Thursday, March 18, 2010

AP Stories of note

There are some more interesting stories out there about health care.
One that caught my eye was that some states are trying to prevent it by passing laws, citing state's rights.
CLICK HERE for the story
You know some states in the south tried that once and it didn't work out too well. South Carolina also tried to opt out of no child left behind, but was told by the supreme court it had to. Anyways, i think the culture war could be getting to the point that we could have another civil war.
If we do, Im moving to Mexico. Still wont take sides.

Another story is about FOX "news" interviewing Obama. I put news in quotes because i dont consider it a real news network. Its the republican news network. I know, CNN is pretty liberal, and you could say its just as bad as Fox but on the other side. I think FOX is just a tad more blatant. but its just a matter of degree.
Here is the link to the story.
You know how history repeats. In the early days of newspapers, there was no pretense that they were not for political purposes. Papers were created to promote political ideology, and it was very open and straight forward. There's a great story from the late 1800's in South Carolina about the governor and the editor of the newspaper getting into a fracas on the steps of the statehouse. The governor shot and killed the editor, and was acquitted because the jury ruled he had a right to defend his honor.
I really think we are headed back in that direction. Not necessarily shootouts on the capitol steps, but .. news organizations that promote ideologies, and less pretense of objectivity.
We are all human , especially journalists, and at times journalists forget that. They dont realize they are being biased. It works both ways though. I dont think one side has the market cornered on bias. But maybe it would be better to just be blatant and straightforward about bias.
What if they said ... here is the news from the liberal perspective or the conservative perspective. Maybe it would be better.?

Here is my third offering of the morning. There is the final push now for health care reform. According to the latest figures, the package would cost a lot, but would actually reduce the deficit over the next 10 years.
Here is the link

It may get passed this weekend. Then we will move on to the next battledfield, more politics as usual.


  1. I don't mean to be mean but you are not reporting on the news either. You are not digging into stories,......
    I am not for health care the way it is written.. I do think that FOX news is a real news source. I am adult enough to think for myself....
    Why wait; why don't you move to MEXICO now!

  2. JJ,

    Don't take your eyes off Greece!
    We might just be in that line!
    We have put Government(s) in the position of decision maker! You're already starting to see the protests on College campuses! Where the State of California and probably others will be forced to reduce the aid to Students!
    We see it on the Statehouse steps where they are calling for higher taxes for schools!

    We are voting on (well maybe voting) on a healthcare bill that will have the power to make decisions for the individuals! (Rallies through out the country in opposition.)

    The brakes will really get applied when our ability to borrow or increase our debt is restricted! Those WARNINGS have already been sounded!


    We are the most powerful and richest country in the World! So none of that applies Right?

  3. Im moving to Mexico.

    That would be a switch!
    Have to build a fence just to keep people here!

  4. Don't you understand? this healthcare bill will RAISE the costs of private insurance. Eventually they will go out of business and all that is left is government.

  5. But Kathleen Parker, a conservative columnist for the Washington Post, recently asked, what is the rush?

    Slowing down "wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to health-care reform," she wrote in a March 17 column. "There's no dishonor in admitting that one was in too big a hurry. But rushing to do the wrong thing is, in a word, idiotic."

    I think she asks a valid question!
    About a bill that and policies that don't go into effect until 2014!

    But, its not about what's right.

    Its about "POWER"!

    It's about Obama and Pelosi!

  6. Don't you understand? this healthcare bill will RAISE the costs of private insurance.
    Actually no, that is the point. It would force insurance companies to LOWER their prices.
    That is what honest competition would do. there is no honest competition now.

    What is the rush?
    That is a valid point, but ... republicans and conservatives have shown absolutely no interest in cooperating.
    Why should we believe conservatives would suddenly start cooperating - as in having honest discussions and seeking honest answers - now?

  7. Why should we believe conservatives would suddenly start cooperating -

    Good Point!

    You shouldn't expect them to buy into Socialism and niether do I!
    However, O and P need this win NOW and they have a lot more they want to get done before the FALL ELECTIONS! (Btw: They do want to find a way to save those Kamikaze Democrats seats.)

