Friday, September 24, 2010

Life after the Walnut Valley

Sorry i've not posted much the last few days. Still recovering from the Walnut Valley Festival I suppose. I stayed up there a lot and didn't sleep much. All that music needs listening to. :)
Ive also had some computer troubles but I think Its ok now. Got a new machine. Hopefully it will last a long time. I got four years out of the old one and it was used and abused heavily.

I was reading about some canoe trails in Texas. It was pretty interesting, and there is a group trying to create more trails there. Now it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you are paddling down a river, it's not real hard to know which way to go and its highly unlikely that you would make a wrong turn in your canoe. (there are some places where you could, but ...)
The thing it does is promote river use in that area. There are trails like this in many other places - Minnesota has hundreds of miles of them - Louisiana and other states. I think there are even some in Kansas.
Does not seem like it would be too hard to do that here.

There is a lot that could be done, but just need some people willing to get involved.
Car show is this weekend. I think im going to be out of town, but it should be good.


  1. "I was reading about some canoe trials in Texas..."

    What were the canoes being tried for? Were they misdemeanor cases or felonies? Were they jury trials, or just a judge presiding over the verdict? We need details on these canoe trials. I've always said those canoes were a menace to society, and this just proves it.


  2. oh lawd
    failure to signal i guess. :)

  3. sg, what are you talking about?

  4. In fairness to sg, he was giving me a hard time about a pretty silly mistake in my post
    i went and fixed the post, so now his post doesn't make sense,
    cool thing about the web is you can take your words back to a large degree :)

  5. funny guys, funny. Hey, CNN & NBC chiefs got the axe. I wonder...could their low ratings be tied to the fact that they are out of step with American viewers. The people still have the power of the "off" button and the remote control. All the while people like FOX and others ratings are soaring. Some people can't read the handwriting on the wall even while that hand slaps them up side the head. eh? Let this be a lesson to all. (Including our local guys) People are fed up with it. I know I am.

  6. well said,8:08, jj seems to be just about as bad as seaton at the newspaper, they all just roll over and report, for instance, the million dollar fund raiser for the hospital after the 24 million dollar project turned into a 29 million dollar one, and the fund raiser being needed to 'get the things they will need'

  7. I am willing to give Mr. Jordan a break, since he does do this "part time". Whereas, Mr. Seaton is charged with reporting and nothing else. However, their schedule aside, (I don't read Newscow, so can't speak to that) jj is nowhere near as liberal as Seaton. Liberal leaning I'd say. IMO. The problem is...most journalists are liberal. Follow the money. Look at who journalists donate to politically. Read their writings. This is the reason Fox, talk radio, etc is exploding. People go where they can listen to something that kind of reflects their values. Like it or not, that's the way it is. The Big 3 Networks are dinosaurs that are yet to be declared extinct. Relics. Too bad the "local paper" is headed the same direction. I'd not spend 2 cents for a paper of theirs. The local people would support them if they even halfway tried to meet them. Even halfway.

  8. I can apprecitate your not wanting to get bogged down with excerpts from articles - thus you deleted my post about what that professional thought should be done to correct Freddie and Fannie and stimulate the economy!

    I'll stop!

    But the reality is there are people/professionals who work in those respective fields that have solutions to problems that don't get on the MSM or are heard by those in Washington! (If they do its a 3 minute interview at best.)

    But, in the end its about the future and what America will be for future generations(children and Grand-children)!

    The tranformation of America was/is being done and even before Barrack Obama ever came to Power! (Probably before he was born!)

    It can be seen as desinigration of the family structure, the work ethic of individuals, the rampant drug culture, dishonesty in business and the get all you can live for Today attitude! (All contrary to the original Faith Based society of the Founders and of previous generations.)

    "They win" instead of bringing the world up to Americas once standard of individual freedom and democracy - we will go down to theirs!


    Without even firing a shot on U.S. soil!

  9. JJ,
    Have you heard anything about the commission NOT going to renew the city managers contract in January? Seems they are done with him after he did all their dirty work.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Take the Cowley Fitst survey online

  12. 2:08
    I wondered how long before he was called out. Do you really think in a million years that would happen?
