Wednesday, July 14, 2010

couple stories for discussion

A court has struck down the FCC's ban on the F word, meaning there are not now restrictions on language on TV, Radio etc., Wait ... there were restrictions ???? guess judges don't watch MTV too much.
But it is an interesting ruling, with more to come im sure.
Im no conspiracy theorist, but out culture is clearly on the decline ... i dont think there is anything that can be done though, and certainly don't think any political party can - or even wants to - do anything to stop the decline.

Every culture declines. From the ancient world until now. The Mayans had a great civilization in Mexico way before the Europeans showed up. When the Spanish invaded the Yucatan the Maya  were well into decline. The Spanish would probably have defeated them anyway, but just saying. the Mayans would have put up a better fight around 1200 a.d., than they were able to muster in 1500 a.d.
Same goes for the Aztecs.

Here is another story. This could be a hoax, but it claims someone is developing software to protect kids from religious type websites. Because "of the violent nature of religion "
Just could not resist putting these two together as it illustrates our decline. Whether its true or not, you have to admit that it is believable that it could happen.

Now, if we could just develop software that would shield us from politicians of all stripes.

There's some fodder for you all.


  1. Is ArkCityRevided died?

  2. Badly wounded perhaps, but not dead.
    Im doing a lot of freelance writing now, and dont have much time. Im trying to do what i can though.
    Ive not been updating the website at all
    Ill do what i can
    readers are welcome to submit material as well.

  3. Thanks for the link JJ. I am downloading the Athiest pocket debater right now.

  4. Im no conspiracy theorist, but out culture is clearly on the decline ... i dont think there is anything that can be done though,

    Now look who's the Naysayer!

    If you haven't been out in the country lately you should see the fields of Sunflowers in bloom!
    They are a few days past their initial glory a radiance of yellow as they are becoming heavy with seed and their heads are bowing under the weight!
    Each head surrounded in a yellow halo of flower facing to the East to greet the rising Sun each morning! They can't turn and look to whats behind or see the setting Sun!
    Nature is all about renewal - the old fades away the New takes its place!
    Its only when we try to hold onto things make them last as long as possible even keep the dead plants around as a reminder of their once greatness and beauty that we actually rob them of their ability to reproduce!
    Maybe it works that same way in all of God's kingdom!

    Maybe its time for us to rid ourselves of the things that don't work and embrace the new ones that do!

    But, thats not to say that all things are right or equal because weeds have seeds! The weeds rob the soil of moisture and choke out the beneficial crops!
    We probably have to ask ourselves what are the incentives, motives, and results of the things we are doing both as indivduals and as a country!

    What seeds are we planting today?

  5. You want fodder? How's this?

    Obama Administration Approves First Direct Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Through New High-Risk Insurance Pools

    "Im no conspiracy theorist, but out culture is clearly on the decline ... i dont think there is anything that can be done though,"

    On this, jj and I agree. There's not a way to stop it. Naysayer has nothing to do with it. It is facts & prophecy. It is the Bible being fulfilled. Does that mean we are not to try & do right? No, no, no. It means that the Bible is true. I'm not a historian, so don't know much about Incas, Mayans, Aztecs or Romans. But, I believe America is being given a chance to prove worthy of God's mercy. This world is about to meet Almighty God's justice.
    "In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:"

  6. Hey, I'm no conspiracy nut, but wonder how I got to the point where I might consider any of this to be possible. Was there foreknowledge of the explosion, or worse, was this a carefully orchestrated event meant to line the pockets of the likes of Buffett, Soros, Goldman Sachs, Halliburton and the like?

    You decide.

    BP Chairman Tony Hayward, Goldman Sachs, and Vanguard (the company in which Obama has all his wealth invested,) all sold substantial shares of BP in the weeks prior to the explosion.

    At the same time, Goldman Sachs, George Soros, Warren Buffett all bought a substantial interest in a company called NALCO. NALCO manufactures the dispersants being used in the spill.

    Soros owns shares in TRANSOCEAN, the firm which owns the RIG, which will receive a substantial insurance payment for their loss.

    Soros also recently bought a controlling interest in PETROBRAS, the Brazilian Petrolium company currently developing deep sea drilling off the coast of Brazil. Barak Obama recently gave PETROBRAS 20 Billion dollars to assist in their efforts.

    It was recently announced that Halliburton, another partner in Deepwater Horizon would not be held responsible for the cleanup.

    Halliburton bought a firm called Coots and Boots 2 weeks prior to the explosion. Boots & Coots primary area of expertise is Pressure Control, which involves prevention and risk-control services for oil- and gas-well fires and blowouts.

