Sunday, March 21, 2010

Crunch time

Looks like a big night in D.C. with the health care vote.
The bill will not fund abortions as per a deal worked out Sunday. Here is the link.

Here is a link to a live blog.

The battle wont be over though. But it should be interesting anyway.
Also interesting was the immigration reform protesters gathered at the capitol ... looks like bad timing to me. how are they going to be heard in the midst of the health care thing?
But that may well be the next hot button issue. Both sides want some sort of reform though, so ...  maybe they will work together ... too much to hope for i know.


  1. Now as we approach an end to the freedoms we once had, it is shameful that americans believe the lies of their failing government, stay tuned for a 300 billion dollar payroll medicare tax,,,, oops wait that will only affect those with incomes over 200k,, wonder how they will offset the cost hmmmmmm recon anyone over 200k a year would be a Doctor????

  2. "This is what change looks like"

    That's what I'm gonna say when I push the button to cast my votes in the November election and then again in November 2012.

    From the article:

    "To pay for the changes, the legislation includes more than $400 billion in higher taxes over a decade and cuts more than $500 billion from planned payments to hospitals, nursing homes, hospices and other providers that treat Medicare patients"

  3. wont surprise me if pubs regain control in november.
    they might rescind it.
    but it will be years before anything actually happens anyway. by the time things start actually happening we will be arguing about something else anyway.

    but its not nearly as bad as you guys make it sound.
    It will reduce the deficit. it will cut back on some insurance company excesses. it will not fund abortion.

    I just dont think its the fix all the libs say it is, but its not as bad as the pubs say either.

  4. but its not nearly as bad as you guys make it sound.
    It will reduce the deficit.

    Its going to Bankrupt an already "BROKE"

    If the States had any "Balls" at all they would hand Obama a flag with NO STARS ON IT!

  5. JJ,

    What's it take to get you to understand that you and your wife owe almost $90,000.00 on the National Deficit!
    You aren't going to pay your share of the debt!
    You probably wouldn't even if you could! Right?
    So how is that any different than what they just did to the Country!
    They just spent someone elses money and in the process decreed the momentum for the majority of Americans Standard of living will decline!
    Oh, but they will get healthcare!
    Whether they actually get quality healthcare is in doubt - but one thing is for sure it won't get any better and you won't get ahead!

  6. this has to be done to redistribute american wealth prior to the new world order, if America remained econoicly sound it could never happen.

    Many thinkers know that by draining and sabatoging the american way of life we can move forward in prophacy

  7. What's it take to get you to understand that you and your wife owe almost $90,000.00 on the National Deficit!
    No. When the economy improves, more money will go into the government coffers via taxes. Better economy more taxes are generated.
    That deficit will shrink on its own.
    why cant you remember any history at all.
    what about the deficit in the 80s?
    where did it go?
    How did we go from that to the surplus of the 90s?
    The deficit is not like actually owing money.
    its more just a state of the economy indicator which fluctuates depending on the state of the economy.

  8. How did we go from that to the surplus of the 90s?

    We've been over that ther was no SURPLUS!

    Now the thing you don't really undersatnd - is that the only way we can control an out of control deficit - is to devalue the currency!

    Chavez just did that in his country!
    They have 20% inflation which could rise as high as 60%!(Do you think that helped the poor?)

    I am just beyond words at how the leadership of our Country has lost its way! All the way up and down the scale!

  9. Btw: There are people predicting gold could go as high as $5,000/oz.


    They are just making that up to scare the people I'm sure!(Well they are no doubt trying to sell gold! But there wouldn't be that opportunity regardless how real it is if there wasn't some sense of it being true!)

  10. We all need to learn the proper terms.

    Typically a deficit is a "year to year" indicator of tax incomes compared to program outlays.

    The debt (or gross debt) is a combination of all the years shortfalls.

    The gross US debt is very real.

    What seems to confuse people is the fact that politicians rarely talk about the gross debt; It is very unbecoming.

    So when they pass a bill that reduces the deficit, they are actually passing a bill that reduces the amount of money they have to borrow in that particular year. And then they smile for the cameras and pat each other on the back for borrowing less (but still borrowing) than they planned.

  11. Just wait and see what happens when we do not have the money to pay for this. Then they will start taking money from National Defense to prop up this socialist healthcare. Canada and Britain did it. We are following in theri footsteps. What's next? gun control?

