Monday, March 29, 2010

Holy Week services

Holy Week Services
Churches present daily services this week in Arkansas City, leading up to Easter, which is next Sunday. Here is the schedule.

Monday, March 29:

Noon: First Presbyterian Church; Speaker: Pete Seidel
Lunch to be served after the service.
7 p.m. Blessing Heights; Speaker is Jackie Vogele

Tuesday, March 30th

Noon: First United Methodist Church; Speaker: James Newman
Lunch will be served after the service.

Wednesday, March 31st

Noon: Central Christian Church; Speaker is Russ Fincham.
Lunch will be served after the service.
5:30 p.m.
Passover Seder Supper; Shephard's Grace Church

Thursday, April 1st

Noon: First Baptist Church: Speaker is Andrew Rollins.
Lunch will be served after the service.

Friday, April 2nd

Noon: Harvest Fellowship; Speaker is babe Standerfer
No meal served after service for it has been set aside for fasting.

Donations are being requested for the meals to help defray the costs.

Taking a break on politics

Here are two articles that I like a lot. A couple of readers have complained about all the politics. But My whole point in all that was to show the futility of right versus left.
So I have gotten tired of it too. This will be my last post on politics for awhile.
Here is an article by a college professor about "big Government" and how it takes away your freedom ... or maybe it doesn't.

Here is an editorial about the rage over obama-care, and what the rage is really all about.

Have at it, but they are both long articles and should be interesting to people who want to actually think about issues.

Obama's easter

Im just curious as to how Republicans would attack this....
Obama having the Seder Meal with his staff members and family.
Just as Democrats attacked anything Bush did, now Republicans attack anything Obama does. Same game, different verse. So I was just curious as to how this would be attacked.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

political fighting

More politics. Obama made a bunch of appointments while the Senate is on recess, circumventing the normal procedure. This means the senate does not get to approve them. Here is the link to the story.
Also here is a quote from the story ... just to show that its politics as usual

Both Republican and Democratic presidents have made recess appointments, which circumvents the Senate's authority to confirm nominees, when they could not overcome delays. President George W. Bush made more than 170 such appointments in his two-term presidency. President Bill Clinton made nearly 140.

TIF questions

Someone posted these questions earlier, on more than one string. Here are my answers.

, so tell me about the TIF. What the heck is it?
A Tax Increment Finance district, is a means of financing. A piece of blighted property qualifies. Blighted does not mean the appearance or condition, but is just a legal definition of a property that is not being utilized to its fullest potential. So a vacant lot is a blighted property because it is not being utilized.
Here is how a TIF works. It pays for infrastructure. The company pays its taxes, and those taxes are put into a special account to pay for infrastructure. The company pays taxes as usual, there is no tax break here, that is not what is happening.
Hopefully the city gets a decent development and uses the tax money to pay for it, so the city is not out any money either. The developer still has to pay for the actual building project itself.
The money used to pay for infrastructure is generated through the new business. The money would not be there if the business were not built.
One controversy is whether it should be only used for industrial, or whether retail is good for it oo.

Why do the people want it so bad, especially the city commissioners?

Because they see it as a very good and easy way to grow the city. It is a way to get a new business, and some infrastructure paid for without using city money. . it’s a way to get a development for free, in essence.
The current thing the city is working on, is not necessarily a TIF. It is just creating an area for development. ANY kind of financing can be used there. It could be TIF, but it could also be anything else you could think of. It could even be on a cash basis.

And what is really interesting, now we don't hear a peep out of any of them so much against it before. Why is that? What is different this time?

I think because they realize it is not limited to a TIF. And I think some realize that we missed the boat before. There is also an election not that far away, and some people will be up for reelection.
It is different this go around, and I think that is why there is no outcry. This is being done from the inside, and not an outside company . that does make a difference.

I know there is a HUD project or something for housing that ACI is wanting to build, and that should bring in people. And there are big box stores, probably another Lowe's coming, and even a quick passing comment about a new place to eat (LOL...probably Montana Mike's). But, why have we not heard the outcry as we did before?
I think people are realizing that we need to do something. Its not just one thing that will do it, You have to do everything. Its not just housing, not just getting more people, not just industry, not just retail. Just one of those by itself isn’t the answer. You have to work on all of it at the same time.
I think we are getting some good leadership. And people are realizing that progress needs to be made, and that perhaps the naysayers are not really the majority.
Those that supported progress were not vocal enough last time. I think they are now..

