Friday, April 1, 2011

DUI bill

I saw where the DUI bill has stalled in the Kansas senate. They were going to make the law tougher.
I know lots of conservatives get upset about the idea of looking at what other countries do, but ... it would be interesting for people to understand what they do in Europe.
Here in the U.S., we see driving as a right. and we dont have the infrastructure for public transport, so it is a necessity as well. If you dont live in a major city like New York or Chicago, a car is a necessity. In the large cities here, and in Europe, a car is really a burden.
They do take driving more seriously in Europe. You have to be 21 i think, or maybe 18. And you have to take serious driving classes. You cant just show up and take a test like you do here. You have to pass a hard driving course and it costs a few thousand dollars to get a drivers license.
THey dont mess around with laws either. When I was in Europe i got a parking ticket, and it cost nearly $100. From what I hear, a speeding ticket can cost several hundred, and second offense you might lose your license. Drunk drivers lose their license and go to jail for a long time. They have cameras that record speeders. You dont get pulled over, you get a picture of your car speeding in the mail, and showing your speed and how much your fine is.
I was really surprised when i was in Europe, that everyone was going the speed limit. You know here, when its posted 50, everyone drives 59 or more.
Im not sure its feasable in the U.S. because of the large rural areas and lack of public transport ... but driving could be taken more seriously in the U.S.
In some states you have to buy a legal ad and run it in the newspaper, with your picture, saying that you got your second dui .. thats an interesting idea too.


  1. Look at the number of Vehicles per household and how it has risen. (Go look at the High Schools Parking lots!)(They are crahsing them and building new ones everday - gotta save those car manufacturers and dealers!)

    There is no Public transportation because no one will use it! (Except of course in large Urban areas like NYC. etc.) Althoug there are some small busses used by the county in this area.

    We have something like 15% of the World's population and consume 25% of the Total Worlds Oil production. (You probably won't see a significant change in our or our grandkids maybe even great grand kids lifetimes.)

    As for the DUI's - until they get serious about taking away people's Right to Drive!
    It won't change!
    Besides we already have the Jails and Prisons Full! Where are you going to put them ALL?

    On an aside: I went to School with a Gentleman that had epilepsy - he had a mild form and didn't really have physicl seizures - he just kind of spaced out!

    Well he didn't tell his Doctor he stared having trouble because he didn't want to lose his drivers license.

    He rear ended a vehicle in Wichita and killed two kids in the back seat!

    He wasn't a bad person nor did he have a past record and he was an Engineer with Boeing!

    All that being said it didn't bring back those kids - plus it ruined life for his own family as he went to prison for a period of time!

    So, the moral of the story is it is hard for individuals (even the elderly) to give up their independence! But, personal responsibility and accountability is the KEY!

    Btw: How many times do you here someone who inquires about an Elderly person ask "Are they still Driving"? (It's a key "LIFE" event!)

  2. Off topic but probably a key world event:

    Tell me again how Islam is a tolerant Religion!

  3. Islam is not a religion. It is a political system couched as religion. A murderous system, but a system nonetheless. It's followers are enslaved (particularly women). Notice what they do to Muslims who attempt to change religions. And non-believers (infidels) are worthy of (1)death (2)converted (3)males castration & or slavery or female servants/sex slaves. history where Islam has been in places without a restraint.

  4. Islam is a religion, but has extremist factions, such as the Taliban.

  5. @5:48 PM

    Comments such as the one you made only shows that you are grossly unaware of what the religion of islam teaches. whether 'moderate' or 'extremists factions', a true follower of islam will ultimately hold the same beliefs-to establish a caliphate through stealth jihad of violent jihad, and that any secular laws should (and will) eventually be replaced with sharia. Dar-al-islam; dar-al-harb. The religion of islam as written in the koran, will always have the ultimate interpretation as per the hadiths. It is a religion that is polar opposites of the religion of christianity!!

    You cite only the taliban, no mention of the wahabites, safaria, etc. The 'moderate' islamic system has already been able to induce sharia compliant settlements through courts in florida, they have established a banking system here in the u.s. that is sharia compliant, and they are unquestionably helping, with the aid of our own political system, to undermine the constitution.

    I urge you to search the internet for the movie, "the coming is near", which has been released by the iranian government. whether shiite, sunni, wahabite, sarari, 'taliban', or any number of other sects, the islamic followers are a threat to our freedoms here at home.
