Friday, June 24, 2011

picture worth a thousand words?

Here is a picture of an advertisement along interstate 35 south of oklahoma city.
I just thought it was really interesting, and a sad comment on our culture.
some will say, one is legal and one is not, but i dont think that matters.
what about the underlying message?



    Here is an article written by a gay person about the passing of law allowing gay marriges in N.Y..

    The interesting thing is that in his own mind those marriages are still not equal - because that law allows for Religions to not honor or perform marriage services for Gays! (The religions do not have to accomodate or perform services for Gay couple within their walls or give them their blessings.)

    So, until someone or something (Government?) can make it acceptable by all parties they are not equal!

    The most ironic thing is that NATURE didn't create or equip them as EQUALS!

    We do live in an interesting time in which their are conflicting agendas and mixed or misguided messages!

    As for your post JJ,

    They are both poisons!
    Often, as much as we want to live it seems we also want to die!

  2. Religion may discriminate all they want. I think it's wrong, but do not want to see us start legislating it.

    As far as equal protection under the law, I think we must allow marriage. And all the rights and obligations associated with it...a

  3. As far as equal protection under the law, I think we must allow marriage. And all the rights and obligations associated with it...a

    I think you have made a valid point!

    However, the union of a man and woman - who are capable of reproducing biologically. Who are the foundation of the traditional family unit! (Even the very method by which the Gays arrived on earth!)

    Can never be equal with a union which chooses to emulate what nature (God?) has made normal!
    No matter how they want to justify their relationship, copy/recreate or define the traditional family unit. (Through adoption or biological manipulation - like a surrogate mother.)
    There will always be a someone claiming discrimination or inequality!

    You just can't pass a law(s) and wipe out generations of Society who believe Gay unions are abnormal!


    You probably can't expect those same laws to make both types of unions equal!

    I think Paul was probably right when he said God's laws are written on their hearts!
    While they want to make the struggle one of mankind -it is really with God!


    If there is no God - there can be no LAW! (Written on their hearts or anyone elses!)

  4. It's called morals. And it doesn't require a god. How many godly people commit heinous crimes, and how many atheists are of high morals? If the answer is even one, then that blows your theory.

  5. Question is who defines morals. It is possible for an atheist to be moral by current society standards.. true.
    But there is no rational basis for defining morality apart from God.
    It used to be moral to own slaves. Societies can define morality any way they want, but the only rational basis apart from God is who has the biggest guns.
    Just like the picture illustrates.
    Our society says it is not moral to use the drug meth, but it is moral to use the drug alcohol. How is that rational?
    It isnt.

  6. Alcohol and meth are not even in the same ballpark. If it were alcohol and pot, you would have a good point.

    Morals are not given by god, but by our parents or whomever teaches us right from wrong, and society. If you have a child who is taught that killing is right, then that will be their moral compass (Spartan children for example). A child is born with no morals, and does not know right from wrong until taught.

    People have very different moral compasses, and that is because of their nurturing and their surroundings, not god. And what you said about slavery proves it. If we were raised in a land where slavery was deemed acceptable, we would accept it as moral and just. The bible says slavery is acceptable because that is how it was when it was written. Today slavery is appalling, and therefore morals have changed over time. That alone disproves the theory that god instills morals in people. If he did, they would remain constant throughout time.

    Here is a link to a study done on christians and non-christians. They both showed equal morals.

  7. "Alcohol and meth are not even in the same ballpark." WRONG..Alcohol has destroyed more people, families, and caused more pain a 1000 times over compared to meth. It is a killer. Trouble is, alcohol is so acceptable in society.
    jj...your photo is telling. We're nuts.

  8. But one hit of alcohol does not make you impaired to the extent one hit of meth does. If you argument is that they should both be illegal, then I agree, bbut it would be impossible to make happen. They tried it once and it failed miserably. If your point is that both should be legal, then I disagree whole heartedly. I have seen what both do to people. Now if you want to argue that marijuana is no worse than alcohol, and should be legalized to hinder the drug cartels, lower our prison population, and raise tax revenue, then I agree with that. But meth and hard drugs should never be legalized.

  9. I am 1:13... Personally, if it were up to me..I would criminalize all of it. I know, I know..extreme and impossible. But, I can wish.

    People have been drinking alcohol since there were people. The devil will see to it that it stays that way.
    All law enforcement will tell you that if you take away drugs and alcohol (and now meth and whatever else the devil can dream up)...that there would be about 90% less crimes committed.

    Seems the human race is bent on destroying themselves. If I were using a Bible word, I'd call it sin. But....who wants to hear that?

  10. I agree, but there is another way of looking at it.
    We spend billions enforcing drug laws, sending these people through the courts and then housing them in jails.
    What if we took only HALF that money (give the other half back to the taxpayers) and spent that money helping people get off drugs and or using it to solve the problems that are causing people to take drugs.

    I just think our whole system is backwards and clearly does not work..
    Can you show me one person who does not do drugs because they are illegal? ... people who want to use drugs do, and will, and no law will stop them.
    so why are we clogging up the courts, crowding jails, when it does absolutely no good at all.

    and at the same time we are ignoring the reality that there must be something in our society that makes people feel like they have to have drugs in the first place.

  11. Agreed... there is a certain bit of insanity to it. Remember the "3 strikes"? You lock 'em and then turm them out twice the crook they went in.

  12. Can you show me one person who does not do drugs because they are illegal? ... people who want to use drugs do, and will, and no law will stop them.
    so why are we clogging up the courts, crowding jails, when it does absolutely no good at all.

    Well you have a point!
    But the sad fact is there is BIG/FAST/EASY money to made on drugs and addiction!


    There is always another pusher to replace the one you just put in Jail/Prison! (The addicts turn to pushers to subsidize their habits.)


    Maybe even another Doctor that will prescribe those pain killers!

    Legalizing it won't change the addictive nature of some drugs!(Even if you regulate it for strength or content! Look at the designer drugs they have turned out since the 60's and 70's. Besides Cocaine was legal in the late 1800's and early 1900's - it was outlawed when it became evident there was a problem with addictions in Society!)

    It can only be stopped with a change of heart and a new direction! (Thats probably out of the realm of man expertise!)

  13. Legalizing it won't change the addictive nature of some drugs!
    True .. but how has spending billions of dollars on trying to keep it out of their hands, and billions on jails to hold them ... hasnt worked either.

    It can only be stopped with a change of heart and a new direction! (Thats probably out of the realm of man expertise!)

    I agree with that too.
    My point is just that what we are doing is not working, has never worked .. so its pretty hard to believe it will ever work..
