(Cop notes are posted)
The idea has been brought up of getting a city representative on the county commission. One from Winfield and one from Ark City. Of course, that still leaves out the smaller towns like Dexter, Cambridge etc.
I am not sure about how that will work of whether it is needed.
But it is an interesting idea.
At last Tuesday's meeting Ark City approved giving the county a seat on the strother field commission. Which is essentially what Ark City is asking the county for. I am no sure if Winfield passed it.
There are a lot of legalities and things to consider.
This is just my idea, but, what if there was some consolidation of local government. Do we really need a separate municipal government in addition to county government? There are only 30,000 or so people in the county, so it wouldnt be that hard to have one government for all.
Some areas have done that, combined the city and county governments. Mostly it has been larger cities, such as Nashville, Tennessee. Might be something to think about.
On a personal note. I am real busy right now with a writing project. I hope to get back to putting more into the site and to here soon. Thanks for your understanding.
This entire issue is a non-issue in my opinion. Ark City already has representation on the county commission in the person of our elected commissioner from this area. I think the city commission is out of line in pushing for representation for Ark City by appointing one of THEM on the county commission.
ReplyDeleteAnd James, I totally disagree with you on the subject of combining the local governments into one entity. Our system is set up to function from the township on up. What you're proposing sounds too much like socialism (or worse). We need LESS government, not more.
What you're proposing sounds too much like socialism (or worse). We need LESS government, not more.
Ah, is the charge of socialism what everyone uses for every occasion now?
Actually, one governing body instead of 10 would be less government, not more :)
I don't think the Cities having representation on the County Commission board is necessarily a bad thing. With the US 77 Business Corridor and Strother Field they are already linked together on issues regarding any potential growth in those areas. (Strother Commission/Cowley First)
ReplyDeleteI think it was metioned somewhere that a similar plan was proposed before but rejected!
It actually might be a benefit when trying to attract new business or even in the past when we had a chance at Cenessa. It might allow for a sharing of information that would result in better options and planning!
If, however, there is a specific agend that is behind the request? (like a tif?)
I think there would still be enough balance and understanding within that group of five commissioners to keep things in Check!
ReplyDeleteIt may be less governing agencies. But it would be a BIGGER government. And when has bigger government ever been the answer?
well i dont know if its a good idea or not. it was just a thought.
ReplyDeleteBut it would not be bigger, it would be smaller.
Now you have overlapping services.
What if there was only one police force, instead of AC pd, Winfield pd, Sheriff etc., ..
What if there was only one police force, instead of AC pd, Winfield pd, Sheriff etc., ..
ReplyDeleteWe would probably save alot of money but Im not sure how you would blend the egos attached.
"What if there was only one police force, instead of AC pd, Winfield pd, Sheriff etc., .." Another word for that is KGB. That only works in police states.
ReplyDeleteWhat if there was only one police force, instead of AC pd, Winfield pd, Sheriff etc., ..
ReplyDeleteWhy not just use the Military?
I think you already know why!
some people are just too paranoid.
ReplyDeleteHey maybe we should have 4 police departments in ark city, just to keep em honest.
make kansas ave the north and south line, and summit east and west. those could be the four police depts.
some people are just too paranoid.
ReplyDeleteWell the trend is toward gated communities!
But, there would be a big fight on where to put those Gates!
What do you expect from people JJ? A capitalist society is a society without a conscience,its all about me and to hell with everyone else in each aspect of life. It is unforgivable that so many people in our country is suffering. No, a socialist society is not the answer either but maybe adding a dab into the mix could perfect our country. I laugh when people really think those politicians (especially the republicans) have their best interests in mind.
ReplyDeleteThat kind of thinking has been going on for years. When I was a kid every one was afraid of being a "commie thug". Of course it was Castro that they were all afraid of, and the other super power Russia.
ReplyDeleteA socialist society is all about government and no one else, I think some people over use the term socialist. People are afraid of change, thats it in a nut shell. I can't imagine how the people of our country reacted to income tax when it first started, probably the same way they are to health care reform. Think about it!
I have read articles about things like public education. 100 years ago people were adamantly against the idea.
ReplyDeleteI remember one article in 1900 railing about how the county (this was in South carolina) wanted to spend $100 on public education that year.. that was for all the kids in the entire county.
only 30,000 in the county. lets see ark city and winfield have only about 25,000 hummmmm!d. sorry i live in the county. heck of a lot less taxes!
ReplyDeleteA capitalistic society is a society without a conscience, its all about me and to hell with everyone else in each aspect of life. It is unforgivable that so many people in our country are suffering.
ReplyDeleteYou really don't think I'm going to let you get away with that statement and not respond DO YOU?