    As for

    The insurance companies lowering their prices?
    Maybe you should look into all the Crap that they are forced to do by the Government (State and Federal)! Then look at all the markups that the doctors add on due to dealing with the Insurance Companies and the Government!
    Then look into the costs associated with all the mal-practice insurance and the abulance chasers etc....!
    I bet that all gets resolved in the healthcare bill! Right?
    I don't think they have even calulated that into the figures!
    We can probably expect it to be at least twice as expensive if not more than the are projecting!


    That's probably still a conservative estimate!

    The Better Idea is to let the healthcare market work with out all the interference from Government(Both State and Federal)!

  8. The Better Idea is to let the healthcare market work with out all the interference from Government(Both State and Federal)!

    On second thought -

    We might be surprised how much cheaper things would get if we just paid Cash!
    By-Pass both Government and Insurance companies altogether!

    Nope, that would be ILLEGAL!

  9. The Better Idea is to let the healthcare market work with out all the interference from Government(Both State and Federal)!

    No that would be a monopoly, which is illegal and wrong.
    That would completely destroy what little competition there is.
    Man, youve really taken the insurance company koolaid, are you on their payroll?/

  10. When was the last time the government actually passed a bill that lowered the deficit? All these numbers are tomfoolery. Our government has completely lost out, on the concept of, staying within budget or anywhere within a stones throw.

    It is unreal how docile we have become.

    (I understand some of you may be a stranger to the term "docile", but I assure you; it wasn't a compliment.)

  11. "Our government has completely lost out, on the concept of, staying within budget or anywhere within a stones throw."

    (And I understand you are a stranger to the rules of punctuation. I assure you, this is not a compliment.)

  12. I still say the deficit is largely something that isnt real.
    When the economy improves, it will disappear .. just like it has every other time we have had a huge one.
    I know this one is bigger, but .. the principle is the same.
    When the economy improves the deficit goes down
    and both parties will be absolutely sure they were the ones that saved us from the other side.

  13. WHAT!!!!! Isnt real? It will disappear? Is my debt real? Will it disappear? When the economy gets good, can i quit my job because my debt will just go away?

  14. just you watch and see.
    your debt does disappear if you get more money, which is what happens when the economy improves.
    better economy, more money comes in for government
    poor economy, less money comes in
    resulting in deficits and surpluses.
    remember we had a big surplus not so long ago...

  15. Some of you have your heads so far in the sand you will never be able to get them out. That is just what Obama and Pelosi are hoping for.

    How can insurance companies be a monopoly without government interference? You do realize that there is more than one insurance company, don't you? If they were able to compete across state lines, as the republicans have been trying to argue, that would lower costs without the government option.

    I heard this today, and thought I'd pass it along. When Medicare was being voted on in 1965, the projected budget for 1990 was 9 billion dollars. When 1990 rolled around, the true budget was 600 Billion dollars. This projection by the CBO that says the healthcare plan will come in just under a TRILLION dollars sounds great until you realize that we will be paying higher taxes for FOUR YEARS before this thing even starts. And we will be paying higher insurance rates when it does start. And Doctor's will be getting paid a LOT less than they are now. And then nurses will get paid less, and on down the line. Research and development will be affected also, which will slow down medical progress and the discovery of new cures. Then the healthcare rationing will star, because you will only be allowed so much care until you are cut off, etc etc etc. This is a power grab by the left. Plain and simple, and it is unconstitutional, and will be challenged and beaten in court if it does pass. The constitution says that for something to become a law, it must be voted on, not "deemed to pass".
    And that stuff about the deficit going away is just too dumb to even comment on. Our debt is held by other countries, so I doubt they are just going to let us slide. What worries me is what happens when they come to collect and we don't have it.

  16. well said, 7:44pm!!!

    "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived"

    II Timothy, ch3, v 13

  17. just you watch and see.
    your debt does disappear if you get more money, which is what happens when the economy improves.

    Hmmmmmmmm? Well what happens when you lose your triple A credit rating as a Country?
    Ans. The amount of interest you have to pay to borrow that money goes UP!


    What if the economy improves you get more money and alot of it goes to pay more interest?

  18. @6:59
    Even if our economy does improve, is our govt going to be bringing in 10 trillion dollars EXTRA to pay off our debt? NO... No it wont.