  12. Sorry Doc, I know the difference and thanks!

  13. I know, the sky is falling , the sky is falling , the sky is falling.
    sorry, thats how i see it.

  14. I am not sure as to why you are thanking me.

  15. Just last week figures were released that show this bill will reduce the deficit by billions over the next few years.
    these numbers were produced by auditors, not politicians or spin meisters.
    how can you keep saying it will break us economically when the straight facts are it will reduce the deficit and save money.

    i guess the same way you keep saying it will fund abortions when it clearly will not.

    we are the richest nation on earth, we should be able to help our poor people.

  16. The CBO report clearly says it is preliminary and does not know what is in the bill, therefore it is not accurate, yet it is being touted as gospel by the left. There is no way this monstrosity can reduce the deficit.

  17. Chicken Pelosi, errr, I mean Chicken Little has done a fine job of stirring up mass hysteria about the evils of insurance companies. Don't ask who the fox is and what his plans are.

    "sorry, thats how i see it."

  18. these numbers were produced by auditors, not politicians or spin meisters.
    how can you keep saying it will break us economically when the straight facts are it will reduce the deficit and save money.

    Maybe the same way people believed Berine Madoff and his unrealistic returns?

  19. we are the richest nation on earth, we should be able to help our poor people.

    You're really out of touch Now! We have moved down on that list!

  20. Isn't there already a program for poor people? Oh yeah, it's called Medicaid. Some times some of these people qualify for Medicaid but are too lazy to fill out the forms.

    And someone explain to me how spending this much money will save money? It doesn't even make sense! But it's working because you're buying.

  21. Get out your check book JJ, you're going to have to buy insurance now or be taxed!!! This isn't a free ride like some people think it is!

  22. Far from a free ride. All of us who actually work and pay for insurance will see our rates skyrocket to pay for all the new conditions.

  23. There is going to be a lot of Democrat representatives lose their seats this fall for not listening to their constituents.

  24. methinks a lot on both sides. 1:09! d.

  25. I got a new one for you JJ -- democRATS!

  26. Just last week figures were released that show this bill will reduce the deficit by billions over the next few years.

    From an article on CNN/Money today:

    However, one of the biggest concerns for the AAP is that Medicaid payments to providers typically are lower than what Medicare pays providers for services that are comparable. The AAP hopes the Senate will later this week pass a fix in a reconciliation bill that would put Medicaid payments on par with Medicare for comparable services.

    This is just the Start!

    What I really don't get is what happened to creating less POOR PEOPLE! AND not through
    GOVERNMENT redistribution of WEALTH!

  27. Then there is this one:

    Another reader used sarcasm to suggest that people will find a way around paying premiums. "This is cool. I'm just going to drop my insurance now, pay the $700 yearly fine, and then pickup insurance when I get sick since insurance companies can't deny me," he wrote on the Sound Off section of a news story published after the bill passed. "I'll save a bundle of money every year."

    "I suspect this is what most 'smart' Americans will do," he continued. "And then guess what? Insurance companies will collapse because they'll have no pool of money to pay for the claims that start coming in, and we'll be in a world of hurt again."

  28. "And then guess what? Insurance companies will collapse because they'll have no pool of money to pay for the claims that start coming in, and we'll be in a world of hurt again."

    Do you not get that that is exactly what the DemocRATS want? They want to drive the insurance companies out of business so we will have to depend on them and their government run healthcare. That is where this is all headed. Obama has been saying for years that he is a proponent of a Single-Payer system, ie: Government run healthcare such as Canada has. This is the ultimate goal.

    Remember when Obama said that he was going to make sure every American had health insurance just as good as those in congress? WHAT A JOKE! We will have long lines, overworked and underpaid Doctors, rationing of aid and supplies, and every other problem that every other country with socialized medicine has.

    But Obama will have brought us one step closer to complete socialism, so the liberals win. They want us dependent on them so they can stay in power, but I got news for them, their days are numbered. The American people are going to make their voices heard at the polls in November, and then again in 2012.

    Can we get Obama out of office after only one term?

    YES WE CAN!!!!!

  29. We shall remove the tyrant of all history in the USA and restore our country to what it was before this poor excuse for a leader took us down this road to desaster

  30. Yes we have gotten rid of the worst president ever. He left office last year.

  31. 10 States file lawsuit when Obama signs bill into law!

