Wednesday, April 20, 2011

here it is, birth certificate

and here is a link with some actual evidence

 so would birthers be convinced if he showed a new one?

what about
, the conspiracy would need to be even deeper than our colleagues realized. In late July, a researcher looking to dig up dirt on Obama instead found a birth announcement that had been published in the Honolulu Advertiser on Sunday, Aug. 13, 1961:

Obama's birth announcement

The announcement was posted by a pro-Hillary Clinton blogger who grudgingly concluded that Obama "likely" was born Aug. 4, 1961 in Honolulu.
Of course, it's distantly possible that Obama's grandparents may have planted the announcement just in case their grandson needed to prove his U.S. citizenship in order to run for president someday.


  1. You know I really don't care about his birth
    certificate - I don't have any problem with him being an African American.

    I just don't like his Socialist approach to Government!

    I don't like that he has already started his campaign for 2012! (He is back to pushing divisive ideas instead of unity or finding solutions (his are basically Socialistic) - the PUBS are also taking sides and drawing lines. Although I think they both know that the status quo for some things is not SUSTAINABLE!)

    I wish him well, but for now I hope he is a One Term President!

  2. JJ, JJ, JJ. I'm so disappointed in you. Did you look at either of the links posted in the other thread? That is the same "Certificate of live birth" that has been on the internet for a long time. That is NOT the actual long-form birth certificate which states the hospital and doctor's name that was in use at the time in Hawaii. One of the links shows an actual birth certificate from the day before or after Obama's birth.

    There HAS to be a reason that he does not want the long form one getting out. As the articles posted before point out, the long form birth certificate is nowhere to be found in Hawaii. There are a LOT of people in this country who have doubts about this issue. The simple task of showing his birth certificate, to assure the American people of his right to hold the office could gain Obama a LOT of votes.

    One HAS to wonder why he doesn't do it. Obama could clear it all up in ten minutes, but instead spends millions to continue hiding it.

    I read on drudge today that there is a book due out next month that reports say will solve the mystery once and for all. I hope that's true.

    I don't really care where he was born, but I do care that he has been instrumental in dragging this country to depths it hasn't seen before. I am certain he will be a one term president. Hopefully the GOP or Donald Trump doesn't screw it up and give us four more years of his lies and schemes. I don't think the country could take it.

  3. Looking back at your article, I see he was born August 4th, but the newspaper announcement didn't appear until the 13th?

    I guess the mail take awhile to get from Kenya to Hawaii.


  4. tom tom tom ... hawaii doesnt do the long form. there is no long form available because there never was one .. no one born in hawaii at that time has a long form
    And even if there was, im sure you would have a reason that its fake too.
    you know how newspapers are, they get behind.
    now it would be more interesting if the newspaper ad ran BEFORE the birth date ...

    i mean, come on man, there are actual issues and actual things you could criticize him for and actually have evidence and truth on your side.
    all this is doing is destroying his enemies crediblity ...
    you know, now that i think of it, what a brilliant conspiracy by the libs .. they planted this idea in some radical right wingers head, and egged him on .. and there ya go,
    heck, maybe the libs are even secretly paying all the websites that push the idea . why wont these websites and conservative publications open up their books eh ???
    what do you think of that for a conspiracy theory .. ?

  5. "Did you look at either of the links..."

    Answer: no. jj reads what he wants to read.

    At this point, it doesn't matter where Pres. O. was born. It's a mute discussion. What matters is that he has no clue what he's doing. When President Obama enters a room, he is easily the least qualified person there. He's never done anything of note. (oh..I forgot he got people out to vote) never ran a business, never had to make the hard decisions that make a man a man.

    In a word: We're $crewed.

  6. "hawaii doesnt do the long form. there is no long form available because there never was one .. no one born in hawaii at that time has a long form."

    I guess that answers my question about whether you read any of the links I provided. If you had, you'd know how wrong you are.

    From the article:

    "Long-form birth certificates from 1961 still exist, including one released by Susan Nordyke, who was born in Honolulu Aug. 5, 1961, the day after Obama's alleged birth."

    There is even a picture of it on the page. Take a second and read it. Be informed, and make your own decision, instead of just listening to the liberal spin for once.

    "i mean, come on man, there are actual issues and actual things you could criticize him for and actually have evidence and truth on your side."

    You mean like when I said "I don't really care where he was born, but I do care that he has been instrumental in dragging this country to depths it hasn't seen before." This thread is about his birth certificate. There are plenty of other opportunities to criticise him, that much is for sure.