  19. The culprits in democracy's decline may come as a surprise. Many of the same middle-class men and women who once helped push dictators out of power are now seeing just how difficult it can be to establish democracy, and are pining for the days of autocracy. Why has this happened? In many cases because the early leaders of the young democracies that emerged in the 1990s failed to recognize that free societies require strong institutions, a loyal opposition to the ruling party, and a willingness to compromise. Instead, they saw democracy as just semiregular votes; after they won, they then used all tools of power to dominate their countries and to hand out benefits to their allies or tribe. This narrow interpretation of democracy not only distorted the true meaning of the word but also alienated the public in many countries, who became disgusted that these democrats seemed no more committed to the common good than their authoritarian predecessors.

    This is from an article entitled "How A Democracy Dies" on!

  20. This whole health care fiasco is kind of surreal. Because it's not about health care at all. The powers in play simply want more power. Obama declared years ago that he dreamed of Gov't run insurance that would drive out private insurers.
    jj, you're right that the State's will rise to fight against a tyrannical federal gov't. Just because someone is elected to a political office does not make them king or queen. Just that -elected. Then after that, the people's rights will rise to the fore. Let us pray that cooler heads prevail and things stay civil. jj, I differ, you gotta pick a side. This is MY homeland, and I'm not moving anywhere. Thank you very much.


  21. "you're right that the States will rise to fight against a tyrannical gov't"

    That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Just as jj will not 'bite the hand that feeds him' in doing any real investigative journalism at city hall, the states will not 'bite the hamd that feeds them', which we all know is the federal money the states now recieve, and that which they hope to recieve in the future!!

    This will probably be removed by the 'author'

  22. @5:24 Hey, call it dumb if you want. Me thinks you should re-read jj's 1st 2 paragraphs in this thread. May not be actual fighting, but, already many States Attorneys General have served notice on Congress that if this monstrosity passes it will be immediately challenged. Again, let us pray that cooler heads prevail. As for "..the hand that feeds...", well we're already taxed to death. Where does it all end?

    "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." --Margaret Thatcher.


  23. jj, I differ, you gotta pick a side. This is MY homeland, and I'm not moving anywhere. Thank you very much.
    DQ, this is my point. Choosing sides makes it worse because that is what both sides want ... more power.
    If we tell both sides ... NOPE, we are not going to listen to you ... they will lose power and just maybe some reality will enter the picture.
    I really think partisian politics is the problem, that the power struggle between right and left are the problem.
    Neither have answers.
    and they try to distract us from that by fighting and mostly saying how bad the other side is.

  24. @5:28pm

    Are you telling me that we are not friends?

    "If you weren't my friend, 5:28, I couldn't bear it."

    I am sorry for offending you with the punctuation, in this blog.

    See kids, that wasn't so hard.

  25. hey don quixote,
    just wondering. do you have health insurance now?

  26. Oh, I see where that's going: If you have health insurance now, then why do you want to keep poor people from having it? right? I do have health insurance. My rates will go up by leaps and bounds if this thing passes. Why should those of us who work for a living have to pay for those of you who choose not to? Why must I be forced to pay for health insurance if I don't want to have any? When I was starting out on my own, I had no health insurance. That was my choice because it took money out of my check that I wanted to keep, and I was young and healthy and didn't figure I'd need it. That was my choice. Obama will take that choice away. He will make us pay for those who are too lazy to work. He will also make us pay for women to kill their unborn babies for convenience. He will also make us pay for the 20 million illegal aliens in this country. Sure, he says his bill doesn't cover illegals, but guess what he is tackling next... jobs?? oh hell no, he's taking on immigration reform. AMNESTY FOR ILLEGALS. Then they won't technically be illegals anymore, and they will all be covered by our tax dollars.

  27. JJ,

    I don't watch FOX news much at all unless I happen to be flipping and see something interesting, but I don't see how you can say they are any more biased than MSNBC or CNN. Or any of the mainstream news organizations, including our local paper. So, what is wrong with ONE news organization being conservative when there are so many out there who are blatantly liberal in their reporting. Have you ever watched Keith Olberman or Rachel Madcow? They are worse than O'reilley and Beck in my opinion. Olberman especially. I think you are biased against FOX because as much as you say you don't like either party, you lean left on most issues. And what does it say about the country as a whole when FOX beats the pants off of all the other "news" networks in the ratings?