Something is fishy here. Could Mr. Eaton have changed his mind since he sits on the board of ACI now?

Ive no idea if he has changed his mind or not. I don’t even know if he is on the ACI board or not,.. He is a good guy, but he doesn’t really control the city.
I think there has been a shift in attitude ..
iI think the fishy thing here is that getting the big box booted was a wakeup call.
Some leaders have finally woken up.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A good post

Here is a post someone put up on another thread yesterday. I liked it, so thought I would make it a post of its own.

This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US Department of Energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the National Weather Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built, and launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I watched this while eating breakfast of US Department of Agriculture inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the Food and Drug Administration.

At the appropriate time as regulated by the US Congress and kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the US Naval Observatory. I get into my National Highway Traffic Safety Administration approved automobile and set out to work on the roads built by the local, state, and federal departments of transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the Environmental Protection Agency, using legal tender issued by the Federal Reserve bank. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to send via the US Postal Service and drop the kids off at the public school.

After work, I drive my NHTSA car back home on the DOT roads, to a house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and fire marshal's inspection, and which has not been plundered of all it's valuables thanks to the local police department.

I then log on to the internet which was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration to post on and Fox News forums about how SOCIALISM in medicine is BAD because the government can't do anything right.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Town Hall Meeting

City Commissioners held their Town Hall meeting Thursday evening. The live blog did not work out, but here is a blow by blow account of the meeting. I was typing fast and it is unedited. but this is exactly what was said.
Here is a link to the material.

If this doesn't work, click here to go to the website.

Tonight's meeting

I am still going to try to live blog the meeting. Not totally sure it will work, but we shall see. Tune in anyway and see.
Even if not, ill go ahead and type it up as it were, and you can read a blow by blow account later.

Gardening column

The latest gardening column has been posted.
Here is a link to it.
Also, Joyce will be doing a program tonight at 6:30 at the library, on taking care of your plants.
Also cop notes have been posted on the site. Now I have Winfield and Cowley County Sheriff notes as well.
Remember the town hall meeting tonight at 7.
That's about all for me today on here. I need to get to work.

Hating hate speech law

Here is a story im surprised the "media" has not really picked up on.
The very conservative Ann Coulter had her tour in Canada canceled because she engaged in "hate speech."
Here is a link to the story

I dont care much for Coulter. She is a very mean spirited nasty person, but ... I dont agree with any hate speech laws. Of course, it is the law in Canada. You cant criticize muslims, or gays .. but you can criticize whites, jews, christians ect.
Anyway, they pretty well shut her down there.
I would really hate to see any kind of law like that here.
Freedom of speech should include hate speech. You cant really even define hate speech. THAT is a slippery slope to losing freedom of speech.

Here is another story .. about the girl in mississippi who wanted to take her girlfriend to the prom, and she wanted to wear a tuxedo. School officials canceled the prom after the ACLU got involved, and then a federal judge ruled against the school board.
There is going to be a private prom now, held by parents. They didn't say if they would let the girl bring her girlfriend to that.
This is an example of tyranny of the minority.

political games

Republicans are using any means possible to try to stop health care reform.
Here is a link to the story about the maneuvers.
They are just using technicalities to try to stop the bill. Not sure it will succeed, but it is just another example of political games.
Now Republicans were criticizing Democrats for using political games and tricks to get the thing passed, now they are using political games and tricks to try to derail it. Just another example of political hypocrisy that makes people cynical.
Democrats have done the same thing, but that doesn't make it right.
It is just laughable when one party criticizes the other for using political tricks to try to get what they want.

Here is another link about violence and threats against democratic lawmakers who supported the health care reform.

