Tuesday, April 19, 2011

what's going on

See i write a well thought out piece about a topic i find interesting, and it gets no responses. But just mention certain issues, and that gets people going.

Well i did want to write about what i am up to these days. I am not exactly in Texas. I misled everyone for a reason. I am almost in Texas. I am in Ardmore Oklahoma, which is not far from the lone star state...  I am a sports writer. Just go to ball games, tell the tale, and help out in putting together the sports section and updating the paper's website. Interestingly enough, the higher-ups here have an Ark City connection. The publisher was once the publisher at the Traveler, way before it was sold, and was aware of winfield and the people at the paper there... so maybe there was a little bit of understanding.

The reason I misled everyone is  I became paranoid. For months I realized that i needed a regular steady job. My freelancing was doing ok, but just ok... So I started applying for jobs. Papers or other publishing companies, would show interest, we would be going through the "dating" process so to speak. Interviews and all that. I was very open and honest about what happened in AC ...
So then I would tell people in ark city, well i had an interview with this company... and suddenly that company lost interest... no explanation no reason .. just not interested anymore.. each time it was exactly the same thing..
So I misled everyone about where this job was. I got offered the job... It does make you think...maybe it was just a coincidence .. or maybe not... i just know what i saw.

I like the paper here a lot. Totally different culture than where i was before.. higher expectations and standards, and a spirit of teamwork. The bar is raised, but there is also a great sense of appreciation and value in what is being done.
Also I am not in management by any stretch. Just a lowly reporter - albeit in sports. So i dont have to be concerned about the big picture at all, or what others are doing... I dont even have to worry about tomorrow's paper.. how it will get done, what will be in it. I am only concerned with what game i am going to today, and what help is needed on the desk (putting the paper together)...so it is much less stressful.
I found a neat place to live. It is a garage apartment type thing in someone's back yard. All my utilities, including cable tv and the net, are included in my rent, so i only have one bill to pay...
I hate to admit it, but life is pretty good right now...

The only thing that has been difficult at all is getting used to working for a morning paper. I work "second shift" .. 3-4 p.m. to midnight. I am getting adjusted though..

So that's it. I may write more about my job and what its like here.


  1. Thank you for the update.

    I wish you well, jj. Sincerely.


  2. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/04/19/arizona-sheriff-cites-flood-border-agents-confirming-feds-apprehension-policy/

  3. "...a well thought out piece about a topic i find interesting, and it gets no responses. But just mention certain issues, and that gets people going."

    LOL...you got that right. figured folks would be glad to see you get ahead.

    just mention religion, guns, abortion, politics, or homosexuals and a firestorm erupts.

  4. homosexuals? I don't recall that one. Perhaps thou dost protest too much?

  5. Or mention what you're up to and Tom will post a foxnews link.

  6. JJ. keep us posted on whats going on. we'll keep the stuff flowing! don't forget about WVF in sept. D.

  7. You know in the movies where the Mad Scientist's insane creation inevitably turns on him? The GOP just got to the part where it dawns on them that the monster isn't under their control anymore.


  8. "Top Republicans who see the “birther” movement as a potential harm to their party are again disavowing the disproven conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was born overseas and is ineligible to be president."

    How exactly has it been disproven? Because the Washington Post says so? God knows they're not biased at all.

    When a large percentage of the population of the country you are the leader of has doubts about your birth, WHY NOT SHOW THEM YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND PROVE YOU WERE BORN THERE? Instaed, Obama has spent millions covering it up. That does not sound like a man with nothing to hide.


    An interesting read.

    I'm not saying I believe one way or the other, but I have doubts. What I would bet on is that Obama has lied about something in his past, maybe in his books, and the longform birth certificate would contradict that, making him look like a liar (as if we don't know he is a liar already).

  9. http://www.drudgereport.com/flash7.htm

  10. doesnt the burden of proof lie with the one making the accusation?
    he has shown the birth certificate. also its all over the web, easy to find.
    the birthers say it isnt good enough.. so what difference would showing another one make?
    what ever he does they will say it isnt good enough
    the whole birther thing is so ridiculous
    if you tell a lie long enough people will start to believe it

  11. Well I think he has covered his tracks quite a bit I don't know about the birther thing!

    But, the Gal he got appointed as a Supreme Court Justice froze all his records at I believe it was Harvard!

    Now you do have to ask yourself why is it necessary to cover things up rather than disclose them Publicly?

  12. @11:43 Thou who canst not read.

    Read my post again goofball.
    "just mention religion, guns, abortion, politics, or homosexuals and a firestorm erupts."

    Oh I forgot...you can't read. (not w/comprehension) Let me break it down for you:


    Now, you have proven my point. I just mentioned the word.

  13. The washingtonpost is nothing more than a liberal mouthpiece. (just like Fox is a conservative one)

    So...whatever they publish is automatically sifted through doubting ears.

    Kind of like some small-town newspapers.

  14. "if you tell a lie long enough people will start to believe it"

    Yeah...kind of like "hope/change", and "8 years of failed Bush policies" or "We will have the most open and transparent government in history"
    Or like just by temporarily extending the Bush tax cuts, we come out and say "we have done the largest tax cut in history" Or when asked about gasoline prices, the answer is: "with the tax cuts we gave, that will offset the gas price increase."

    jj, on this we agree...if you tell it long enough...

    I don't care about the stupid birth cert. I do care that the country is being run into the ground. I care that no one is willing to challenge the entitlement programs. I care that fully 1/2 of the people in U.S. pay NO income tax.... I care that an underwear bomber has more rights than an American citizen. I care that because of ONE stupid idiot who couldn't blow up his shoes, now I have to take MY shoes off to fly. I care that 6 year old kids are subjected to pat-downs to fly. I care that I can't take a bottle of shampoo on my flight now. I care that we can't target a middle-eastern man before flying. (OH, I'm sorry..I forgot you can't say that) Oh...what's the use?

  15. "just mention religion, guns, abortion, politics, or homosexuals

    Let's see who can use all of these words in one sentence, two sentences at max....

  16. The original poster already did that JJ.

    "just mention religion, guns, abortion, politics, or homosexuals and a firestorm erupts."

  17. After the Courier there is no direction you could go but up...
