, and showing your speed and how much your fine is.
I was really surprised when i was in Europe, that everyone was going the speed limit. You know here, when its posted 50, everyone drives 59 or more.
Im not sure its feasable in the U.S. because of the large rural areas and lack of public transport ... but driving could be taken more seriously in the U.S.
In some states you have to buy a legal ad and run it in the newspaper, with your picture, saying that you got your second dui .. thats an interesting idea too.