This was what i was talking about the other day, with the level of anger and so forth. It is a bit scary. I just wonder who or what is really behind stirring people up so much.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More fear busters

Here is another link that shows the falseness of some of the fear being peddled out there.
here is the link

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Slowing the spin

Here is an AP article about spin involved in the health care bill.
Now before you go hollering that im a socialist etc., realize, it points out falsehoods on both sides. HERE is the link
There is plenty of spin going on by both parties. but I do think the hysteria of the republicans is just a bit over the top on this.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Town Hall meeting set

The Arkansas City Commission will hold a Town Hall meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Senior Center. The meeting is being held to gather public opinion on a variety of issues.
You may ask about anything you like
Depending on how many people show up, time for each speaker may be limited.
City officials want to hear what is on your mind, and what you want them to do.
I will try to have a live blog going. It is a bit iffy at this point, so again, don't be totally surprised if it doesn't work. You should be at the meeting anyway.

At the same time, Arkansas City Police Chief Sean Wallace will be holding a special program at the Brown Center on the Cowley College campus on underage drinking.
There will be presentations by officers, and a speaker who was seriously injured in an alcohol related car wreck, will address the audience.
Wallace says there is a serious problem with underage drinking in Arkansas City.

1-800-PetMeds RX/392x72.gif

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Crunch time

Looks like a big night in D.C. with the health care vote.
The bill will not fund abortions as per a deal worked out Sunday. Here is the link.

Here is a link to a live blog.

The battle wont be over though. But it should be interesting anyway.
Also interesting was the immigration reform protesters gathered at the capitol ... looks like bad timing to me. how are they going to be heard in the midst of the health care thing?
But that may well be the next hot button issue. Both sides want some sort of reform though, so ...  maybe they will work together ... too much to hope for i know.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Im putting a few more pictures on the web site.
Also on the site there is a link to a story about a wreck Friday night at strother field.

Friday, March 19, 2010

snow coming ?

National weather service is predicting snow, and a good bit of it.
Here is what the NWS says:

Now I know they do give worst-case scenario, but still, it is likely to get really cold and some snow should fall.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

AP Stories of note

There are some more interesting stories out there about health care.
One that caught my eye was that some states are trying to prevent it by passing laws, citing state's rights.
CLICK HERE for the story
You know some states in the south tried that once and it didn't work out too well. South Carolina also tried to opt out of no child left behind, but was told by the supreme court it had to. Anyways, i think the culture war could be getting to the point that we could have another civil war.
If we do, Im moving to Mexico. Still wont take sides.

Another story is about FOX "news" interviewing Obama. I put news in quotes because i dont consider it a real news network. Its the republican news network. I know, CNN is pretty liberal, and you could say its just as bad as Fox but on the other side. I think FOX is just a tad more blatant. but its just a matter of degree.
Here is the link to the story.
You know how history repeats. In the early days of newspapers, there was no pretense that they were not for political purposes. Papers were created to promote political ideology, and it was very open and straight forward. There's a great story from the late 1800's in South Carolina about the governor and the editor of the newspaper getting into a fracas on the steps of the statehouse. The governor shot and killed the editor, and was acquitted because the jury ruled he had a right to defend his honor.
I really think we are headed back in that direction. Not necessarily shootouts on the capitol steps, but .. news organizations that promote ideologies, and less pretense of objectivity.
We are all human , especially journalists, and at times journalists forget that. They dont realize they are being biased. It works both ways though. I dont think one side has the market cornered on bias. But maybe it would be better to just be blatant and straightforward about bias.
What if they said ... here is the news from the liberal perspective or the conservative perspective. Maybe it would be better.?

Here is my third offering of the morning. There is the final push now for health care reform. According to the latest figures, the package would cost a lot, but would actually reduce the deficit over the next 10 years.
Here is the link

It may get passed this weekend. Then we will move on to the next battledfield, more politics as usual.

New garden column posted

This flower is a Lenten Rose, which is the latest flower to come up in our yard. Crocus and daffodils are already coming up. Spring time is here. With that in mind, the latest gardening column has been posted on the site.  Here is a link to the page. My wife, Joyce, who is also a local gardening guru, is now writing the column. Other columnists are still wanted for other topics. She plans to write something every few days, maybe not on a regular schedule.
You may also send questions to her at the site's address. 
Cop notes have also been updated.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Braketology, more health care

Here are two stories I thought were interesting.
Obama fills out his NCAA BKB bracket. Im sure he will get criticized for doing that, just as Bush would have been criticized. The partisanship of politics today is disgusting, which is why I dislike both parties and dont buy into the world view of liberals or conservatives.
Now that ive ticked everyone off, here is the story about obama's bracket

One way to help with the national debt, would be to take advantage of the prez' love of basketball. We could have a lottery, pay $5 a ticket, and the winner gets a pickup game with Obama? be fun eh?

and here is a story about how middle income people cant afford insurance NOW ....