  28. SG. If you will look at what I said, I said CNN IS JUST AS BIASED on the other side.
    I put that in caps so maybe you would see it :)
    I cleary said we seem to be headed back to the days where media is more biased.
    I never said FOX was MORE biased than anyone else.
    The only thing that bothers me is when people say its not biased. Id say the same about CNN.

  29. jj, you do lean to the left in most of the stuff you say. Guess a guy can't see when he's leaning. Looks normal to him. Granted, in no way are you as left leaning as brand x. They ain't only leaning, they're laying down. :(

  30. Well it is telling, the person who runs brand x once told me he thought i was the most conservative person he had ever met.
    That's not a slam, its just how it is.
    There are other issues where ill lean the other way.
    wanna talk abortion? Gay rights?
    biblical interpretation?

  31. JJ said: "SG. If you will look at what I said, I said CNN IS JUST AS BIASED on the other side.
    I put that in caps so maybe you would see it :)"

    Hmmmm. My glasses must be dirty, because I could have sworn you said:

    "Another story is about FOX "news" interviewing Obama. I put news in quotes because i dont consider it a real news network. Its the republican news network. I know, CNN is pretty liberal, and you could say its just as bad as Fox but on the other side. I think FOX is just a tad more blatant. but its just a matter of degree."

    Unless, of course "tad more blatant" (definitely not JUST AS BIASED as you said you said), and "I don't consider it a real news source" don't mean the same things as when I was in school.

    I think the above poster is right... you really don't realize how liberal you are. At least I realize that I am a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. I'm proud of it in fact. As long as you don't start lumping religion in with conservatism and morals.

    BTW, why don't you post under your name instead of anonymous? You could at least put your name on it somewhere.

  32. Im a true conservative... And i know what that means. I hate tax increases, i hate govt spending, i want as minimal govt control as possible, I dont believe the beliefs of religious people right winged or left winged have place in govt. So abortion is bad but thats none of the damn govt's business.

    Everyone forgets why America was founded. Its so we can be ourselves and do what we choose to do, live how we choose to live. Not tell other people how to live and where they can or cant smoke. They have a right to be there and you have the right to say something to them or leave.

    Just so everyone here knows I HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE!!! Guess what I also have a job. And i am god damn tired of 35% of my paycheck being taken from me before i ever see a damn dime of it.

    If people want health care tell them to sell their 24" rims or their 50"+ tv or live in a smaller house. Or for godsake if you cant afford to buy it yourself move back in with mom and pop. Dont expect me to pay one damn dime so you can be on welfare and have a nicer tv or ride than i have.

  33. its all cockamamie bullshit

  34. For whatever are you talking about, Wyatt? Everyone in Amerika is entitled to a plasma tv.

    Wyatt, when is it not murder to stop someone else's heart from beating?

    Wyatt, don't forget the meeting at the hall this Saturday night. Arnold "Sleepy" Zala is the Guest of Honor.

  35. Wait a minute dont interupt me brett i mean moc holliday

    I havent forgotten

  36. Anyone else think brett beiers guest on wednesday was quite arrogant?

  37. @9:46 Arrogant? Not at all. It's about time someone asked him some hard questions and demanded answers. CNN, ABC, MSNBC never would. Oh, BTW Brett was originally told he'd have 30 minutes, then about an hour before interview he was informed it's 20 minutes. Then when the Pres. sits down, he says: "we're doing 15 minutes, right?" It was obvious the guy did not want to answer questions. Wanted to give looong winded answers. What is really telling is that ex-Senator, now Pres. Obama does not care about procedure. i.e, "deem" to pass. In other words, "By any means necessary." He's trampled on our Constitution, lied, schemed and deceived. He*L yes, he needs to be asked tough questions. Only gave Fox 15 minutes because he HAD to.


  38. But Wyatt, youre not consistent.
    Why should the government be able to tell people they cannot use drugs.
    Why should the government be able to tell people which side of the road to drive on?
    Why should the government be able to make you have a job even?
    Somewhere you draw the line...

  39. "Why should the government be able to tell people they cannot use drugs."

    Because the majority of the people of the United States have decided that drugs are bad, and cause damage to the users and those around them, and made it illegal. It's a law made by the majority. Something your healthcare bills is not.