It wasn't capitalism that created Welfare.
or Social Security/Medicare and Medicaid!
It wasn't capitalism that created Unions.
It wasn't capatilism that created tax breaks.
It wasn't capitalism that created Immigration.
It wasn't capitalism that created businesses
that were to big to fail.
They would have failed! Or competition would
have limited their growth/size.
It wasn't Capitalism that created a government
with a huge and growing deficit!
Capitalism will always seek a balance between supply and demand! It hates surpluses as well as shortages!
It is usually manipulation by some outside source that causes it to fail! (Creates excesses or perpetuates shortfalls.)
Capatilism isn't all about me and to hell with everyone else! Its about the more you contribute the greater your reward. (Not just about participation/I want things my way or you owe it to me.)
Capitalism didn't cause the sufferring! That was done by manipulation, government interference/intervention and greedy people!
Socialism might just be the end result of manipulatng a Capitalistic Society!
From: Websters Pocket Dictionary:
Socialism: A system in which people as a whole,
and not INDIVIDUALS, control and own
all property!
The mayor's comments are just another example of politicians who will distort information (lie) in order to push their progressive agenda forward, both republican and democrats. Our country is in a sad state of affairs as the direct result of unscrupulous, self serving politicians and government officials from the municipal level to the national!!
ReplyDeleteAll systems - socialistic, capitalistic .. and all the rest - are just systems.
ReplyDeleteThey are no better or worse than the people running the systems.
I dont think any system is perfect and all systems can be abused.
I am getting weary though, of any time people want to help people, them being labeled socialists. :)
What did the mayor say??
ReplyDelete@ March 6, 2010 5:19 PM I recall stating in my post that socialism is not the answer either or did i just imagine that?
ReplyDeleteI am getting weary though, of any time people want to help people, them being labeled socialists. :)
ReplyDeleteSo, what about pople helping people to help themselves as individuals!
Through responsibility, accountability and achievement!
Of all the systems it is the ones that promote the efforts of individuals that have the greatest impact and success.
Capitalism does it best!
Philip Hampson "Phil" Knight, CEO of NIKE has a net worth of approximately $5,000,000,000 dollars. NIKE spent $1,740,000,000 on advertising last year. It is estimated that NIKE paid Michael Jordan $45,000,000 alone. It costs NIKE less than $5 to manufacture a shoe, yet NIKE pays a laborer in Vietnam $1.60 a day to manufacture those shoes which Nike sells for $100.00+ . Do you really think NIKE cares if these workers have food, water, clothing, health care? By extension, do we when we buy our $100.00 Air Jordans? I'm not saying we should boycott Nike. Not saying I know what the answer is. I do know that companies like Uniroyal who produced KEDS in my home town sent work overseas to places like Korea where they could exploit workers without reprisal, while workers here were left unemployed and unable to support their families.
ReplyDeleteThe only winners are the CEO's, executives and shareholders. Tell me again why they "deserve" health care? It is unjust, and something has to change.
Obviously, it is not just shoes that I am talking about. How, where, and on what we choose to spend our money says a lot about what we value as a society, and conversely, what we don't. People are being exploited all over the world so that we can live in relative comfort off of the sweat and blood of others in textile mills in Thailand, coffee plantations in Ecuador, cocoa farms on the Ivory coast... All so that I can buy a 10.00 pair of chinos. A 1.00 cup of coffee or a .50 candy bar... In 2006, it was estimated that 20% of the population controlled 85% of the wealth. And then we wonder why so many are unemployed, unable to support their families, and without health care….
That is what happens when capitalism is unchecked.
ReplyDeleteCorporations - ceo, etc., should have to obey the law and be held accountable just like citizens are.
Ive said it before. Our govt spends more on corporate welfare than it does on social welfare ..
Government allowed our companies to go overseas instead of paying American workers a decent wage. NAFTA is a big part of the reason our companies have fled and our industries have shriveled up and nearly died.
ReplyDeleteOur govt spends more on corporate welfare than it does on social welfare ..
ReplyDeleteWhile that maybe true - look where the people are spending all their money and even money they don't even have - their future earnings!
I think its more a matter of misplaced priorities driven by a culture of selfishness/ greed and the need to keep up with the times!
Which is getting harder to do all the time!
(As a consumer driven Society)
I think there is room for everyone in that Mirror!
Too paranoid, JJ? Really? Because I am tired of the constant growth of government and their usurping ways, it gains me the label of paranoid?
ReplyDeleteIf we keep government as local as possible, they are much more accessible (and much more likely to feel accountable).