Im having some technical difficulty on the site . hope to get stuff posted before too long.
Live blog is back and seems to be working pretty well.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

another AP story, live blogs

Down to the wire on health care. above story talks about hardball being played by sides.
Done forget the live blog a city commission at 7

Tuesday City Commission / Live Blog

Just a reminder about the city commission meeting at 7 tonight. I will try to do a live blog again. I think it will work, we shall see.
Im busy with a freelance project this morning. I will try to get the site updated later on this morning or early this afternoon.
It was kind of interesting at the work session last Thursday to learn that the area proposed for the TIF disrict two years ago was not accurate. Some part of it would not have qualified for the TIF, so had it passed, it would have had to have been done again. I was just a misread of the land maps i guess.
 Its not really a big deal. They just need to re-draw the map and put stuff in the right place. So it gets put off a month or two.
People need to remember too, they are not creating a TIF district. They are creating an economic development district. Any type of financing could be considered there - including a TIF.
Anyways, it will likely get put off tonight because of the map problem.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Dotcom birthday

Today is the 25th anniversary of the dotcom revolution. Amazing to think that it was just 25 years ago that the first web site with the name dot com came into existence.
Here is a link to a story.
and here is a link to some pretty cool graphics. 
that show and explain the growth.

The farce in Washington

This week is make or break week in Washington, concerning the health bill.
You all know that I generally think reform is a good idea, and that health care should be extended to all Americans regardless of ability to pay.
Of course, politics is involved, and that makes it much more complicated.
Ive said for awhile that reforming insurance - which seems to be what is being done now - is not what would make the most sense.
Anyways, here is a story from the Drudge Report, which I thought was interesting.
 Its more about the politics involved.
 The whole debate has done nothing but make my cynical attitude toward government even stronger. The only real difference is that I don't think the Republicans would be any better at all if they were in power.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Check the gardening column on the site

Here is a link to the garden page.

Daylight Savings Time

I nearly missed this, but Daylight Savings Time starts tonight. Set you clocks ahead an hour.
Ive long thought that changing the time twice a year is silly. Do you all think its a good idea? DOes it actually save energy?

Chile going it alone

Just thought this was interesting. The earthquake in Chile, and the aftershocks - were stronger and caused more damage than the Haiti quake did.
But Chile is in much better financial condition and can take care of itself for the most part. Here is a link to the story.

Different forms of government work in different places. They are fairly socialistic. It is good to know that there are countries in good financial condition.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Good morning

I was able to live blog the city commission work session last night. Hopefully Ill be able to continue that. My computer is a little strange at times.
Interesting idea about the library. There may be some federal funding available to help. They are going forward with applications and such.
Ill try to get some more info on that.

On an unrelated item. I see the dems may use the "nuclear option" of reconciliation to get health care passed. Of course pubs are up in arms over it. But both sides have used that several times, so its not that big ofa deal. Pubs have used it a few times themselves.
Another thing to consider. What reconciliation does is prevent a filibuster. A filibuster blocks a bill from passing. So, how can republicans object to a political maneuver when they were planning their own political maneuver?
Just politics as usual.
Be interesting to see how it plays out.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

live blog

City Commission

Slight chance i might be able to live blog.
Apologies in advance if it doesnt work, but ill try to put updates from the meeting in here as i can

Thursday update

Thursday already.
Cop notes are updated, also added to the site stories about all region and all conference basketball for Cowley.
City Commission work session is today at 5:30 p.m. Here is what is on the agenda:
Beautification advisory board good neighbor award.
Acceptance of a sculpture in the center of the US 77 Kansas Ave, round-a-bout.
Updating ordinance governing selling from automobile.
Resolution to participate in natural hazard mitigation with county and school officials.
Resolution re-confirming support for the qualifying regional strategic plan and ask the state to reconfirm the county as an enterprise zone.
Set town hall meeting for March 25
Cancel public hearing regarding creation of a redevelopment district.
Not on the agenda: The library project will probably be discussed.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

big 12 basketball

Big 12 basketball tournaments start today. The Big 12 has a nice web site and has more info on games than you might ever want. You may follow them there if you are at work. :)
Here is a link to the men's tournament.