    "Why should the government be able to tell people which side of the road to drive on?"

    Safety. Dumb question.

    "Why should the government be able to make you have a job even?"

    The government doesn't make you have a job. In fact, if Obama and Pelosi get their way, you won't need to have a job. If you think there are a lot of people who are too lazy to work now, just wait until this administration is done making it easier to not work. Why work when you can get the government to pay your way through life? Pride in one's self has diminished in this country to the point of absurdity. And that is exactly what the Far left wants. They want people who are dependent on them paying their way through life, so they will be voted into office again and again. Look where they reach out to when they need votes: The poor minorities and their representatives. They push harder in the low income neighborhoods than anywhere else in America. That's the whole reason ACORN exists.

  40. wyatt draws the line where it is convient for him and him only. its all about him and what he doesn't have that he judges others for what they do have . why dont we sell our plasma tv's or our fancy rides? this is what pisses him off? come on. sell off your cd's and by those things if that is what is important to you. i hope you never run into a situation where your insurance is cancelled because people in your own hometown wont do business with you and you cannot afford it. i would never wish to see anybody not able to get their kids to the dentist when they have root canals that need to be done but you know you damn sure cant afford it. so consider yourself of the elite group wyatt. it's a good thing social security and medicare is in place already. otherwise you would have the elderly out in the streets working and WITHOUT healthcare also. NOT EVERYBODY THAT DOESN'T HAVE INSURANCE IS A LAZY ASS AND NOT WORKING. get off your high horse buddy.

  41. if you want a free ride your going to work for it,, pick up trash ride on a trash truck,,, sweep the street, nothing should be for free

  42. 9:28, why don't you use the money you pay for the internet and buy some insurance?


    Nancy Pelosi is a booze hound and hypocrite.

    From the article:


    News reporter and blogger Joe Guzzardi, an admitted Democrat, points out that Speaker Pelosi ranks as one of Washington, DC's top hypocrites.

    While Pelosi supports "open borders" and amnesty for illegal aliens, while at the same time she utilizes the support of national labor unions, Pelosi has her own personal set of rules for conducting business.

    According to Guzzardi, Pelosi sits near the top of the list of wealthy lawmakers. Pelosi and her businessman husband are worth more than $50 million -- much of it derived from their lucrative Napa Valley vineyard.

    Part of Pelosi's and her husband’s wealth is linked to their use of illegal immigrant labor. Their vineyards use non-union laborers to pick their grapes and they sell those grapes to non-union wineries."

  44. Well you kind of left out the 55% or more who get divorced! Or those who never get married at all! Then create two households with two sets of expenses! But the Government is expected to support your decisons through their programs!
    (Btw: The lawyers and judges support your decisions as well $$$$$$$$!)


    Those who simply choose to play the field and don't pay for or support their off spring!
    The deadbeat parents who fulfill their selfish ways at the expense of their children or families! Then there are those who come to U.S. soil to simply have their children so they can apply for benefits and Citizenship! Maybe throw in a few who marry U.S. citizens and have kids just to get here as well!


    The GOOD NEWS is that it can all be corrected with ABORTION and more Government aid in the new Healthcare Bill!


    I am sure the New Healthcare Bill will stop the minority groups from being the majority of inmates in our Prisons! (Well at least now we simply can stop them in the womb!)


    In the end this "fix all" Healthcare bill will corrrect a FALTERING AND FAILING SOCIETY! Who simply has the right to do whatever they PLEASE!

    Selfish, Self centered, independent, and immoral individuals ununited under GOD!

  45. You do draw the line somewhere. If you want to tell people they cannot use drugs because it is bad for them, and bad for those around them, how is that not socialism?
    Where is freedom in that?
    As for driving on one side of the road. again, you are taking peoples choice away. Why should my freedom be limited by your convenience and safety?

    My point is, that you do draw the line somewhere. At some point you have to do things for the common good.
    Its just that you seem to want to draw the line where I dont want to draw it.
    That is the real issue.

    Opponents of health care reform do not have real answers, so they just shout socialism ...
    And it isn't free.
    Everyone pays taxes to some degree, so even people who are very poor pay a very small amount, they are still paying.

  46. @S.G. 11:29 Wow. The writer (Jim Kouri) has an impressive resume as well. (fine print at bottom of writeup) Your tax dollars at work.

