Thursday, April 21, 2011

Figured it out

Last night I figured out this whole birth certificate thing.
It is really a rather clever conspiracy. Obama is pulling the classic bait and switch scam.
As many have pointed out, he doesnt have a lot of qualifications or experience. So he needed something to distract everyone from that, because he could really get a lot of grief over that.
And he needed something to keep people busy so as to not notice his agenda - which is really the elite liberal agenda. By the way, this is how he rose so fast in political circles. he is the front man for the vast left wing conspiracy.
So there were actually two things that needed to be hidden. or at least enough of a distraction so he could more easily pursue his agenda.

To throw the right wing off his tracks, he came up with a distraction.
 He needed something that would keep people busy, and keep them chasing, so they would not notice the real things that needed hidden. or at least throw them off enough so he could get more things through.

He was born in hawaii, and his father is from kenya (i think thats right, or some other country) .. whatever. that was the framework for the bait and switch.
People love a conspiracy, there are large groups who think we never went to the moon, that elvis shot JFK, or that it was someone else anyway, or even that bush was really behind the 911 attacks.
What better distraction could there be? had he been born in iowa, it might have been a tougher sell, so hawaii made it much more convenient.

So the idea is sent out there. Of course the right wingers hate him, they would hate any liberal president. so obamas people knew that the fish would be biting so to speak,
so they send out this morsel and the right wingers grabbed the bait.
So that was the bait and switch. The first ones to put out this idea were no doubt closet liberals working as double agents in conservative circles. With the internet, you have no way of knowing who someone really is ... do you know for sure when this claim started? and who started it?
Its like criminals running from the cops. make them think you are going north and youre really going south.

So a lot of energy is expended on this birth certificate thing, while obama sails along happily with not that much attention being paid to his real weaknesses. He is laughing his behind off in the white house...

Now, this is the real reason he does not, and cannot, show the long form. or even more evidence that would remove any doubt. (actually he is really ticked at the liberals who keep showing evidence, or perhaps they are part of the conspiracy as well?)
If he did, the con would be over. and he would be in real deep doo doo... the right wingers would then be on his tail for real.


  1. I glad you got it "all" figured out!

    But, there have probably been plenty of contributors to Americas "Decline as a Country"!

    It will take that many "Contributors or more" to reverse it's course!

    Maybe the "Goal really is to reduce our standard of living to match those of other Countries? (A One World Government where everyone is entitled to or gets the same things regardless of their responsibility/efforts!)

    I wonder who "Makes and Enforces the Rules" in that kind of a World?

  2. Btw: Wasn't it Obama that taught as a Professor that Capitalism is only the predecessor to Socialism which then in turn leads to Communism?
    (A Communism (Classless Society) that in Theory never materialized in reality and NEVER will!)

    "Progressiveism is Alive" and well! (Guess what it really represents!)

  3. anything the libs, or obama, does is labeled socialism, we are really a long way from socialism.
    we had 8 years of bush and republicans in charge..
    we went too far to the right
    the left needs to pull us a bit more back toward center..
    in about 4 more years, or maybe its 6, the dems will have us too far to the left and it will be time for the pubs to pull us back a little.
    that is the only value of either party ..... to keep the other side from going too far.

    we are a long way from socialism, and communism is dead, it wont be back.
    what if conservatives actually worked on issues instead of just screaming socialism socialism ... they might actually solve something and find some real answers.
    if they did, they would win a lot of elections.

    what if .... when the health care thing was introduced, republicans had said .... you know, maybe our health system does need some tweaking, lets take a good honest look at it and see what we can improve on.... no there was more money to be made pandering fear and paranoia ... politics as usual

  4. did anyone see any humor at all in my conspiracy theory?

  5. we are a long way from socialism, and communism is dead, it wont be back.

    Boy are you a part of the secular media!

    We are at the tipping point both financially and Socially!

    Probably no more Real Right or Real left left but only down! (People like you really surprise me!)

    When the other countries refuse to loan us money or our currency reaches the point it no longer is considered SAFE!

    You'll probably won't be saying the same things!

  6. JJ, I don't think you realize just how fragile our country and our way of life is. Look back on the major civilizations and see how many are still around. Two hundred years, when looked at in the broad scheme of things, is a very short time. This nation is not indestructible. It faces threats that our politicians either don't care about (Economic decline), or openly welcome (illegal immigration). Look back 50 years and the country is almost unreconizable from now. Look how our morals have declined. Look how our families have declined. Now look back 100 years. 200 years. It's scray when you put it in perspective.

