Monday, September 6, 2010

Bulldogs, Jayhawks and comments

Good Labor Day morning. Hope everyone is having a good holiday. I cant help but remember the days when i lived on the South Carolina coast. We residents always looked forward to Labor Day because that was the weekend all the tourists went away.
We went from a city of 50,000 to a town of 15,000 that weekend. Memorial day was just the opposite.

Anyways, a few comments on the morning.
Bulldogs looked good Friday night. Noticed there is not anything on the local paper's website about it.
But they did look good. They have a good quarterback who should do great things this year. Winfield also won. Should make for a good game this coming Friday, but it is in Winfield.

Not so the Jayhawks. They looked pretty bad in losing to -- oh my goodness -- North Dakota State. Toward the end of the game, needing a last minute scoring drive, they were out of timeouts.
This does not bode well for KU fans. But, good teams make their best improvements between weeks one and two. They better with Georgia Tech coming up, but this week should make a huge difference. A close loss against Ga Tech - a highly ranked team - would be a good sign. A bad blowout ... could make for an ugly season.

I also wanted to comment about comments. I did delete some over the weekend while the blog was being spammed.
It is not a matter of censorship. Or freedom of speech.
If you want to start your own blog and anonymously spew out hate, violence, obscenity and slander, no one is going to stop you.
Im just tired of some of the anonymous bs though. The only reason I dont require names is that you could put any name on a post and there's no way to check.
But I think I might start being a bit more heavy handed with deleting posts.

The purpose of comments is to allow for community discussion and hopefully the exchange of ideas. It's purpose is not to allow mean people an anonymous venue to beat up on people.


  1. I agree. If you want to stand in your front yard and spew filth, have at it. A personal blogger not wanting it on his personal blog is not a violation of any of your rights. A lot of people don't understand there are limits to what is and is not free speech. If you knock on someone's door and begin to run your mouth, he has every right to close his door, and that is in no way a violation of your rights.

  2. Just look at other local bloggers. Jr, Byte, ILBR...if they don't agree with what you say on their own blog, it doesn't get in. And there's nothing at all wrong with it. If you don't get it, you won't get it.

  3. I for one am interested in hearing all sides. I don't like it when ideas and speech are censored. That's why I quit reading Jr's blog. He only lets comments through that he agrees with. If you do that I will stop reading.

  4. Labor Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the first Monday in September (September 6 in 2010).

    The first Labor Day in the United States was observed on September 5, 1882 in New York City, by the Central Labor Union of New York, the nation's first integrated major trade union.[1] It became a federal holiday in 1894, when, following the deaths of a number of workers at the hands of the U.S. military and U.S. Marshals during the Pullman Strike, President Grover Cleveland put reconciliation with the labor movement as a top political priority. Fearing further conflict, legislation making Labor Day a national holiday was rushed through Congress unanimously and signed into law a mere six days after the end of the strike.[2] The September date originally chosen by the CLU of NY and observed by many of the nation's trade unions for the past several years was selected rather than the more widespread International Workers' Day because Cleveland was concerned that observance of the latter would stir up negative emotions linked to the Haymarket Affair, for which it had been observed to commemorate.[3] All 50 U.S. states have made Labor Day a state holiday.

    The form for the celebration of Labor Day was outlined in the first proposal of the holiday: A street parade to exhibit to the public "the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations," followed by a festival for the workers and their families. This became the pattern for Labor Day celebrations. Speeches by prominent men and women were introduced later, as more emphasis was placed upon the economic and civil significance of the holiday. Still later, by a resolution of the American Federation of Labor convention of 1909, the Sunday preceding Labor Day was adopted as Labor Sunday and dedicated to the spiritual and educational aspects of the labor movement.

    Traditionally, Labor Day is celebrated by most Americans as the symbolic end of the summer.


    History shows we have disagreed alot!

    But, we always rose to the occasion to find a compromise or solution!

  5. Thanks for the positive response. I wasnt talking about disagreeing .. but about nastiness. I was deleting them as fast as her or she cold post them saturday.
    Ive always allowed people to disagree with me on here. Is it bad of me to say ive always thought i was much more open to being disagreed with than jr ...
    anyone heard from Byte lately ?

  6. @10:44 & @10:56 The reason I quit writing on Jr.'s blog. As he states: It is HIS BLOG and he can do what he wants. I am continually surprised that anyone even writes on it. (or attempts to) Because, as has been stated, if he doesn't agree, it probably won't be published.

    That said, I don't think jj in any way would do that. He hasn't in all this time. TY. This is a good place to cuss, discuss, & theorize about community, state, national & international stuff. Anyone know any better place?

  7. Well JJ,

    I for one do appreciate your patience!
    I do agree with your policing of the blog for obscene and vulgar post!

    It is interesting to see the different opinions and how people THINK!


    That is a START to finding any compromise or solution!

    Btw: Did you read the news about the concern over Public Pension funds?

    They are scheduling a special meeting to discuss possible options! There are still alot of land mines ahead for the economy both local and national!

    Lets hope there are leaders and followers who are up to meeting those challenges!

    An aside: I saw where Cowley First is having a meeting and there will be some state officials present! Who knows maybe we will see some progress!

  8. is it bad of me to say ive always thought...

    not at all sir. honestly, you and i disagree. Lots. fairly, we agree lots too. but, NEVER have you deleted or stopped a post of mine. One could say you and SG are somewhat alike. May not like what you said, but we have no problem understanding. That's something I can respect. Glad we live under the red, white & blue and not the hammer & sickle. eh?

    A sidebar: I think everyone who reads knows how the editor of "a local paper" feels. Maybe the reason many refuse to purchase it. eh?

  9. A sidebar: I think everyone who reads knows how the editor of "a local paper" feels. Maybe the reason many refuse to purchase it. eh?

    Interesting that everyone assumes who the editor is. That was a major bone of contention during a previous editor's tenure. :)

  10. David Seaton Jr. is not the editor of the Traveler. They now have a very competent editor by the name of Sydney Bland.

  11. Let's hope they stay away from spiders.

  12. JJ are you going to be at WVF next week? i'll be there each day, working thurs, sat, and sun. D

  13. Yes I will be there. Wish i were camping but does not look like it will happen at this point.

  14. Bulldogs! Good showing. I hope tehy are really good. Other coaches look at those scores. Valley Center is the abyss of high school football in SC Kansas if not the whole state.

    Pasting 35 points on them forfeits any right to complain if the stronger teams still have their starters on the field in the 4th quarter in the event the score is kind of lopsided.

    I hope they are really good this year and we watch a few nail biters in the new stadium.

  15. Oooooh. Held to one score by....Winfield. So, maybe not so much. At least the stadium you morons voted for looks nice - errrr, I mean isn't as 'Dangerous' as Curry.

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