    From that article on CNN:

    This is a tax or a penalty on just living, and that's unconstitutional," he said of the mandate to purchase health coverage. "There's no provision in the Constitution of the United States giving Congress the power to do that."

    McCollum also said that portions of the bill would force states to spend money they don't have, which he called a violation of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.

    "There's no way we can do what's required in this bill and still provide for education, for foster care, for the incarceration of prisoners, all the other things that are in this bill," he said.

    McCollum said he expected the lawsuit to eventually reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

    "Its not radical reform but its, major reform! That's what reform looks like"

    Well its looks like radical reform to those States!

  32. I'm just glad that our local government officials and special interest groups have had the wisdom and foresight to invest in the $20 million plus hospital project just in time for the health care reform, led by the visionary leaders in D.C., to assure the fiscal stability necessary to prosper the technologicaly advanced facility! I am so greatful to have local leadership who are so much more intelligent than the people who are criticizing the national government's decision to reduce our deficit, lower our debt, stimulate the economy, and usher our once great nation into the 'New World Order'?

  33. some of you people are really crazy.

  34. Some of you people are damn right tho... Ima go buy a reloading press for my rifle and revovler... Anyone got any advice for me?

  35. 10:22 They're just regurgitating what Rush and Beck and Faux News tell them. It's the old "million monkeys with typewriters" scenario - eventually they will be right about SOMETHING! Sieg heil, da comrade...right, boys?

    1:54 I dunno dude, from the sound of SG and DQ and ILBR someone is coming to TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY (PANIC!!) Probably today! AAAhhhhh!! (But they're not narrow-minded). You might consider the hills of Kentucky as a new residence.

  36. I was wondering if there is anyone else out there reading this who at least somewhat agrees with me.
    I really don't understand the anger though.
    There are people who would actually go to war, or shoot someone, over this.
    People need to step back and think about why they are so angry. This anger is not health. Think...


  37. I really don't understand the anger though.
    There are people who would actually go to war, or shoot someone, over this.


    You really need to reread your history books.
    Not the new ones - where George Washington counldn't tell a lie!
    But, the one where men really suffered and died to protect their freedom!
    Then, look at countries who declined as the result of their own chioces and policies.
    Key periods, usually a crisis where people were seeking leadership and answers!
    Rather than the type of answers that perserved and maintained their rights and freedoms. They were willing to accept things that changed their Governments and eventually their lives and were worse off in the end!
    The fact that they were willing to let someone else make their decisions and provide for them rather than providing them with options that allow them to make the decisions. That is usually the first step down to the basement!

    Not everyone wants to be in the basement with you!

  38. Anon @ 7:13

    I'm glad your willing to go along with the masses as well and just hold out your hand.

    Being well informed and holding out against liberalism/socialism is a freedom we still have, FOR NOW.

  39. Did anyone see the special Oprah had on Denmark around the time of the Nobel ceremony? She was so amazed with their Socialized Health care system and all of their amazing government programs. You can get unemployment for around 4 years over there. She went up to their tiny apartment to talk some more and said "Where are all your things?" They don't have things!!!! All they have is what the government gives them.

    Oprah could not make it in Denmark. She likes her things too much.

  40. What happened to Obama's promise of five days for the public to read a bill once it shows up on his desk? It has been 36 hours and he is signing it today!


    Much like his rhetoric concerning this bill, he only says what the people want to hear. There is no other possible explanation. Say one thing do another. Too bad no one will call him on it.

    So he doesn't want to wait five days to sign a bill, no big deal. But why did he campaign on it? We all know what he said, (Isn't technology a bitch!?!) but my question is: What did you hear?

  42. Obama is the worst President in the history of this country. George Bush was bad, but he can't hold a candle to Obama. Obama has broken every single campaign promise he made while applying for the job, and now he is leading us along the path of Socialism. Pretty soon we will all be dependent on government for our healthcare. What's really sad is that some of these people on here don't care about their country at all, they just care about what they can get and what the government can do for them. This is a very scary time for America. Maybe the tipping point.

  43. Doc, what I heard every time Obama got up to a microphone was "lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie I will give you free sh!t lie lie lie lie lie" It's so sad that so many people are blinded by race and greed.

  44. I know many of you are not so inclined to follow links, but this 8 second clip sums up this health care bonanza.

    Out of context, right? Regardless, poor choice of words coming from an impeached (on corruption and bribery charges) federal judge. All health bill lovers should be proud to have such a noble yay vote. Go democrats!

