Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Palin health care in Canada

Seems that Sarah Palin used to cross over into Canada for health care.
Here is a link to the story.
Yet she rails along with other pubs about how awful it is and how bad our reform would be.
It was a big deal to some that the canadian official went to the u.s., so this should be too i guess.


  1. Reading the article, it seems like she was less than six years old when her family went across the border close to where they lived to see the Doctor.

    Nowhere near the same thing as an adult leaving his own country to seek help. Six year old children do what their parents do. period. they have no opinion and no say in the matter.

    Feeble attempt. Very Feeble.

  2. good call, 3:03 p.m.--and such is the way with the media nowadays. they defend the politicians that are caught outright in a manipulation or distorting of facts if they are progressive, then turn around and distort or manipulate information concerning public figures they (the media) consider to be conservative.

  3. Well, at least SG read it. Cheap shot jj. One has to wonder if you even read it before trying to shove it on us. Oops, we can read. jj, you're making yourself look bad. Question: when you were 6 yrs. old, did you tell your parents which Dr. you wanted? hmmm. And...I STILL have a problem with the Canadian Premier. I don't fault him for wanting good care, I just can't stomach the hypocrisy.



  4. One has to wonder if you even read it before trying to shove it on us.

    Hey in all fairness to JJ, he probably didn't read the article. Most likely he just did the patented JJ Cut-N-Paste (tm)

  5. lol @ the trademark.

  6. What Palin said: "My first five years of life we spent in Skagway, Alaska, right there by Whitehorse. Believe it or not – this was in the ‘60s – we used to hustle on over the border for health care that we would receive in Whitehorse. I remember my brother, he burned his ankle in some little kid accident thing and my parents had to put him on a train and rush him over to Whitehorse and I think, isn’t that kind of ironic now. Zooming over the border, getting health care from Canada."


    It is sad how badly the liberals want to hurt this woman. Do they fear her THAT much?

  7. Her parents had the choice, and took her there. THAT is the point.
    They must not have thought it was so bad.

    The guy from Canada, OWNS a condo in miami. he must live there at least part of the time.

  8. The "guy from Canada" was a Canadian Premier who sought treatment in America because he wanted the best healthcare he could get, and he could afford to pay for it, instead of waiting in line and getting shoddy healthcare in Canada under their socialist system.


    Sarah Palin was five years old when her parents took her brother across the border to Canada where they could get healthcare for a leg injury. From reading the article, it seems it was the closest place (still not very close), and it probably didn't hurt that it was cheap. I don't think it was as much a case of "not thinking it was so bad" as it was going to what was available. For example, I have been to the Ark City Hospital on several occassions in my life. Given my drothers, I'd go somewhere else, but sometimes it's all we got, and it usually is fine for small things. However, If it was something life threatening, and I had a choice, you can bet your @ss I'd be going elsewhere.

    There is no comparison. Anyone trying to make it look anywhere near the same has an axe to grind with Palin or the conservative movement.

  9. JJ,

    This attempt to polarize the "pubs" is so bush league (no pun intended). (btw, if you can't spell republicans, you could use "GOP" for short, the "pubs" thing is tired)

    She goes to a Canadian medical facility when she is six and you call this news?

    I guess the weather is getting warmer and the insects are starting to hatch.

    Notwithstanding, the blog is appreciated. Thanks JJ

  10. Well ill admit using "pubs" as sort of a jab at them, but you must admit that I also use "dem" in the same fashion.
    I think both parties need to get over themselves and put the good of the country first.
    Partisan politics is a bigger problem than anything else.

    Are there any other subjects you would like to talk about?
    Something strange - with my computer i guess - but i cannot comment with my name now.

  11. I think the real story about the Canadian who came to the US to have a procedure done on his heart. Was that the type procedure he had couldn't be done in Canada!
    The would have had to "Break Bones". In other words crack open his chest to do the procedure in Canada! (Their doctors told him they couldn't do same type surgery he could get in the US!)
    In the US they only made entry through his side! Less time to heal and a far less invasive type surgery. Performed by a surgeon who had do thousnads of those or similar type procedures!
    The REAL STORY is that when Government gets involved with their cost controls?
    That type of inovation and progress in healthcare will most likely CEASE!


    I hope somewhere people can see past the politics! Its about who and what we are as a Country thats really at STAKE!

  12. ^
    Sorry for the mispells I got rushed!

  13. From CNN/Fortune:


    Read the article to get the current math used to justify the Obama Healthcare bills.

    It appears that in the end we will have to borrow 600 billion to by 2019 to pay for a plan that takes effect in 2014!
    Doesn't sound like it designed to reduce the deficit?
