Monday, March 29, 2010

Obama's easter

Im just curious as to how Republicans would attack this....
Obama having the Seder Meal with his staff members and family.
Just as Democrats attacked anything Bush did, now Republicans attack anything Obama does. Same game, different verse. So I was just curious as to how this would be attacked.


  1. I'm sure it will go something like this. "The man "claims" to be a Christian, yet hasn't been to church since taking office. Now he chooses to celebrate the most holy of Christian days by celebrating the Jewish Passover. Just another example of how our president is thumbing his nose at "mainstream" America"

  2. Why should Republicans attack this ? Attacking is the Dem's job.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. he is a professed MUSLIM therefor easter is meaningless to him,,,, muslims think Jesus was just a profit,,, MOHOMAD IS THERE SPIRITUAL guide to ALA

    i think us republicans could give a shit less how he spends easter,, one day without him is one more day that Americans will remain free kinda..

  5. ^^Who profitted?^^

  6. How dare you censor your Vice President! It is a big f*cking deal!

  7. @Anonymous - 4:07pm.
    He is a professed member of the United Church of Christ.

  8. wrong he is indeed Muslim, his wife is a member of the Church of Christ

    Mohamad Hussain Obama

  9. Absolutely not true.
    Obama has been a member of the UCC for since the 1980's. He first ran for office in 1996. He frequently talks about his "personal relationship with Jesus Christ." There are plenty of reasons to dislike the man. You don't have to make any up.

  10. I wouldn't call a church where the Reverand was fond of yelling "god damn America" a christian church. A church that teaches hate of the white man and hate of capitalism. Obama has called the free market system the enemy. He wants a state ran system and the scary part is that he is on his way to getting it while millions of lazy people sit on their couch with their hands out.

  11. The only thing this blog has ever convinced me of is to never vote republican again and to completly change my party to something other then dem or pub. I'm so sorry the extremists on this blog and others, really believe that just because someone believes in a cause(healthcare) for the good of america has all the republicans convinced that all democrats believe in abortions, think nobody should have a gun and that just because some of us would like to see accessable healthcare to everyone, we are all lazy, etc, etc... Thanks sg and dq for convincing me.

  12. @CC "Thanks...for convincing me." Glad I could help out. Hmmm...extremist huh? Since you've given me a label, I was thinking...
    wonder how the word "extremist" would look on a tee shirt?
    Seriously, you should re-read my posts. I've read your writing and I believe you are honest. Guess we just see things different, I guess. I have many friends. Some agree with me, & some do not. If you call me wanting to spend my OWN money extreme, then you're right. I think all healthy able-bodied people should work, and if they choose to be lazy they should be allowed to starve. It's obvious to even the casual observer that we NEED healthcare reform. Just not the kind cooked up in backrooms, bought & sold with bribes, kickbacks, armtwisting, deceit and outright lies. And,....oh what's the use?


  13. DQ I didn't really intend to say you was an extremist,(I haven't had much more then a few minutes lately to post so I was in a hurry) at least you can debate without being hateful or making snide remarks unlike a few others.
    Backroom deals happens in every majority, whether it be dem or repub, in the White House. I agree too that the lazy should be allowed to starve. In fact I got a few in mind at the moment that should. But the bad always goes along with the good. Just because you got some lazies doesn't make it right we should all be punished!? How does one figure out who is really the lazy without spending so much time and resources to pinpoint it down to who is who? My stance is, is that everyone should have access to healthcare. Too many people are having to go to er rooms instead of the dr since most of them require some kind of prepay now if you don't have insurance. way too many don't do either if they don't have the money. Sick people are less productive citizens. I guess I see things different since I work within the healthcare system and see a lot of hardworking people go into debt or be miserable, because they cannot afford to go to the dr.

