Monday, March 1, 2010

More health care

Cop notes are posted. I did it a bit different today, so let me know how that works.

Story in the New York Times about how Pelosi is planning on ramming through the House Health Care Bill.
There is some sort of political maneuver that will allow the dems to push it through without any cooperation from the pubs.
Here is a link to the story

What is more interesting to me is the move itself. Should a politician do what he or she thinks is right, regardless of public opinion?


  1. Well you have to consider that Nancy has a lot at stake in seeing Universal healthcare pass. The fact that the State of California is basically Bankrupt and they need the outside money the Federal Healthcare mandates will bring to her state!


    Even more interesting is the underground rumors that are starting to surface especially among the Precious Metal holders! That the larger plan is to de-value our currency. Reissue a new one in an effort to offset the Deficit and increased spending!


    There is a growing fear of hyperinflation!

  2. "thinks is right, regardless of public opinion" Good question. Yes and no. The word "representative" is a good start for discussion. A representative is just that: A person sent for a specific purpose to do business on behalf of another. They are our agents, our voice. They represent me & you. That being said, because of being so close to the issues, they know more than the folks back home. They are privy to sometimes classified and top secret info. So, they must communicate their decisions to the folks back home who may not understand and don't know. Challenging. That's when it's said: "you gotta stick to your convictions". Even if it costs you an election. What's going on in D.C. deeply troubles me. By any poll you care to read, the "people" have said by large majority they do not want Government Run Healthcare. Yet, we have a leadership that seems hell-bent on pushing it thru anyway. It's been discussed enough that we know pretty much what it'll do to us. One thing thats not mentioned: The cuts in Medicare needed to fund the Gov't Run Healcare will HAVE to be made up by the States. (except Nebraska) My goodness, if this goes thru, it will bankrupt most states. Kansas is on the brink financially now. This could sink us here in KS. Do we have any true "representatives"?


  3. Maybe politicians should let the people vote and decide on the health care plan.

  4. The blaring hypocrisy in this video speaks for itself. It shows the rant the Democrats, Obama included, gave when Bush wanted to use "Reconciliation" (here called "the Nuclear Option")to pass a bill.

    Instant Classic Quote: "I pray God when the Democrats take back control we don't make the kind of naked power grab you are doing."

    -Joe Biden

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. "I pray God when the Democrats take back control we don't make the kind of naked power grab you are doing."
    yea im sure it will come back on them.
    I still think its an interesting question, of whether a politician should do what they think is right regardless ...
    but also realize, Pelosi is from San Fransisco .. her seat will not be in jeopardy regardless.. its dems in other areas that will have to fall on their swords for her.

    I just wish Bush and the Pubs had used "the nuclear option" on abortion ... that would have given me a little faith in them.

    But im not sure its wrong to use whatever means necessary to achieve a goal. Wont both sides be mad if the other side wins on any issue?

    Ok, ive put down both sides. I feel ok now.

  7. I wish Bush had used the "Nuclear Option" on Abortion AND Immigration. Bush had the power to bring about real conservative change in this country, and he failed miserably. I wonder how his presidency would have gone if 9/11 had not happened?

  8. "I wonder how his presidency would have gone if 9/11 had not happened?"

    I'm just thankful that Gore wasn't in office when 9/11 happened...


  9. Amen to that DQ. Can you imagine the world we would live in today if Gore had decided to sanction them or something instead of going to war. Even though Bush went the wrong direction in going to Iraq, the American people would not have stood for us NOT going to war at all, which is what I believe Gore would have done. After all, all those bombs going off is bound to raise the global temperature a few degrees. lol

  10. as a side note, how is it that a senator from one of the worse run states, and a track record of digging the hole deeper, is the speaker of the house? shouldn't there be some kind of process to put in place people that can prove they are qualified at building a more stable government and a better representative of the people?

  11. "...process to put in place people that can prove they are qualified..." I sure wish there were such a system.

  12. Well, if we 'armchair' quarterbacks.... and 'armchair' presidents could only share our 'great wisdom' with the world. What a wonderful world this would be.

  13. So, today the President proposes to pass his health care bill. Seems he's run out of patience with speaker Pelosi & Leader Reid. Oh, I forgot to mention that no one will be able to read it. Oh well, who cares about details anyway? Note: Abortion is the liberal Dems #1 battle cry. They would rather not have health care reform if it doesn't include abortion. Question is, are the so-called "moderate" Dems willing to fall on their swords for a bill that no one wants, particularly their folks back home? To be or not to be, that is the question.

  14. when he offered to let them read it, they didnt want to, they just attacked every word.
    when he offered to talk, they didnt want to, tey just attacked.
    when he said no more talking, they just attacked.
    no matter what he does, pubs will just attack.
    use the nuclear option already and get it passed !

  15. Abortion is not covered any more than it is now. TO say the health care bill covers abortion is less than honest. It doesnt add or take away from what is currently covered by insurance.
    The bill has been read to death. the charge of secrecy is not real either.
    Just trying to point out the truth:)

    Same battle with the creation of social security, public education et all.
    I really dont understand conservatives on health care. Why would you be opposed to health care being available to everyone?
    There will always be problems and abuses. Thats no excuse for not doing the right thing.

  16. I really dont understand conservatives on health care. Why would you be opposed to health care being available to everyone?

    I don't think there is an overall opposition to Healthcare/Insurance reform!
    I think its more about the Government takeover of healthcare that is at the Heart of the issue!
    But, no one has really given good solid answers on how it will be paid for, by whom, and the effect it will have on the type of system we have now! (Which is likely to be destructive!)
    Then, they want it passed NOW so they can make those decisions later!
    Whats the RUSH!!!!!!!!!!

  17. jj, I hope you don't want to use Social Security & Public School System as shining examples of gov't success. eh? I stand by my statement: These folks would rather not have healthcare reform if it doesn't include abortion. I mean you gotta speak lawyerese in order to not leave ANY loophole that they can't cram it thru.

    @1:15 "no one has really given good solid answers on how it will be paid for,..." That's all I'm sayin'. If they cram this thru, KS is sunk (and lots of other states) (EXCEPT Nebraska) because the Medicare cuts will sink our KS ship. Dollars don't grow on trees. This is a Trojan horse.

    "We are going to fundamentally change America." -Barack Hussein Obama


  18. Good article on Tax breaks and their impact on the economy and budget!

  19. Just in case you didn't read the article!
    Here is part of one one segement -

    Tax breaks on auto pilot

    The number of tax breaks has quadrupled since 1972. No one advocates that all tax breaks be abolished. But Burman has suggested lawmakers cap how much they spend on them.

    Done right, such breaks can advance government-favored activities such as giving to charities, boosting retirement savings or purchasing health insurance.

    But even when the mission is clear, lawmakers' aim isn't always dead-on. For example, a tax break might encourage behavior that would have happened without a government subsidy.

    Done wrong, tax breaks can squander resources that could be put to better use.