  45. Now jj. Calm down. I've been reading your blogs pretty careful, and I haven't heard anyone threaten war, shooting etc. Particularly not D.Q. Face it, this is a tough subject, and people are upset. Sometimes when people are upset they may not know how to voice their feelings appropriately. People are upset when they see their freedoms being snatched.
    @ March 23 7:13 D.Q., SG, & ILBR, pretty good company to be in. In case we should have a meltdown in our society, these are the blokes you will find on the front lines fighting for YOUR freedom to choose. True Patriots! Red, White, & Blue.


  46. dq i was referring more to stuff out there on the net. its pretty crazy.
    i really dont see how this is taking your freedom way, trying to find a way to help people is what its about.
    i just think the reaction is a little overdone is all.
    did you read the story about the guy who was tweeting that he wanted to kill the president - a black guy no less - and he said he was serious when questioned by the cops. threatening the president is a felony.
    also here in ark city, on facebook pages, some of my "friends" on there are talking war and actually shooting someone. its getting kinda crazy, actually what's on here is relatively tame in the overall scheme of things.

    this isnt about freedom, its about making our society more just. a just society cares for poor people and tries to help them.
    i dont see how you are losing a single right in all this... actually you might gain some rights if you were to lose most of your money and possessions and be too sick to work.

  47. jj-
    So your saying I WILL NOT be negatively affected by this in anyway?

    My insurance premiums are not going to go up? There is so much more to it, and you are trying to make it so simple. I know you are smarter than that.

  48. 20 Ways Obamacare will take away your freedoms...

  49. 20 ways is radical conservative spin.
    allowing kids to stay on parents policies - NOT REQUIRED - is referred to as allowing "slacker" kids to stay on as though it were required.
    Also implies that ALL kids are slackers.
    It goes on like that for 20 examples.

    i want to see

  50. You're right JJ, the health care bill is soooo wonderful. That why it took a bunch of backroom deals, sneaky tactics, arm twisting and lies just to get the democRATS to sign on to it.

    They are just soooo excited about it.

  51. You're right JJ, the health care bill is soooo wonderful. T

    Here is a great example of what bothers me about this whole thing.
    I have never even said it is good, let along wonderful. I said earlier that i thought reforming insurance was not the best way to do this. ALL I have ever said was that i thought opponents were over reacting and that helping people get health care is a good idea...

    But if anyone dares to even think about questioning the opponents, or even insinuating that it might be good to help people ... you are subjected to immediate attacks and labels.
    its just the extremism im seeing that bothers me.

    I wish you could see how you come across.

  52. i'm not sure about the health care stuff at all. i havent been reading much except on here. i do wonder about any bill that takes so much back room dealing and stuff just to get passed. then takes a bunch of amendments added on to (get it right). seems a lot more work and thought could have been put into it. not just to get as much (pork)for every one involved. i do think the health care system needed some work but is this the best we could do? d.

  53. i really dont see how this is taking your freedom way, trying to find a way to help people is what its about.


    What about helping people help themselves not just helping them because the Government says we have to in a bill!

    What happened to rewarding responsibility and motivating people through positve methods?
    Penalizing negative and destructive behaviors and things that intentionally destroy the interwoven fabric of society? (Like holding people responsible for their choices and actions, then helping them through positive reinforcement not just providing for their needs.)

    I'm certainly not against helping those who are legitmately trying their best, who cannot control their own destiny, or have started with a disadvantage!

    I also understand that some of our policies and procedures are out dated haven't kept up with the times. That there are also those who are willing to take advantage of others throughout Society!

    I worked hard for what I have and have to work hard just to keep it!


    This bill and their actions were purely about the "ABUSE" of power!

    I hope I come across as Pissed!

  54. I hope you never get sick and actually need help, but then again, it might open your eyes.
    There was a child with the president when he signed the bill today.
    The child is an orphan because his mother, WHO HAD A JOB, got sick and got fired because she could not do her job anymore. she also lost her insurance.. she died from an illness that could have been treated because she lost her job.

    but yea, she didnt matter, she was just some deadbeat woman with a child to support. Kid was probably a bum too right?
    Im a little pissed too, at the heartlessness I see.
    You blame everyone who is in need.
    Hope you have a nice dinner. enjoy it.