  14. @CC, hey on this you and I are in total agreement. We just disagree on the way to get there. I have a relative who had no ins. call a local clinic and was told, "we will NOT treat you unless you pay in full up front". It's nuts. IMO. I consider myself to have somewhat more than a layman's knowldege of the law & political process. The way this deal went down was nothing short of criminal. Mr. Byrd NEVER meant for "reconciliation" to be used as a means to grab 1/6th of the U.S. economy in this fashion. He has said so. The dems saw their chance and said "to he*l with it" and drove it right over all reason, honor & sanity. The argument of: "well the pubs do it too" would be funny if it wasn't so stupid. BTW, Pres. O's E.O. isn't worth the paper it's printed on. I'm tired of discussing it, but, I know it has to be done. You gotta take a stand. (even if it's your last stand)

    Oh, I know my friend SG is a little rough around the edges. Know what? I'd rather be in a foxhole with SG & ILBR anyday instead of CC, jj, & B.O. (no disrespect intended) you guys would try & find a means of surrender, while me, SG,& ILBR would stand our ground.

    I guess you could get some bandages. eh?


  15. C.C., D.Q., and others.....

    I'm standing my ground too..... This country needs help. We the people are so self-centered
    that we can't see what needs to be done to help our fellow man.

    Republican or Democrat....what about the people?
    Don't we all deserve, or wouldn't we all like to see 'grown-up' leadership. I think what we have as leadership in government 'stinks'. (and that's puttin' it nicely) Every man and woman is so dedicated to their political party, it doesn't matter what the people think or do. I must say the outcry from both sides is making me 'tired'....(again, being nice) I mean, I am seeing no real solution offered from either side.

    A country divided against itself.... is, and will become a 'sewer'.

  16. We no longer have a government "of, by and for the people." It does not make sense to be on either side. Peeons like us have no influence, and are not the primary concern of the majority of politicians. Our government is now a government "of, by, and for the big wigs, the fat cats and wealthy elites...," bought and paid for by corporations and special interest groups. It should not be "us vs. lazy welfare cheats," it should be "us vs. corporate America, and the institutions that support it." We have always been told, and always believed that hard work will bring success. That is no longer true. The decks are stacked against us, to that point that very few peeons will ever really succede.

  17. Well DQ I certainly hope you have insurance because they aren't going to provide medical treatment if you need it while in the fox hole. On the other hand, I would happily help to protect you and put on a bandage... Congratulations... Your post just implied to me that if people are non republican then they must not know how to "stand their ground" in your own words and only democrats make back room deals. Please don't lump us all into one catagory. Maybe I would like to see healthcare for all, but I firmly believe in the right to carry a gun. I do have one for just in case. I do thank Sg for convincing me that people should have one for protection. I also think abortion should be legal only in certain circumstances.

    Anonymous April 7, 2010 9:51 AM
    You are absolutely right. Although their are some that have managed to work their way to wealthy with hard work and not ripping us off at the same time.

    Anonymous April 6, 2010 1:25 PM
    Exactly why I am changing my party. I am tired of politics too. They don't care about us, only which party will be standing in the end.

  18. C.C.
    D.Q. is not as stiff as you think. I think he and S.G. both are stiff, but funny.
    I am on your side with a lot of these issues. I agree with them on a couple of things.

    I want insurance, I want people to be cared for.
    I'm not sure we as a country know how to care for our own anymore.
    Teach someone to fish, and they can eat. Give someone a fish, and they may want you to keep feeding them. hmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Anyways, so much for this blog, I'm goin' back to Seinfield.... a show about a bunch of nothing!

  19. Anonymous said...
    I wouldn't call a church where the Reverand was fond of yelling "god damn America" a christian church.

    Of course you are correct. We know that the Bible was written in reference to the United States correct. There is on way anyone could declare damnation on our gay rights advocating, same sex marrying, divorcing, common law shack ups, unwed baby making, lying cops, lying politicians, porn promoting, child molesting, investor stealing, bank defrauding nation now could He?

    He never devclared damnation on Sodom and Gomorrah correct? The scripture never read righteousnes exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.

    How dare anyone call the USA out for it's lying and hypocriting ways. Rev. Wrights sermon was not tailored to appeal to voters but to convict sinners.

    We're an immoral nation. Highest attendance in Sunday service was the Sunday after 9/11/2001. Lowest was after President Bush authorized the murder of Saddam Hussein in retaliation for the terrorist acts of Osama bin Laden.

    How dare anyone preach against the immoral conduct of the United States?

  20. ^^^^ Who let Fred Phelps on here?

    Thanks DQ. You relied exactly as I would have to the above posters. And you can be in my foxhole any time! Hopefully we won't need any foxholes in the near future, but I'm not ruling anything out at this point. (It would be funny if it weren't so true)