  7. dang, i had a nice post written and it got blown away.
    i really dont think we are going under at all. i dont tihnk our society or way of life is fragile.
    i just dont.
    i think our greatest problem is divisiveness and the polarization that is being made popular in national media.
    until we get over that, we wont move forward.
    but we are still by far the greatest country on earth. and we still have to fall a ways even to get down to no. 2.
    there are instances where we are behind, or some specific things, but overall ... not at all.

    yes look back 200 years.
    we owned slaves. we used people like cattle and it didnt matter.. we nearly wiped out a whole race of people - indians - took their land and destroyed their way of life
    that was our morality 200 years ago.

    100 years ago women couldnt vote, women were second class citizens, and blacks were third class.
    50 years ago it started to improve in thiese areas and some progress has been made.

    more bad stuff is readily available now, but i dont know that we are more or less moral than people were 200, 100 or 50 years go.
    we dont own slaves now.. we dont destroy whole races of people anymore, we hire women and minorities ....
    it does depend on perspective.

  8. Ok JJ,

    When you saw all those people protesting at the State Capital in Wiscounsin! What did you see? Did you see Americans demanding that they were promised certain things and they expected those promisies to be kept?
    Now how do you suppose those promise can/should be Kept? (Most of the Public Pension Funds in the Country are severly unfunded!)

    When you see Illegal Immigrants demanding that they should get Public aid/healthcare/education and or Scholarships to Colleges? Do you suppose they should get preference over the American Citizens!
    Who is going to pay for all those benefits for all the Illegals? Who is going to pay even if you make them Legal?

    The number of U.S. citizens drawing some type of Government Program is just shy of 50%!
    How do you think thats going to work when it exceeds 50% and even greater!

    Then the Republicans and Democrats KNOW they can't "GROW" their way out this TIME! Even when the economy turns for the better (I'm not sure we will see another great BOOM! I hope we don't see a Great Bust!)

    If you go back to the Simpson-Bowles plan they outlined key elements that must be addressed with a "Great degree of Urgency"!

    Do you think they are just crying "Wolf"?

    (btw: Obama appointed Simpson a Republican and Bowles a Democrat to make reccomedations on how to reduce the Debt! - Neither the Repulicans or the Democrats took them serious and came up with their own Plans!)

    Now you can say you just don't believe we are on the Brink! But all the facts lead to contrary! Be it entitlements, Pension Plans,

    When you can no longer fund things by putting them on the National credit card (borrowing money) who's gonna Pay? Who's going to lose and how are you going to settle/fix all those problems?

    We better not wait till THEN?

  9. So that's the republican answer?
    we have no hope, we are doomed, nothing to live for, might as well crawl in a hole and die...
    yea thats the kinda party i want to vote for ... my goodness, just read what you are writing.
    why would anyone support those negative attitutdes?

    so, what is your answer to all these problems and what can you do to make progress?

  10. So that's the republican answer?

    I think both sides KNOW the situation - probably better than you or I!

    we have no hope, we are doomed, nothing to live for, might as well crawl in a hole and die...

    I don't think I ever said crawl in a hole and die! But the point is we won't have the same country Tommorow!

    Progress? It will to move to other Countries!
    (It's already begun that process!)

    If you really think it's just a matter of taxing the "Rich" and spreading the wealth to make ends meet?

    You better start looking at all those promises that have been made that can't/haven't been paid!

    Who is going to decide what you can get and what you must lose or forfiet - because the Government(s) Federal/State/Local can't pay!

    The weaker the Dollar (the more they print or borrow) the more expensive it will be to live!

    When no one wants your dollars? Then what?

    It happened to Russia, it's happening to the PIIGS in Europe! (Those other countries in the Euro Community - don't want to pay for all those things in those countries who are over leveraged!)

    If you think that Socialism (Progressiveism) isn't alive and well in America?

    If you are depending on the Government for your Future! You might just be leaving that up to your own Government and Some OTHER COUNTRIES!

    Countries who by the way would love to see America on her knees!

  11. So that's the republican answer?

    This is serious. No longer Democrat or Republican.

    I suppose I could answer your question with a question.
    What's the Democrat answer?