Here is a link to the women's tournament

Should be a fun tournament. March is my favorite time of year from a sports perspective.


Some new cop notes are posted.
Also, we started the new gardening column yesterday. It is that time of year when people who garden start to get crazy ... er, busy.
She will be writing something at least once a week, and we will try to get useful information up there for gardening.
City commission work session is this week. There are some things going on a city hall that could get interesting.
Ill keep you all posted.

I am wondering what you all want to talk about. Im feeling like the health care thing is beaten to death. No one is going to change his or her mind, and all the politicians are just politicking - so nothing positive will probably happen out of that. It just seems like both sides are just posturing - no matter what happens - their only goal is to spin it their way.
politics as usual at the capitol. There's no change we can believe in - but even if he really tried, the other side would do all they could to prevent it. Its not any different than when Bush was in power. Whatever he did, the dems were all over themselves attacking ... now whatever Obama does - the pubs are all over themselves attacking. Nothing at all has changed since Obama came into power- just the players have switched roles.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Palin health care in Canada

Seems that Sarah Palin used to cross over into Canada for health care.
Here is a link to the story.
Yet she rails along with other pubs about how awful it is and how bad our reform would be.
It was a big deal to some that the canadian official went to the u.s., so this should be too i guess.

Spring is here

Starting today there is a new gardening page on the web site. It is more about flowers, but ... as our gardening guru says, plants are plants, so it should be relevant to any kind of gardening.
Im working on a story. Check back later in the morning.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Police plan update on missing man in Winfield

By Shane Farley
A press conference has been set for 10 a.m. Tuesday at City Hall in Winfield.
Police are expected to update the media in regard to the search for Richard May, who's been missing since December. Authorities would not comment on what would be discussed.
NewsCow will provide live coverage from the press conference.


Police are reporting that someone was arrested for passing fake money. Also, an unrelated drug arrest was made yesterday.
These stories (You may always read the entire story) are on the web site.

Also, Cowley's indoor track team did well at the nationals, with two individual national champions and a third place finish for the women.

New blogs

I have created two new blogs. One is on the site, where I intend to write columns and opinion pieces.
Depending on how it goes, it could eventually replace this one. It would just be a different location.
Also, Ive started up a prayer blog, which is here.
There will be other people contributing to this one. You may post prayers there, as well as inspirational thoughts.
Comments are allowed, but I will use a heavy hand in deleting anything that is not on topic or that is overly negative.

more earthquakes

There was another earthquake. This one was in Turkey and caused a good bit of damage.
Here is the link to an AP story.

As it says toward the end of the story, earthquakes are really pretty common, and we are not having more than usual. They happen all the time, sometimes even really strong ones, but no one notices except those that are keeping track.
Here is a link to a site that shows earthquake activity worldwide.
You can see there were two in the last week near Oklahoma City.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Outdoors writer is back

I have posted a new column from our hunting and fishing writer - Thomas Stalnaker.
He is a true revolutionary in the sense intended by the creation of this site ... and a pretty good hunting and fishing writer as well.
Read it at the site ...

story on party politics

Here is a link to an AP story about the history of partisan politics. Pretty good read.
Seems like the current nastiness isnt all that new.
 Here is a quote from the story
The Congressional Quarterly, which tracks voting trends, says that in 2009 both House and Senate Democrats voted with their party 91 percent of the time on votes where the two parties were at odds. That was at or near record levels of unity for both. House and Senate Republicans were nearly as unified. 

