Friday, March 12, 2010

Good morning

I was able to live blog the city commission work session last night. Hopefully Ill be able to continue that. My computer is a little strange at times.
Interesting idea about the library. There may be some federal funding available to help. They are going forward with applications and such.
Ill try to get some more info on that.

On an unrelated item. I see the dems may use the "nuclear option" of reconciliation to get health care passed. Of course pubs are up in arms over it. But both sides have used that several times, so its not that big ofa deal. Pubs have used it a few times themselves.
Another thing to consider. What reconciliation does is prevent a filibuster. A filibuster blocks a bill from passing. So, how can republicans object to a political maneuver when they were planning their own political maneuver?
Just politics as usual.
Be interesting to see how it plays out.


  1. Obama is on record saying several times that they would not do that, now he's going to? Oh well, not the first time he's changed his mind.

    Cant wait until 2010 elections this year. Clear 'em out.

    And if you're going to call them pubs, why not call the others crats?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. s, why not call the others crats?
    Well i was calling them dems . i dont see how crats is worse than dem, both are meant as a term of disrespect.
    I disrespect both parties equally. :)

  4. I red the live blog and I'm gald your back in the saddle!
    Two key intersting notes:

    One was the part where it was stated that the threshhold for a paticular Grant was limited to areas with 50% low income. Our low income was only 47%!
    So is the goal to reach 50%?

    The other was the part about the TIF!
    Seems some of the area did not qualify for blighted under it's present classification!
    Farmland qualifies for BLIGHTED!
    So the question that has to be asked?
    What areas and property owners qualify for a TIF?
    How can the City say Yes to ACI and NO to THEM!

  5. The Nuclear Option might happen Today!
    But the NUCLEAR EXPLOSION is going to happen during the up and coming Generations!
    WWIII might just end up being a generational war!
    You hit 65 and your done! Maybe if its bad enough 55!
    But you had a good life!

  6. "Both sides have used that several times,...not that big ofa deal." jj, you still amaze me. Both sides have used it, BUT, not to grab 1/6th of the U.S. economy & do what they want with it. Definitely not to do something that majority of Americans say they don't want. AND it was never designed to be used to pass legislation in defiance. jj, methinks you are just uninformed or else you are a dem in independent's clothing. (pun intended) As for your assertion that both parties are the same, it's just not true. If both parties were the same, we would already have a socialist health care system. The "pubs" (as you say) are the only reason we don't. Look, communism never worked in any setting. Why should we be the new guinea pigs. We all know what happens to guinea pigs. eh? jj, you should get out more often. ---But, as another writer said, I do appreciate the blog and the fact you don't censor the folks you disagree with.

  7. "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it." -Nancy Pelosi

    In Her own words:

  8. where is the investigative reporting? what is the real reason they fired the board at home national yesterday?

  9. Reconciliation has never been used on something this big and far reaching. This bill is not even understood by the people voting for it. Abortion will be covered by our tax dollars in the present version.
    This is being done against the will of the people, and the politicians responsible will be held accountable come election time if this monstrosity passes..


    From the above article:

    "Nothing has been more disconcerting than to watch Democratic politicians and their media supporters deceive themselves into believing that the public favors the Democrats' current health-care plan. Yes, most Americans believe, as we do, that real health-care reform is needed. And yes, certain proposals in the plan are supported by the public.

    However, a solid majority of Americans opposes the massive health-reform plan. Four-fifths of those who oppose the plan strongly oppose it, according to Rasmussen polling this week, while only half of those who support the plan do so strongly. Many more Americans believe the legislation will worsen their health care, cost them more personally and add significantly to the national deficit. Never in our experience as pollsters can we recall such self-deluding misconstruction of survey data."


    "CNN found last month that 56 percent of Americans believe that the government has become so powerful it constitutes an immediate threat to the freedom and rights of citizens. When only 21 percent of Americans say that Washington operates with the consent of the governed, as was also reported last month, we face an alarming crisis."

  11. @4:46 SG This is from the Washington post, no less. One of the most liberal papers on the planet.

  12. That's why I found it so telling. The libs would expect as much from FOX News or Rush Limbaugh, but to have a liberal paper like the Washington Post saying it must really be a slap in the face.

    Can they not see the damage they are causing? Have they just gone too far down the path to turn back, and damn the consequences? I have never seen leadership so completely out of touch with the people.

    Those of you who voted for Obama must really be scratching your heads wondering what happened to all the great ideas he had during the election. Remember how he was going to turn the country around and bring bi-partisanship back. Remember how his administration was going to be the most transparent in history? Remember how he was going to heal the racial divide in this country? Remember all the promises he made? I guess he doesn't remember a one of them, because none have come to pass. It's politics as usual in Washington.

    Well, not exactly as usual, because no President in history has ever ran as full tilt toward socialism as Obama is now. At least Clinton had brains enough to move to the middle when the American people showed their dislike of his liberal agenda. Obama is not even smart enough to know when to change course. He will be a one term President if the Republicans don't totally screw up between now and 2012. I just worry about the damage he can cause between now and then.

    WORST. PRESIDENT. EVER. That will be his legacy.

  13. If you want to know why things have gotten so bad on the nat'l political seen, one only needs to look locally at how LITTLE people pay attention to what is going on in their own back yard. Of course it doesn't help that there is NO local news media that does ANY investigative reporting, only 'yes men' who flower up the scent of wrong doing by any city reps. or employees. Nice 'bait and switch' on discussing the TIF and finishing with health care

  14. I misspoke, the 'bait and switch' was from Library relocating to health care, although I find it hard to understand how nothing was written about the 'blighted' areas and TIF.

    Why does everyone think it is 'good leadership' to bilk all the money we can from the federal gov. when our country is in such dire financial shape?!?

  15. yea lets turn down federal money too, let winfield or derby have it, that will show them we dont let the govt push us around.

  16. "...voted for Obama must really be scratching your heads..." --SG, I got another one for you. Just think if you were one of the people in the Cabinet or such and had to endure the policies & cr@p being put forth. Seriously, with all due respect, President Obama is the least qualified person in the room. He never built anything, never made a payroll, never ran a business. Just happens to be able to speak really well. Question is: What does that say about the man on the street in U.S.A.? Why would we elect a junior Senator with ZERO foreign policy experience & ZERO Business experience to run the Greatest Country on earth? Why? The Presidency is not an "on the job training" post. Oh, how easily the sheeple are duped.

  17. "... Obama must really be scratching your heads wondering what happened ..." SG, I got another one for you. Imagine if you were in the President's inner circle & had to endure the policies that are put forth. With all due respect, President Obama is easily the least qualified person in the room. He never built anything, never ran a business, never made a payroll. Why would we elect a junior Senator with ZERO foreign policy experience, and ZERO business experience to run the Greatest Country in the world? Why? Oh how easily the sheeple are duped. At this point, I think Pres. Obama & his crew realize the jig is up and they have been found out. So, they've just decide "the he*l with it" and go for broke.

  18. I agree 8:17 a.m., turn down the federal money, let the other towns sell their souls to the devil in order to satisfy their appetite of greed

  19. Yea, there's no need in us getting some tax money back from the feds for local projects.
    We will keep paying taxes and show the govt we cant be bought.

  20. Why don't they look at doing something with the old AC Office Building? Maybe the Library +?
    Its closer to the College and off main Street!
    It would also help improve that block.
    Besides you won't see anyone build a building like that today!
    Maybe it would qualify for historical status!