    Like I said, I am not convinced he was born in Kenya, but I'm not convinced he wasn't either. He could put a stop to it very easily, yet refuses. I don't think it helps him when at least a quarter of the country has doubts about his qualifications simply because of this issue.

    (95% just have doubts based on all the rest of the issues he has fumbled.)

    One term and gOne! That's some hope and change we can feel good about!


    two days on the top 100 chart, and the book "Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President" by Corsi Jerome is number 1 on And it doesn't come out till May 17th.

    Looks like some people want answers. I guess America isn't as easily convinced (fooled?) (swayed?) as JJ is.

    Now let's see what the book has to say, or if the White House will step in and try to stop it from being released. Either way, it looks like it's going to be interesting.

  8. i saw the links, same as all the conspiracy links.
    my point is, that there are real issues you can bust him on.

  9. "...jj reads what he wants to read"

    Which may be why in a previous thread he came out yelling : "LETTER TO THE EDITOR". Obvious answer...he hadn't read it. jj will if jj wants to. jj will hear what jj wants to hear.
    IDC...I do care about what this President is doing to our country. That, my friend I care very deeply about.
    Why would we elect a man to lead the free world who has ZERO business, political (oh, I forgot he was a ONE term senator) and life experience.
    Answer: The average American is dumb as a rock.
    Let us hope that the damage that's being done can be shown for what it is before it's too late.
    For all our sakes.

  10. JJ - when will you learn? Pubs reject fact!!

  11. "my point is, that there are real issues you can bust him on."

    I guess you've never read ANY of my posts. :)

    This thread is about his birth certificate. There is smoke there. Maybe there is fire, and maybe there isn't, but there is definitely smoke. And, it hurts no one but Obama. And since he is the one who could end this debate, you have to wonder why he hasn't done it. Also, why does he refuse to released his school records? Bush, Kerry, and every other candidate in recent history has done so. Why does he spend so much money hiding his past? There MUST be something to hide.

    Another topic: With your religious side JJ, I'm surprised you haven't explored the Anti-Christ angle. I don't believe in that sorta stuff, but I do know people right here in AC who do. But, doesn't the bible say he will be a great charismatic leader, and that everyone in the world will love him? I think we can rule Obama out.

  12. "JJ - when will you learn? Pubs reject fact!!"

    Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

    Why don't you drop some fact on us liberal sniper? You have them all, don't you?

    Or, you could just continue slipping a snide comment in here and there, without contributing to the discussion in any way.

  13. You say "why doesn't he show..."
    so, if he did. would you say, ok then i guess youre a citizen ?
    no, you would say its fake or something. the birthers have proven this over and over. they are shown facts and they dismiss the facts.
    he has a valid visa, his birth certificate that i put up yesterday was good enough to get a visa years ago ...
    but you just dismiss it and say there is smoke ...

    it is like people who want to dismiss the bible as a total fake ..
    they are shown historical evidence, they say its not valid
    they are shown secular historical evidence, they say its not accurate.
    they are shown ...... the say ..
    i just think that is how it would be

  14. "You say "why doesn't he show..."
    so, if he did. would you say, ok then i guess youre a citizen ?"

    YES! You forget, I don't necessarily think he was born in Kenya, I just think he is hiding SOMETHING. You say I dismiss facts? You say I ignore the truth? You don't know me at all. There is nothing I have ever written on here that would lead you to that conclusion. What possible evidence do you have that speaks to that? Because I don't automatically believe what I am told without evidence?

    If Obama showed proof today that he was born in Hawaii, I would accept it.

    Did you really bring the bible into this dicussion?

  15. Off topic. I just came across this awesome video.

    Many students believe that it is moral to confiscate money from hard-working Americans and entrepreneurs and give it to those who didn't earn it, yet don't support the same philosophy when it is applied to their GPA scores.

  16. "it is like people who want to dismiss the bible as a total fake ..
    they are shown historical evidence, they say its not valid
    they are shown secular historical evidence, they say its not accurate.
    they are shown ...... the say .."

    There has never been historical evidence of a supernatural god who created us and watches over us. Never. Not one iota of evidence.
    There may be evidence that the bible got some things right, but nothing supernatural. No evidence of a burning bush, or angels, or fitting millions of species of animals on a boat, or living inside a whale for three days, or walking on water, etc etc etc.
    Those things are believed only on faith. So either stop saying there is proof, or show some. I'm sure that every religious scholar in the world would visit this site if word got out you had proof of god. Since none of them have been able to come up with any.


    You started it.

  18. Tom - 11:28
    Yeah, that's pretty much the same thing.
