Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What will the birthers say now

How will the birthers discredit this?


  1. They will, don't worry. This is actually a bonehead move by Obama. The Birthers were making their party look worse each day.

  2. Obama was smart enough to see (like I said last week when we were discussing this issue) that it was hurting his re-election chances that so many people had questions about his eligibility. (nevermind that he is one of the worst Presidents in history).

    Hopefully this puts the thing to rest, and the focus can be on him being a lousy President. But, I still have to wonder why he waited so long to do it, and if he will now release his college records.

    The first poster has it wrong. This issue was hurting him severely, and his advisors probably told him to release it to take some wind out of Trump's sails. If not for Trump, we would probably never have seen it.

  3. Here's what the omniscient, informed majority would say

  4. This issue was hurting him severely, and his advisors probably told him to release it to take some wind out of Trump's sails. If not for Trump, we would probably never have seen it.

    Now I have been wondering - if Oprah and Company will come out this next election and push for Obamas re-election!

    The rock star president - who went went around the World - hasn't turned out to be much of A ROCK STAR! (Besides I think Hillary has had it and might even fear for her life after the Wiki Leaks deal! Obama really jumped on that to protect his Administrator!)

    But, for now I'm glad Joe isn't President! (They would have to get a tele-promter that pokes him to keep him awake!)

    That would be a BFD!

  5. 4:56,

    What's your point? There are people of any political spectrum who believe things that the whole thinks is crazy.

    More than half of Democrats think Bush knew about 9/11 before it happened.

  6. This issue was hurting him severely, and his advisors probably told him to release it to take some wind out of Trump's sails.

    I'm not sure I have ever seen an Adminsistration and Adiviors that is as out of touch with the Majority as Obama's!

    Although, he is a Community Organizer at heart, his Adminsitration is tipped "Radical Left".


    Those Czars - unbelievable?

    Animals deserve legal representation? (Vann Jones)

    What did we ever do to deserve being "ruled" by a group who are so full of "Radical and Personal Agendas"!

    They really don't represent the average Citizens views or beiliefs in America!

    If I was one of those other countries in the World today! I'd think America wants to be a Third World Country!

    I hope Obama and Company don't succeed!

    I don't think Trump could/will be President!
    Although I think he knows how to get things done and do a DEAL! There are just too many "bleeding heart liberals" in positions of Power and Authority throughout the Country!

    The SHIP IS TAKING ON WATER and everyone is either too lazy, important or incompetent to BAIL IT OUT!

  7. 7:49, I agree with you completely. That goes back to what I said yesterday about ignorant people voting him inot office. It was obvious that he was radical when he was running, but a lot of people only saw a well spoken black man, and felt it was time for America to have a black President. I wish they had chosen more wisely. Nothing against him being black mind you. I'd love to see Herman Cain as POTUS, but Obama was just an overall bad choice, and has been one of the worst presidents in history.

  8. I'd love to see Herman Cain as POTUS,

    I'd like to see Colin Powell!


    maybe even West from Florida!

  9. Can you imagine what the media would do to either of these guys? Ha! Think they'd be as cozy as they are w/Pres. O.? I somehow kinda doubt it. Imagine if Clarence Thomas decided to run for office? (Oh, I forgot...I meant to say What they DID to Clarence Thomas)

    This is NOT about skin color. (though that came in quite handily to get the Black vote for Pres. O.) This is about idiology. Plain and simple. The media & Left love O. because he is the epitomy of all they love and believe. The Black skin is just a nice benefit to get the votes.
    Mark my words: If Pres. O was hard Right, things would be a WHOLE lot different.

  10. the 'birth certificate' is a fake. it was released just to distract from the fed. reserve press conf., first one since it's inception. With a slick group like obamas, you never want to pay any attention to what they are saying, and NOT doing; but rather what they are not saying, but ARE doing.

  11. From an article on CNN Money regarding an Executive order to make all contractors or pro-posed contractors disclos when they have given $5000.00 or more to apolitical party!


    This week, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable have indicated they would oppose the order that would affect those seeking federal contracts.

    Lobbyists stir about debt ceiling

    "This order is yet another example of regulatory overreach and redundancy that will add unnecessary cost and paperwork to business operations at the expense of workers and our economy," said Business Roundtable President John Engler in a statement. "Worse still, the president and his administration seem to be using the executive order powers for political purposes."

    The Chamber said the move would violate First Amendment rights and could lead to discrimination in contract awards based on political beliefs.

    "The (proposed executive order) injects a very real chance that prospective contractors that fund political causes unpopular with the government or the current administration may find that they don't get a contract award due to political discrimination," said Chamber spokeswoman Blair Latoff.

