Tuesday, July 12, 2011

small town corruption

here is an ap story about a small town in arizona and its corruption ...


On another note ... I need to get in touch with "d." .. if youre out there, send me an email .. even if your not out there, send me an email ..


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8REtqB-dyo&feature=related

    Also, I'm hearing some interesting grumbling coming out of the ACPD. It will be interesting to see if anything comes of it.

  2. Also, I'm hearing some interesting grumbling coming out of the ACPD. It will be interesting to see if anything comes of it.

    Everyone wants to be the BOSS! (Except me!)

    I just want to be ME and YOU to BE you - unless you want to F--K with me!

    But, if I am your boss I don't really expect you to like me! (It's not a requirement!)

    If I'm no good as a boss? I should be replaced - for a reason - not because you don't happen to like me!

    I'm not sure I've heard a GOOD reason? Yet!

  3. My understanding is that the officers and staff do not know from one day to the next if they are going to have a job when they come to work. Wallace threatens to fire them if they step out of line or do anything he doesn't like. That sounds like a hostile work environment to me.

    What I don't get is why there has been nothing about this in the Traveler? But then, all the Traveler does anymore is print press releases, and I doubt Wallace is going to put out a press release on this. If any ACTUAL reporting has to be done, you can forget it.

  4. That sounds like a hostile work environment to me.


  5. Chances are they don't print it because they don't have a source, they can't print gossip. Do you have a source to back what you're saying? Nobody seems to. News1 and BS just want to spew generalities like "Watch for something big" and "Somethings up with the city - stay tuned." If you have solid info - spill it. With proper attribution. Otherwise you and my grandma can play bridge and gossip.

  6. http://www.newscow.net/story.php?StoryID=5654

    My source.

    No, it's not your grandma, although she is quite the gossip.

  7. Your source is a blog?

  8. http://www.businessinsider.com/who-owns-us-debt-2011-7

    Heres an article on who America owes, how much of our debt they hold, and what pecentage it is of the overall total!

    Be sure to click at the bottom to see each of the 17 attachments!

    Btw: We owe China 1.63 trillion (11.3%) and we owe the Social Security trust fund 2.67 Trillion (19.0%).

    We owe 4.514 trillion to foreign Governments!

    The articles source was the U.S. treasury!

  9. j.j. ill`tryto do the email thing. just got a new computor and it don't likeme!!!!!!!!!!`d. oh i'm back on here. thought the page had been shut down. glad to see its not.

  10. jj was it about the washer? d.