  55. Oprah could not make it in Denmark. She likes her things too much.

    I agree! I have a relative in Sweden. They live a totally different lifestyle then we do in America! They don't have organized activities for the children like sports! They have Socialaized Healthcare as well, but they aren't as big a Country!
    You can't compare other countries to the U.S.!
    So, why do you want to be like them?


    Most of them want to be like US!

    Why have we lost our Vision as a Nation?

    You know that answer it's in your Heart!

  56. but yea, she didnt matter, she was just some deadbeat woman with a child to support. Kid was probably a bum too right?
    Im a little pissed too, at the heartlessness I see.
    You blame everyone who is in need.
    Hope you have a nice dinner. enjoy it.

    No one was ever promised an easy life!
    You don't get to pick your parents!
    No one can prevent getting sick or always be healed!
    I can't change those out comes or prevent those things from happening and neither can you!
    If we could there would be no sufferring starvation, or death from disease!
    I don't disagree with the helpng of those in need or those who have no choices or where there options have been exhausted!
    Everyone on both sides has agreed that the health industry was broken! That the guidelines
    being used that allowed insurance to be tied to jobs was outdated! Do you understand who was responsible for those Guidelines? Do you understand that it is the Government that requires you to meet minimum income levels to qualify for its programs? That the Government through its programs is every bit as heartless if not more than Insurance?
    I knew of someones mother-in law who had heart surgery! She wasn't really capable of going home! The released her anyway! Then paid to lifewatch her back where she died!

    Don't tell me the Government backed plans are innocent! Under their Bill it will get WORSE!

  57. The prez tried several times to get the republicans to work with him. They refused until they saw they were going to lose, then said, wait, lets start over on this.
    yea right.
    at least its a start , and that is all this is, its just a start.
    if republicans really believe and are willing to reform health care, then now is the time for them to get to work on it ..
    i wont be holding my breath.

    this is my area of greatest disagreement with conservatives - which is the attitude toward poor people and needy people.
    do you think it is possible that people get abused by big corporations.
    the reason we have laws is to stop abuse.
    if there were not laws against it,
    people would be kicked the door anytime they got injured on the job and we would have 10 year olds working 12 hours a day six days a week.
    you would probably support that too.
    as it is written in the scriptures. ...
    the law is for the unrighteous ..

  58. JJ, you are so controlled by the liberal media.

    For the dems to trot out that poor kid who lost his mom was just sickening and deplorable. People die whether they have insurance or not. That woman could have been treated under current law. She was treated several times if I remember the story right. She died. People die all the time who have good insurance. My wife died in her twenties and we had great insurance and the best doctors money could buy. People die. The government cannot stop that no matter how much power we give them. For them to make a sob story out of that little boy for political gain is just sickening. I imagine him speaking out several years from now saying how he was manipulated by the left.

    What this bill does is put us under the thumb of government even more than we already are. it gives government powers far beyond what they have now, and it makes Americans dependent on them. It will tax us far more than we are taxed already, and it will drive private insurers to raise their rates to pay for all the conditions the government has put on them. Where did you think that money to cober everyone with pre-existing conditions was gonna come from?

    You were right about one thing though. This is only the beginning. Obama and his far left will not stop until we have a complete government takeover of healthcare. He has said many times that is his goal. He even said he couldn't do it all at once, but over a period of ten to twenty years we would be at a single payer system. THEN where will our choices be? We will have the same system that has failed in Canada and Europe. It cannot pay for itself, and our country cannot afford it. We face hard times as a country. Our industry is gone overseas, and we have no way of bringing it back. No way to pay our debts to the world. This was a power grab at the expense of our children and grandchildren.
    For you to say the Republicans offered no ideas just shows that you have been mesmerized by CNN and MSNBC. Look it up for yourself and be informed. Some of the ideas in the bill were republican ideas. It helps to be informed from both sides.

  59. which is the attitude toward poor people and needy people.

    Well I certainly don't agree with programs that are incentives for people to choose to be POOR!
    That hold them in bondage or promote the degredation of Society!

    The Bible says there will always be poor!

    Some choose it as their lifestyle others through their choices! (I have even heard someone tell me that it is difficult to escape! Because it is self perpetuating - passed from generation to generation!)

    But it also says It will be easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a Rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

    No where in the Bible that I can find - says it about the chioces of Governments or Corporatons!