    @12:02 Where does it all end? Another thought, as the population at large ages and enters the retirement years, they will be expecting help, and none will be there. There will be 20 working people with 100 elderly. No way we can afford the tax burden. Also the 1000's of fatherless children with teen moms who will starve to death. (Food Stamps gone!) Not to mention the 1000's of people wasting away in our prisons who need food, clothes, medical, etc. Oh well, who cares about details anyway? President O., Speaker P., & Leader R. don't. CA is bankrupt now because they refused to deal with the Illegal immigrants that suck the life from the state. Too bad.


  47. @12:02 Where does it all end?

    Well I did leave out all the money thats leaving the Country! Being sent home to families in other countries by foreign workers in the U.S. Maybe even some of the U.S. benefit checks that go to Citizens across the boarder!
    Who are not even U.S. Citizens!
    The part that is simply unbelievable is that our Government has become so incompetent that they continue the corruption by extending programs!
    There is a good article on CNN/Money Today regarding Pell Grants!
    It seems with the downturn more people have chosen to go back to School! The Government has been caught off gaurd by the amount of "low
    income" indivduals who qualify for that aid!
    (Gee, I thought the goal was to raise pople UP!)
    Now it is in a deficit! There won't be enough money to support all those who qualify!
    O to the rescue I'm sure!


    I can almost hear the "Crickets in the background" What is the REAL PROBLEM?

    THE REAL PROBLEM IS - WHEN GOVERNMENT IS ALLOWED TO DECIDE - It is forced to treat ALL indivduals the SAME!

    Therefore, some people must decline in status to meet those metrics!


  49. I still dont understand how you can hate our government and still claim to be patriotic?

    If conservatives hate government so much, why are they in it and why do they want to run it?

    What you still dont see is that YOU and I ARE the government. Government isnt some "thing" out there somewhere.
    It is us. If you are an american you are part of the government, like it or not.

  50. I dont understand why you say insurance companies cant compete across state lines. There are nationwide companies, worldwide companies.
    Nationwide is on your side.
    All stae, USAA, ect.
    So if they are a national company . and they are . how is it that they cannot compete across state lines?
    The insurance companies have a monopoly, there is no competition, and they are guilty of price fixing at best ... that is what needs to be controlled.

  51. "I dont understand why you say insurance companies cant compete across state lines." Gee whiz, you need to get out more, read more or something... For goodness sake, you got internet, look it up, google, bing, ask.

  52. What you still don't see is that YOU and I ARE the government. Government isnt some "thing" out there somewhere.

    No. what you don't understand is that Government, our form of Government, has limited powers as given it by the Constitution!
    Its sole purpose is to preserve and protect the rights of individuals!
    It is forbidden from engaging in legislation and activities which are contrary to the indivdual rights!
    If you or enough others want Socialism!

    Then it should be decided through an election and our old Government disolved!


    I am guessing that before that (Socialism) could be done there would be a split or maybe even a War!
    Then we would see who is a Patriot!
    (Willing to die for what they believe!)

  53. No, our governments job is not to protect the right of individuals above all else.
    You cannot have absolute individual rights .. back to my example of government requiring one drive on one side of the road. That does take everyone's freedom to decide for themselves away,
    yet you support that.

    I dont think individual rights should outweigh the rights or needs of the whole.The whole is more important than the individual.
    That doesnt make me a socialist.
    It just seems that if anyone does not buy into your extreme views of individualism,they are labeled a socialist

    I really doubt that the founding fathers were concerned only with the rights of the individual. There are more important things.

  54. The role of the Government in our Society is to protect the rights of individuals!


    To protect us from ourselves as Government when/where the BALANCE OF POWER BECOMES CORRUPTED!

    The lines are being drawn -


    I choose the Constitution and Democracy!

  55. ABortion should always be a womans right and should never be a political or govermental regulated choice.

    Religion will no longer drive the country to higher morals or ethics,, as long as we have a muslim president

  56. "If you are an american you are part of the government, like it or not."

    Not when those in power refuse to listen to the will of the people... as they are doing now with their socialist healthcare, and as they will do when they give illegal aiens amnesty in the coming months.

