Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Deadline for commission

The deadline for filing for city commission is in just a few minutes. at noon today.
I thought a lot about it, and talked with a lot of people, but in the end, decided to not throw my hat in the ring.
Real mixed feelings. I really wanted to. And now is a good time for a newcomer to make an effort.
It would have been fun, would have been a good experience win or lose.
There was just too much to overcome though.
And i really dont think i could make a four year commitment.
That was the biggest issue. If it were for a two year term, i would have done it.
Well ill just keep being an observer and maybe ill get more involved in some other way.
Be interesting to see how it shakes out.


  1. What an asshat...


  2. jj your great libertards at work and to think this Idiot ran for President.

  3. Pit-e-full ..
    but you know both sides have their share of idiots..

  4. My favorite is Democratic representative Hank Johnson, who thought Guam might tip over if too many people got on it. LOL

    Because islands just float around in the ocean. HAHA


    I can't believe the other guy kept a straight face.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITx4aFhASTE&feature=related