    10:35 & 7:00 am is making some thoughtful and pertinent points.
    Let's be careful not to dismiss them out of hand just because we don't/won't/can't see the points being made.
    That's what's happening in D.C. right now.

    Heaven help us.

  12. I thought the people in wisconsin were protesting the fact that the government was taking away their right to collective bargaining by destroying the unions?
    they were upset that the govt was taking away individual rights and giving more rights and power to big business.

  13. they were upset that the govt was taking away individual rights and giving more rights and power to big business.


    How do you figure that collective bargaining - where the decsions are made by a few union representatives and then voted on by the group - Is considered as an INDIVIDUAL'S RIGHT!

    (Do the rest of the individuals that might be
    effected (like the rest of the citizens - taxpayers/consumers/non- union workers who might be asked to pay) get represented or given a chance to VOTE?)

  14. - where the decsions are made by a few union representatives and then voted on by the group - Is considered as an INDIVIDUAL'S RIGHT!
    That is typical right wing spin.
    Its called workers rights, protecting workers rights.
    Do you honestly think an employer would treat employees fairly if there were not some protection in place?

    There are abuses in unions, but there are more abuses in businesses that do not have unions.
    they are a necessary evil.

  15. That is typical right wing spin.
    Its called workers rights, protecting workers rights.

    Sorry but your wrong!

    Because the Unions have lost sight of their their original mission/purpose!

    You can't tell me that tenure which really doesn't relate to performance is protecting the worker from the an unfair employer! It's really protecting a "worthless employee" from a "Fair" employer.

    I remember an aircraft employee who had several years with a company and union. Who said they can't do anything with me I been there too long! (Well now they just move the operation or company to another country!)

    Explain to me how a Public Employee like a teacher, Policeman, Fireman, or any other State employee can retire with years of service and age which equal a magic number? Then the average citizen gets his age for retirement at least Social Security and Medicare raised!

    Your answer is that its a privately funded retirement plan? KPERS is something like 7.7 billion dollars unfunded! Kansas is one of the few States where the TAXPAYERS are obigated to pay that debt!

    So, the Unions who set out to protect the Employees from "Unfair Employers" - have become an "Elite" set of clubs - who's members are better then everyone else!

    In Wisconsin - when did you think you would ever see - Public workers, Grown Adults, People with positions of resposibilty/authority!

    Acting like CHILDREN!


  16. Unions are a plague on this great nation. They once served a purpose in making sure that workers were treated fairly, but now they are corrupted, and only exist to push a political agenda and make their leaders wealthy.

    And under no circumstances should government employees be allowed to be unionized. Do away with the unions and let individual job performance decide who gets hire or fired.

  17. let individual job performance decide who gets hire or fired.
    I am assuming you have held a job? Surely you realized that job performance meant very little.
    I agree unions are abused and dont work all that well, but
    without them
    why would an employer pay overtime?
    why would an employer keep an injured person on the job?
    why would an employer behave ethically toward their employees?
    there has to be something that at least holds employers a little bit accountable.

  18. there has to be something that at least holds employers a little bit accountable.

    There is and they are called Lawyers and Judges and Laws! (A bunch of them!)

    The only problem is that they are thicker than fleas on a dogs back and turning out new ones every year!

    So, we create laws like Workman's Compensation and American with Disabilties Act! (Now to be fair I had a close relative with a progressive disabiltiy who ended up in a Wheel chair! I do appreciate the laws that require ADA appliances in NEW Construction, Remodling, and Public Places! I really don't expect everything to be recreated overnight! There are ways to accomodate the disabled without rebuilding the whole infrastructure!)

    But the point is that some of those laws are intentionally left open ended to allow for suits and settlements - and some of those laws are continually determined by decisions made in those cases!

    When the ADA was first introduced it was stated that it was up to the Employers/Companies to prove they couldn't accomodate a handicapped person if they applied for a specific JOB!

    Now work comp - you got to love this one - while its intent was probably for a just cause -it's turned into and Employers/Insurance comapnies nightmare and a Doctors and Lawyers
    DREAM COME TRUE! (Altough I think there are alot of Doctors who don't play their Game!)

    So, there are plenty of people who want to keep the Employers honest - so many that it turns out its uaually easier to move the Company/Corporation or at least parts of it to other COUNTRIES!

    Oh, yeah and then there are those UNIONS who are really a third party - that exists only for its own welfare and benefit! (They basically siphon money off the employer and employee!)