You can attend any city commissioners meeting (without notice) and end up talking to any commissioner you please. Try that in Topeka or Washington. Then get back to me about wanting to consolidate local entities.
Damn, I get tired of being so right, but I continue on with the idea that I may be able to educate at least one more person.
Your welcome to all who have been enlightened.
My ego is way too big for that mirror.
ReplyDeleteMy ego is way too big
ReplyDeleteI'm sure I read the cure for that somewhere in the new healthcare legislation!
@March 6, 6:32 p.m. That's gotta be one of the dumbest things I ever heard.
ReplyDelete@March 6, 11:34 p.m. touche'. (enjoyed reading) Very difficult. Do we want to trade our way of life? I think most would answer no. The corporation is the real problem. We have a society where the corporation has achieved the status of personhood. A corporation has no conscience. No soul. No remorse. Yet we give it the rights of a person. It has been said: "A corporation is a pile of money whose only goal is to become an even bigger pile of money." America has a problem. Number 1, we have not cared for the widows and the orphans. We have shed the innocent blood in the abortions. And ditto, what we do to the poor in other countries is unconscionable. Not to mention the Mexicans in our borders who slave in our fields for minimum wage or less.(It happens, yes) Someone here used the word greed. It's a tough system. The only thing I can suggest is that we try our best to do what the Bible says. (IMO) We must care for those less fortunate. I just cannot see taking from those that work & giving it to those who refuse to work. Nowadays, though, we have those who are the "working poor". Those who do not make enough to make ends meet. Conscience dictates we help them. I have no problem helping them with ins., food, clothing, etc., especially if they have children. Who knows, before this is over, we may just have to learn how to help each other again. (our great-grandparents did) Just don't ask me to help able-bodied, lazy people who refuse to move a muscle and get fat on the welfare dole.
d.q. 10:28 amen! d.
ReplyDeleteThe corporation is the real problem
Sorry, I don't quite agree with your statement!
First, the Corporation is more than an individual.(Even after that ruling by the Supreme Court.)
Second, the Corporations and Government are using each other through things like targeted regulations and retirment plans.
Third, the corporations are being forced to seek the lowest cost and greatest profit status.
To produce the type of returns that can support the investment capital of individuals, mutual funds, Private and Government sponsored retirement plans (like KPERS, CALPERS etc.)
So, that pile of money with no consiciene?
(Institutional buyers and investors)
It's purpose is to make more money for it Stock and Bond holders and to increase its share prices.
But if you look - often its the same people who complain about their strategies - who are the ones that depend on their success!
(Through things like the Private and Public retirment plans!)
So, true competition can't thrive where there is a joint partnership between the Private and Public Sectors.
AND that helps explain
The increasing role which the Stock market and Finance Sectors have assumed as the result of that type of partnership!
In the late 1800's Teddy Rooselvelt saw the potential problems that could come from The Standard Oil company becoming a monopoly!
He moved to break up big coroprations who could control specific market and act as monopolies!
While it's not the same now as then - the power of the mega corporations and the reasons they exist. Might have a similar destructive pattern!
@March 8, 8:35 a.m. Nicely written.
ReplyDelete"Sorry, I don't quite agree with your statement!" Well now, at least you agree with part of it. (maybe?) jk, you do raise some very valid thoughts. (I hope people read what you wrote with an open mind) --Now, I do think the corporations are a BIG part of the problem, but, as you state, not all of it. Couple that with a corrupt gov't, and in laymen's terms, "We're screwed". Seriously, though there is another thought along this line. ---The man on the street, i.e., me & you. We're the ones who demand that coffee maker for $9.99 instead of the $29.99 it would cost if we used American labor. We (the consumer) tell the businesses what we will & will not pay for a given item. So, it becomes "give the people what they want", no matter who it cheats. (I love a good discussion)
The man on the street, i.e., me & you. We're the ones who demand that coffee maker for $9.99 instead of the $29.99 it would cost if we used American labor. We (the consumer) tell the businesses what we will & will not pay for a given item.
I'm not sure we have that option anymore!
We lost the textile industry to Asia, the Electronics to Japan and they lost it to China and other 3rd world countries!
We are faltering in the Auto Industry!
(Out sourcing all the parts)
Now consider this:
I know of someone who travels to China on occasion. They go there to get pricing and prototypes of products they might be able to market!
In China the factories are small buildings with a limited number of employees! Mile and miles of them that specialize in differnet things!
All it takes is a simple drawing or some example or exisiting prototype and in a short period of time they have a model or replica of the desired item and a price for puchase!
In America that same process has to go through several stages which can take weeks or even months!