Cowley basketball team loses

Cowley men's basketball team loses a close one, 79-75 to Seward at the regional tournament in Wichita. here is a link to the final box score.
Cowley's season ends with a 21-11 record. The story is now on the main site,
The Cowley women play tomorrow at 3 p.m.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Cowley women win

Lady Tigers rally to beat Garden City 54-46, advance to semifinals

Ending its game against Garden City on a 19-4 run, the Cowley College women's basketball team rallied from a seven-point deficit (42-35) in the final 7:20 to win 54-46 and advance to the semifinals of the Region VI Tournament played at Wichita State University's Charles Koch Arena.
Cowley will play Seward County Sunday at 3 p.m. at Wichita State University's Charles Koch Arena. The Lady Saints are 30-2 after beating Coffeyville 80-69 on Friday.
As for the Lady Tigers' game against Garden City, Cowley found themselves down by as many as 11 points (30-19) early in the second half before making its comeback.
Cowley is now 21-10 on the season. Garden City ends the year with a record of 16-15.
Sophomore Gianna Woods, the team's leading scorer, picked up her second foul less than seven minutes into the contest and had to take a seat on the bench for the remainder of the first half. Woods did not score her first points of the game before hitting a pair of free throws with 10:48 left.
Woods' first basket made the score 35-31 with 8:57 showing on the clock. Woods' two free throws with 5:27 left capped an 8-0 run to put Cowley on top 43-42. Another basket by Woods with three minutes left capped a 12-0 run and put Cowley ahead by five (47-42).

Go to the web site for the full story and the box

Consolidating ideas

Personals Yahoo! Personals

(Cop notes are posted)
The idea has been brought up of getting a city representative on the county commission. One from Winfield and one from Ark City. Of course, that still leaves out the smaller towns like Dexter, Cambridge etc.
I am not sure about how that will work of whether it is needed.
But it is an interesting idea.
At last Tuesday's meeting Ark City approved giving the county a seat on the strother field commission. Which is essentially what Ark City is asking the county for. I am no sure if Winfield passed it.
There are a lot of legalities and things to consider.
This is just my idea, but, what if there was some consolidation of local government. Do we really need a separate municipal government in addition to county government? There are only 30,000 or so people in the county, so it wouldnt be that hard to have one government for all.
Some areas have done that, combined the city and county governments. Mostly it has been larger cities, such as Nashville, Tennessee. Might be something to think about.

On a personal note. I am real busy right now with a writing project. I hope to get back to putting more into the site and to here soon. Thanks for your understanding.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

more smoker in chief

Here is a link on obama smoking.. click below

Smoker in chief

The prez had his annual checkup, and was pronounced in fine health. The doc said he needs to quit smoking.

Here is a link to an AP story

and to another story from cbs

As one addicted, I think I can speak to this. The prez says he only lights up occasionally and continues to use nicotine replacement therapy - nicotine gum.
From experience, I don't think people can really be "occasional" smokers. You're either a tobacco junkie or you are not. The prez is in denial, and that's not a river in Egypt.
It is a very strong drug. and very addictive. I dont think ive ever met anyone who honestly only smoked once in awhile except for a couple people who puffed on a cigar once a year or so.
The story goes in to great detail about his checkup, as they always do. Do you really want to know that much about the exam?

Coffee or tea?

Here we go.
First we had the tea party, and now there is the coffee party.
Here is a link to the story.
Its like I said about the tea party. im not necessarily a fan, but what I do like is that people are thinking along these lines. The pubs and dems days as the only choices are numbered. People are just tired of all the fighting, and are realizing that there are other options.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Salvation Army bell ringers

Cowley County Salvation Army.
The Cowley County Salvation Army held its annual community dinner Saturday, and recognized several people who helped with the bell ringing, and throughout the year. Here are those that were recognized.

For bell ringing
Rotary Club, $3,648
KSOK $2,384
Elaine Rankin $1,602
Kiwanis $1,198
City of Winfield $1,079
Volunteer of the year : Ark City Middle School, and Sarah Odonnel.
Media award: KSOK
Harry Long Award – Gail McPherson
Community Service Award – Mell Kuhn
Heart to God, Hand to man award – Kanyon Gingher

More health care

Cop notes are posted. I did it a bit different today, so let me know how that works.

Story in the New York Times about how Pelosi is planning on ramming through the House Health Care Bill.
There is some sort of political maneuver that will allow the dems to push it through without any cooperation from the pubs.
Here is a link to the story

What is more interesting to me is the move itself. Should a politician do what he or she thinks is right, regardless of public opinion?