  7. All of this is easily verified by a quick Google search.

  8. @8:15..."But, I believe America is being given a chance to prove worthy of God's mercy. This world is about to meet Almighty God's justice."

    Isn't it only the reprobates who need God's mercy?
    And didn't Christ die for us while we were yet sinners?
    Isn't the grace, mercy and love of God, the forgiveness found through Christ a free gift lest any man should boast?

    Hving to "prove worthy," of God's mercy seems to miss the point entirely.

    God's justice? I believe that is reserved for the religious rulers; those who knew the mind and will of God, but chose to ignore it. God calls us to love mercy, act justly and walk humbly... but many are anything but merciful, just or humble.

  9. Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is a Season)
    The Byrds

    - words adapted from the Book of Ecclesiastes by Pete Seeger
    - music by Pete Seeger

    To everything - turn, turn, turn
    There is a season - turn, turn, turn
    And a time for every purpose under heaven

    A time to be born, a time to die
    A time to plant, a time to reap
    A time to kill, a time to heal
    A time to laugh, a time to weep

    To everything - turn, turn, turn
    There is a season - turn, turn, turn
    And a time for every purpose under heaven

    A time to build up, a time to break down
    A time to dance, a time to mourn
    A time to cast away stones
    A time to gather stones together

    To everything - turn, turn, turn
    There is a season - turn, turn, turn
    And a time for every purpose under heaven

    A time of war, a time of peace
    A time of love, a time of hate
    A time you may embrace
    A time to refrain from embracing

    To everything - turn, turn, turn
    There is a season - turn, turn, turn
    And a time for every purpose under heaven

    A time to gain, a time to lose
    A time to rend, a time to sew
    A time to love, a time to hate
    A time of peace, I swear it's not too late!

  10. Yes, "proving worthy of Gods mercy" is a problem .. if you are worthy, then you dont need it.
    The problem I see is that people think somehow that conservativism is next to godliness . (some liberals think their side is too)

    I dont even think it is possible to BE a christian nation
    God doesn't operate that way anymore.
    He chose Israel to reveal his message. That was the only Godly nation that ever existed, and it was destroyed in 70 a.d. ..

    When Christ came, died and rose again, that was the end of that means of communicating. God no longer used nations to proclaim his message.
    Now his Holy Spirit reveals Christ to everyone and nationality is not even relevant at all. The only question is whether individuals will listen to the light that is revealed to everyone, regardless of nationality.

    To save our culture, there must be a spiritual awakening, but ... that awakening has nothing to do with americanism, patriotism, or any of that kind of stuff.

    It has to do with individuals turning to God, repentance ...
    And that repentance has to start with the church, with believers.
    If that were to happen, we could see some mighty good things.
    But again, it has nothing to do with politics or ideology. or even with what is legal or not.

    That should get me in trouble with some people :)

  11. Wow JJ. I actually agree with you. Almost.
    Yes, we cannot legislate morality. Can't even agree on what is moral, for that must be decided in light of the events, and conditions surrounding each situation. Very little in our world is black or white, no matter how hard each side wishes it were so. We must live within the shades of grey. Scripture tells us that "Everything is permissible," -but not everything is beneficial, or constructive. There must be a change of heart in each and every individual.

    I still however do not believe you must accept "Jesus, or confess him as your "lord and savior," in order to be saved. Yes, abundant life in this world can come from recognizing this gift in Christ which is freely given, but it is more in our transformation, and in the doing of God's will, that we experience "salvation." For the world beyond? I believe we all are saved, independent of our actions. Independent of our "choosing Christ." Otherwise, the gift would not be truly free.

  12. 2Ch 7:14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

  13. Context is everything.
    That was written to the Israelites in a specific situation. NOT to every country that exists and certainly not to America.
    We are his people because we believe in him, not because of what country we live in.
    That applies to individuals now, not to nations.

  14. @9:49 - If God's PEOPLE humbled themselves, prayed, turned from wicked ways..., our land would be healed indeed. It couldn't help but be healed. But more so from the turning, than any divine intervention.

    And, what are the evil ways God is talking about? I'm inclined to think it has less to do with drinking, smoking, gambling, swearing, sex, homosexuality..., than it does with our inhumanity toward each other. Our pride and our arrogance, our inability to humble ourselves, and our need to believe we are always right. I believe it is speaking to our propensity to use people, and to exploit them for our own profit, regardless of the consequences. That, I believe is what God is most concerned with.