Now I know that the companies in China are mainly Govt. owned - at least to the point of protecting them from failing due to a refused/ recalled product by a vendor or Country!
We have simply added so many costs/layers to the process that we can't compete except on the high end technology like Aircraft and Military etc. or items where freight becomes the price equalizer!
I recently read where TXT is outsourcing more aircraft to Mexico and possibly to China!
They are even considering making one model of aircraft complete and reassembling it in the U.S.
We do still for now have the advantage of consumer purchasing power and through our research and developement (like colleges hospitals and corporations) the intellectual
upper hand!
While that maybe the case I don't think that is the end of our Story!
I think where we are failing is when we choose to hold onto things and don't move ahead to the future! Create/use new technology or improve what we have now that takes us out of the direct competition with the rest of the World! (Like
modern mass transportation etc.)
We import almost 70% of our oil!
Our oil companies are losing rights to oil reserves around the world that are being purchased and developed by other countries!
We have just recently lost out in IRAQ!
Of all places? Obama where were you?
I know healthcare!
We can't access our own oil and gas reserves!
I know healthcare!
Then consider there is a big push by the developing countries to stock pile and purchase industrial mineral/metal rights around the world!
China is set on being the key maybe even sole battery supplier for Hybrids worldwide!
So far I think the U.S. has at least one maybe more players!
We should be the leaders and not the followers!
With the up and coming generations - their attitudes and desire to compete or even complete their educations or mechanical/technical skills!
We're toast!
I can almost here the rumbling in the back ground that Universal Healthcare reform will make us more competitive!
Wrong! If you can't find a way to compete with the world today!
They will be doing our healthcare next! Probably in their country for those who can afford it! I think they aleady are some in India and possibly Mexico!
Gee, while we were sleeping a the wheel fighting over politics and figuring out how to get stuff cheaper or how to pay for socialized healthcare the world just passed us By!
Btw: I did see where wind turbines that were being produced in foriegn countries and puchased with Stimulus money were to be produced by suppliers in the U.S.!
@9:05 p.m. Wow and very sobering. Too bad you weren't assigned to the President's cabinet, eh?
ReplyDeleteJust think, all this happened one little bit at a time.
-Don't know you, but I sincerely hope you reside in a place where you can be heard.
ReplyDeleteNow why would anyone want to listen to me on a Small town blog!
They certainly have their own agendas!
ReplyDeleteThe naive, liberal views you repeatedly express show that folks like you are the biggest reason why our country is in such sorry shape! And to your discussion partner, 'they certainly have their own agendas', perhaps march 6, 6:32 PM has a valid point!??
@5:34 That's gotta be the 2nd dumbest thing I've heard on here. Oh well. At least you're reading. "The pen is mightier than the sword." I have many friends, many of whom do not agree with me, but at least we still talk. eh?
I still see the bickering between left and right as the biggest problem we have.
ReplyDeleteWhile the nation sinks and the culture crumbles, liberals and conservatives can only point fingers.
Neither have any answers, and it shows.
ReplyDeleteHere is one follow up note!
I mentioned TXT and the posibility of them building a plane in China. Then the outsourcing of some of the aircraft productions or parts to Mexico!
Well if you dig deeper into the story of big conglomerates like TXT and GE.
TXT is the largest owner of fastner companies in the world. They own Fastenal, Cessena, Bell Helecopter, Ez-Go etc.
Both Ge and TXT developed finance divisions several years ago. They took the profit from their comapnies and used it for financing other non related projects!
So, when the financial meltdown came there wasn't anywhere to off load those now toxic assets. They had to eat them!
It was said early on that it took all the profit from their profitable businesses to pay agianst their losses on their finance divisions!
In a pre-global economy it would have forced those companies to sell off divisions or break up into smaller companies! (There was actually talk of TXT selling Bell and maybe even Cessena).
But the savings from outsourcing to China and Mexico might actually help right the ship faster!
Don't you think?
Remember there are more people depending on old TXT than just the employees!
The Stock and Bond Holders and all those retirement plans!
If thats the case you might be right - those Corporations are the Problem!
But, there is plenty of Greed to go around!
Is that the truth?
I would sure like someone to convince me it isn't!
@8:33 a.m. you're right on. However, I did offer somewhat of an answer in my March 7 10:28p.m. post. "...we try our best to do what the Bible says." (not sure how many people want to hear that)
ReplyDelete@8:52 a.m. Yes, the corporation is a BIG part of the problem. However, I'm not quite ready to scuttle the corporate system & go back to the "good old days" where only the strong survive either. We are here. I suggest that we as Americans start learning our neighbors names and start reaching across the fence to help another. Goodness knows we may be actually needing one another in the days to come.