    God doesn't work through either one of them!

    To HIM!

    It's about Individuals!

    I wonder why our Founding Fathers were so adamant on stressing the Rights Of Individuals in The Constitution?

  60. "I wish you could see how you come across."
    jj, Let me say again. You lean to the left. It's just not possible for you to see. I lean to the right, and realize it. Look. No one. Again, NO ONE is against health reform, helping those less fortunate or helping people who cannot help themselves. Re-read your own posts. That's how you make us sound. Sheesh!!! Gimme a break.
    I personally would not be SO against Obama's bill, IF it did not subsidize abortions, and it had not included all the backroom deals, and it was SO secretive. President Obama's executive order isn't worth the paper it's printed on. (I could explain why legally, but, what's the use?) Heck, even Planned Parenthood isn't putting up a stink, cause they understand. You say you're a Christian, well: How can you in God's Name put your approval on the Gov't sanction and payment of abortions? Don't say you're not, cause you can't have it both ways. --"We'll have to pass the bill so you can see what's in it" -Nancy Pelosi.

  61. would not be SO against Obama's bill, IF it did not subsidize abortions, a
    How long will you continue with the lie about abortions.
    it does not pay for abortions any more than the govt does now. it has no effect on that.
    some of you are being controlled by conservative media much more than you are willing to admit.
    you are all saying the same thing, and its the same stuff being said on conservative media.
    dont you ever stop and wonder why that is?

    it doesnt matter what the bill says, you would oppose it just as adamantly just because its a democrat bill.
    the dems would do the same if it was a pub bill.

    it is a starting point. if conservatives are really interested in reform, let them start getting to work on it ... instead of just screaming socialism.
    you are pandering fear
    and lies

  62. screaming socialism.
    you are pandering fear
    and lies

    I try to follow both sides and make my own assesments based on what information I can get unfortunately it comes from the Media! They both want to spin what they can depending on whose writing or reporting the subject!

    But, you can't spin the kind of politics that just took place with the Democrats and President! They may have won the Whitehouse and Congress but they showed us what they really are about and their real intentions!

    It was a railroad job where they just ran over the top of everyone! Including and with no regard for the States!

    The real issue is that we have seen what Socailism looks like - most recently in Venezula with Chavez!

    What makes you think it will be any different in the USA if they are allowed to pursue their full agenda?

    What makes you think it will be any different than anywhere or anytime else in History?

    They are Socialists! That is their agenda!

    This is about Big Federal Government Control and programs for the Country!


    Its not about a balance or any redistribution of Power!

  63. Btw: One of the things they are prediciting that Obama is going to do is pass a VAT tax!
    Just like they have in Europe!

    Look it up! Value Added Tax!

    I think you can probably predict his every step from here Forward!

  64. I think you can probably predict his every step from here Forward!
    would that be like the Kansas "Intangible Tax" that has been in force for about 20 years ? stuff like tax on your savings accounts and more ..

    if you would spend half the energy thinking about creative solutions to real problems, you would get more done.

  65. "How long will you continue with the lie about abortions." ooook, well, let's just shelve this for now. Time will prove who has the best info... tired of arguing, i'm gon to bed ..zzzzz

  66. Will this health care bill bring more hot girls to ark city?

  67. acrevived;

    You are the 'journalist', please give me the web address, page number, and section for the health care bill from which you have drawn the conclusion the bill will not pay for abortion.

    You seem to come to similar conclusions concerning the Scriptures, as well. Pleas cite Book, Chapter, and Verse, where the 'law' the Bible discusses is referring to secular law.

  68. "and its the same stuff being said on conservative media. dont you ever stop and wonder why that is?"

    Because it's the truth?

    "How long will you continue with the lie about abortions.
    it does not pay for abortions any more than the govt does now. it has no effect on that."

    Hmm. The fact checking article you posted this morning (from the liberal media AP no less) says different. Now what do you have to say?

  69. Argue from the 'left'
    Argue from the 'right'

    Here we are:

    Stuck in the middle.... hahaha

    When Bush and the Republicans were in charge -they done nothing right
    Now Obama and the Democrats are in charge - they can do nothing right.
    I'm just enjoying the ride of this particular blog site. Who's right now?

    Please, for real, somebody tell me who is right!

  70. btw: Rush....El Rushbo....makes a living stirring folks up... (quite the entertainer)
