Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday update

Thursday already.
Cop notes are updated, also added to the site stories about all region and all conference basketball for Cowley.
City Commission work session is today at 5:30 p.m. Here is what is on the agenda:
Beautification advisory board good neighbor award.
Acceptance of a sculpture in the center of the US 77 Kansas Ave, round-a-bout.
Updating ordinance governing selling from automobile.
Resolution to participate in natural hazard mitigation with county and school officials.
Resolution re-confirming support for the qualifying regional strategic plan and ask the state to reconfirm the county as an enterprise zone.
Set town hall meeting for March 25
Cancel public hearing regarding creation of a redevelopment district.
Not on the agenda: The library project will probably be discussed.


  1. What's the sculpture in the middle of the traffic circle going to be?

  2. A sculpture in the middle of the roundabout. Thats a good idea. Something for a sleepy trucker or drunk driver to plow threw!

  3. Are they seriously considering putting a sculpture in there? That is a very bad idea. Did they not see the tire tracks going straight across that thing the first couple of weeks it was in place? Not to mention that we really shouldn't be spending money on sculptures with the economy in the toilet.

  4. Can we waste anymore taxpayers money....
    Good grief, is that considered to be in the 'public safety' or 'education' funding?

  5. Even without the money issue, the roundabout has had several people run straight across the middle of it. Maybe a statue would help them see it, but it might also make what would be a minor accident into a major one. The last thing we need is a sleepy motorist impaled on a statue in the middle of the roundabout.

  6. Sorry this is off subject jj, but my anti virus was blocking your site yesterday.

  7. that happened to me too.

  8. ive not heard that, what are you using? sometimes when you update it will start blocking sites?