  15. I agree with that. Some sins are more socially acceptable than others.
    They may rail against smoking, drinking, drugs and such in church ... but not so much about gluttony (overeating) pride, gossip etc.,
    The bible is much more concerned with the latter...

  16. JJ, you are right. Gluttony is a sin, but I have seen a lot of fat pastors in my day...

  17. No one wants to comment on the BP stuff mentioned earlier? Does anyone think there is any possibility of a conspiracy?

    On a similar note, I heard this morning that BP lobbied the British government to free the Lockerbie bomber, and return him to Libya in return for an oil deal with that country. BP admits to "applying some pressure," but says it was not involved in negotiations. As you may recall, this terrorist brought down Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie Scottland, killing 270 people, 190 of them Americans.

    Where is the outrage?

  18. I think the conspiracy theories are a distraction. What needs to happen now is a focus on fixing the problem, and BP needs to be held accountable to do that as quicly as possible. If it breaks them, so be it.
    Anything else is just a distraction.
    BP could even be spreading those type rumors to get attention off the damage it has caused.
    How's that for a reverse conspiracy theory? :)

  19. JJ, again you are right. First priority needs to be on stopping the leak, but...

    the facts are the facts. Lot's of wealthy elite, those controlling the worlds money supply, and energy, are making quite a bit of money of of this "disaster." Could it all be mere coincidence?

    And, when all is said and done, they'll use it to their benefit again; to push clean energy, which they are also heavily invested in, or cap and trade, or disaster response taxes, the list of possibilities is endless...

    As I said, it seems ludicrous, but I no longer see stuff like this outside the realm of possibility.

  20. yes, who do you think profited most from the iraq war?
    certainly not the american people.
    can you spell haliburton

  21. apparently I can't spell Haliburton. (=:

  22. It is kind of interesting that the recent news out of Afganistan was how wealthy their country is in natural ores and minerals!
    But they are choosing to make their money off of DOPE!

  23. Oh, I think the poor schmucks in Afghanistan will always make mone off of dope. As long as it is cheap and easy to produce, and there is a demand.

    As for the recently discovered ore deposits. Wait to see who controls those rights, and how corrupt that whole industry becomes. Can anyone say Blood Diamond?

  24. "On a similar note, I heard this morning that BP lobbied the British government to free the Lockerbie bomber, and return him to Libya in return for an oil deal with that country. BP admits to "applying some pressure," but says it was not involved in negotiations. As you may recall, this terrorist brought down Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie Scottland, killing 270 people, 190 of them Americans."

    I also heard that the doctor that said the bomber only had 3 months to live admitted to lying under pressure from the Libyan government. After all, the guy is still alive a year later, and when last examined, the same doctor said he might live another ten or twenty years. In other words, a normal lifespan.

    And where is the outrage? Liberals?

    BP stands to gain 20 BILLION dollars by opening up trade with Lybia, which is how the prisoner transfer happened. Coincidntally, how much did BP pledge to help pay for the spill? Yep. 20 BILLION!

    And now a terrorist is a free man, being treated like a hero in his home country after killing 270 innocent people.

    Is that enough of a slap in the face, or should they build a mosque on the spot where the plane went down?

  25. I say we should pull out of Iraq & Afghanistan tomorrow and as soon as we can get our assets removed from these countries. PUSH THE BUTTON!

  26. @JJ "who do you think profited most from the iraq war? certainly not the american people.
    can you spell haliburton"

    The biggest entity to profit from the war with Iraq was, and continues to be The Federal Reserve, which is controlled by JP Morgan, the Rothschilds, The Rockefellers, Lehman Brothers...

    They loan the fed govt money at interest to fund the war.

    And, these sweeping new reforms just passed by Chris Dodd etal. gives the fed reserve even more power

  27. Well it was the loosening of rules for banks in the 80s that caused the economic mess we are in.
    After the great depression of the 30s., rules were put on banks and financial institutions to prevent policies and actions that could cause a depression.
    Rules were taken off in the 80s.
    Both parties are guilty here.
    And .. we have another depression.
    There need to be rules to have an orderly society.
    and an economic system that actually works.

  28. There are those who believe the depression, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, 9/11 - Iraq, Afghanistan and the current financial meltdown were all orchestrated by the Fed. Reserve...

    Take 7 minutes and watch this. I'd be interested to know what you think.

  29. jj, i swear you're getting more liberal everyday. :) do you have any kool aid?

  30. @10:48
    Good one, Potsie. A very well-thought out post.