    "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

    -Thomas Jefferson

  57. A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.

    Thomas Jefferson

  58. Not when those in power refuse to listen to the will of the people... as they are doing now with their socialist healthcare,

    Latest polls show the nation split along party lines, with a slight majority supporting reformed health care.
    You say you believe in democracy.
    The majority supports it. .....

  59. I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

    -Thomas Jefferson

  60. The majority supports it. .....

    The majority doesn't even know what's in it!
    Then the goal I believe is to vote on the bill and then vote on all the amendments to the bill!
    Changes that weren't included but things they want to throw in to get their way!

    If you can't see what is going on you deserve evrything this brings on the Country!

    However, it will also bring it on those who simply don't deserve it!

  61. Seems Pelosi keeps stepping on her tongue!

    Washington (CNN) – Just a day before the health care bill was expected to go up for a House vote, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Saturday there would
    be no separate vote on restricting taxpayer funding for abortion.

    "Not on abortion, not on abortion, not on public option, not on single payer, not on anything," Pelosi told CNN.

    The speaker was responding to a question about a request by Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Michigan, for the House to vote on his language restricting taxpayer funding for abortion.

    Stupak postponed a news conference Saturday, and did not immediately comment on the issue.

    On Friday, he told CNN he was in talks with Pelosi, D-California.

    They went on to say that the plan might be to have Obama issue a long standing Executive order
    to prevent taxpayer money from funding Abortion!
    Do you suppose he could recind that order as well?

  62. "It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible. Of all the dispositions and habits that lead to political prosperity, our religion and morality are the indispensable supporters. Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that our national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.

    George Washington in his Farewell Address, 1796

  63. "The Spirit of Resistance to government is so valuable on certain occassions, that I wish it to be always kept alive"

    Thomas Jefferson

  64. @5:14 "The majority supports it. ....." One wonders where you're getting your info. Oh well, if that's true (I don't think it is) why do the Democrats have to do all the backroom deals? Why all the bribes & kickbacks? Why the total trashing of procedure, protocol & the Constitution? They don't even want anyone to read it till after it's passed. A lot of Americans will live to regret voting this gang of thugs into power.

    "We'll have to pass the bill so that you can see what's in it." -Nancy Pelosi.

    @kudos to whoever is posting the Jefferson & Washington quotes. They must be turning over in their graves about now.


  65. If these folks were asked to have health care reform without taxpayer funded abortion included, they would rather not have health care reform.


  66. When Obama took office, he said he wanted America to have the highest number of college graduates in the world by 2020.

    As a practical matter, consumer advocates say most students seeking federal loans won't notice a difference. College financial aid offices would continue to work as intermediaries and many already administer direct government loans.

    Some Republicans and the private student loan industry have opposed the legislation, arguing that the government shouldn't cut banks out of the business. They say that thousands of jobs at private lenders are at stake, including 2,500 at Sallie Mae (SLM, Fortune 500).

    The foes of the legislation also say that the change will cause delays and disruptions in processing loans. They argue that the government doesn't have the manpower to take over the high volume of loans now originated by the private sector.

    Well the Government takeover of Healthcare won't be the end of Obamas story!
    Everywhere you want to look its about a bigger and more controlling Governmemt!
    The student loan legislation is a part of the current legislation to be approved!

    "The real problem is that someone has to decline in status to meet those metrics."

    You have to ask yourself what are all those College educated people going to do?


    How can they pay back those loans working at Mc Donalds!

  67. You have to ask yourself what are all those College educated people going to do?

    Oh how stupid of me! Of course, they will work
    Government Jobs!


    That sucking sound you hear in the backgound?


    We're about to get flushed!

  68. "Democracy is the road to socialism." Karl Marx

    This must be why our founding fathers formed a republic.

  69. This must be why our founding fathers formed a republic

    A distinct set of definitions for the word republic evolved in the United States. In common parlance a republic is a state that does not practice direct democracy but rather has a government indirectly controlled by the people. In the rest of the world this is known as representative democracy.

  70. Welcome to the USAR!

    I bet next they start on designing a new flag!

  71. With a big O in the middle!

  72. They will have to when some states secede. Can't have a flag with too many stars on it.

  73. This pic of a plagiarizing "windmill chaser" and ex-security guard (no names!) has recently surfaced.
