Saturday, July 24, 2010


Shakespeare in the park will be held again tonight - Saturday - at 8 p.m. at Wilson Park.
It is a good show. And it is free.


  1. It really is a great show.
    And, not only is the show free, but the refreshments are free as well.
    Of course, donations are appreciated; but not necessary. For all the people who complain; "theres nothing to do in this town," here's something you can do. Come on out and support the arts. Bring the kids. You won't be disappointed.

  2. In real news we see the combined war games in North Korea coming to a head,, Will Kim Lee use nukes to counter our support of SK??
    My bet is yes and as discovered three weeks ago high radiation was detected along the secured Zone, the nuks are in place and we shall soon see them go boom,, what will happen next is only biblical

  3. No way Kim has the balls to fight us. He is all crazy talk and no action. All his tongue waving is just for show. Nothing biblical about that.

  4. definitely worthy of watching. "No way Kim has the balls to fight us" If "W" was in the pilot seat I would agree with you, but with the present people in power, one does we have the ba*ls to fight him?