    An administration official told CNN Thursday that President Obama is considering the order as a way of reforming government contracting policies to "promote accountability, transparency and competition."

    This from a Guy and Adminstration who practices Transparency?

  12. See I knew it. You birthers would never admit you were wrong.
    Even now you have the piece of paper you wanted so badly, and you cant even admit you were wrong.
    I dont think it was hurting him at all.
    The people who hated him will still hate him.

    The last poster makes no sense.
    The prez seems to be callng for transparency and you are accusing him of not being transparent.
    Do you not know that even in Arkansas City you have to disclose your political contributions????
    To oppose that is crazy.

    How many contractors slip money to congressmen, or others, to get contracts???

    I was reading an article about how people really just cant accept that we have a black person as a president.
    Some people do seem to hate him an awful lot.
    It is kinda way over the top...
    Could it be that some people really cant accept a black president.,
    God, what if he was hispanic.....

    but is is telling .... birthers cannot even admit they were wrong.
    Just admit it and go on, its not that big of a deal.

  13. but is is telling .... birthers cannot even admit they were wrong.
    Just admit it and go on, its not that big of a deal.

    JJ, you're missing the point here. Even if that WERE a legitimate birth certificate, it states that his father was African.....which makes it clear that Obama is NOT a natural born citizen (both parents U.S. citizens). The imposter should be impeached...the sooner the better.

  14. "See I knew it. You birthers would never admit you were wrong."

    "but is is telling .... birthers cannot even admit they were wrong."


    No, I knew it. I knew as soon as I saw that post that you would lump every person who ever had any doubts about Obama's birthplace into the same group as that ONE PERSON on here who still doesn't believe it, or even if they do believe he was born in Hawaii, think there are other grounds for him not being eligible, such as his father being a British subject.

    You are so predictable JJ. I wouldn't put it past you to have written that post yourself just so you could write the follow up. All that I am hearing from talk radio or people on the right is that they are glad he finally cleared up the issue, and yes, they wonder why he waited so long to do it.

    But you just couldn't wait to lump all people who disagree with Obama into one big group.

    I also knew that you would jump on that Yahoo article about race that has been on Yahoo's front page for three or four days. If you read the article, you will see that the ones playing the race card, and saying that people hate Obama not because of his agenda or politics, but simply because he is black, are none other than Jesse "Never met a problem I couldn't make about race" Jackson, and the Reverand Al "send me your money so I can fight whitey" Sharpton. Are those the kind of people you want on your side of an issue?

    As I have said many times, the man's skin color makes no difference. I would dearly love to have a strong black conservative President like Herman Cain or Allen West in the White House.

  15. The last poster makes no sense.

    "Worse still, the president and his administration seem to be using the executive order powers for political purposes."

    So JJ,

    You think its OK to just make and sign Executive Orders as President that make policy or change the rules!

    I didn't post the whole article but in the first part it talked about how it was "LEAKED" that Obama was proposing or drafting this type of Executive Order!

    I am sorry but they are sneaking around and doing things through the BACK DOOR!

    Does it makes sense YET?

  16. "Birther" this, and "birther" that, how about the "Racers" who think that everyone who dislikes Obama's failed policies and horrible failures of office only dislike him because he is black? Those people are worse than the birthers.

  17. @12:30 p.m. Good Points. Is anyone on here old enough to remember Clarence Thomas' confirmation hearings. I remember he used the term "high-tech lynching".
    I have no idea what's a "birther". The only thing I do know is that if you asked for my birth cert. (which I had to show at the DMV) I would have said: "OK, just a's in the drawer, be right back" Here is my question: why would it take a man 2 YEARS to produce one?
    LOOK! I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT HIS *&^% BIRTH CERTIFICATE. I just think it's idiotic to wait so long. Now that I got that off my chest.

    Here is what I DO care about: (1) A national debt that's skyrocketing. (2)Illegal Immigration (3)A crazy "health-care" mess foisted on us against the will of most Americans (3)Social Security bankrupt(4)The States that are facing bankruptcy w/unfunded mandates via the "health-care" debacle (5)Soldiers not being able to do their jobs because of political correctness (6)Gays in the military.....Ohhhh Boy...I'm tired of writing...


  18. So JJ,

    You didn't like my cut and paste article from the on (4/13/11) about the problems Allen West is having as a Black Conservative? (Personal threats against he and his staff?)

    I don't think things are as BLACK and WHITE as people want to make them when it comes to Government and the Present Administration!

    Btw: There have been several other references to the "Firestorm" that conservative leaders are facing - they just never seem to show up on the Mainstream Media!
