Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day late, but its still funny


  1. Yeah, It's downright hilarious that the first thing he did when he got power was seal all his records. What kind of grades did he get at Harvard? Who knows. Who paid for him to go to Harvard? Who knows. How did he rise from nothing to being groomed for the Presidency? Who knows. We know less about him than any President in history. Hilarious.

  2. You got that right. We know ALL about Pres. Bush, H.W., Clinton, Reagan, Nixon, etc. Yet, we know virtually nothing about this President. I think it is by design. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you like. But, what I just said is FACT, not theory. Happy Birthday, Mr. President.

  3. Here are the first five things that came up on a google search of Obama Biography.

    That was about a 5 second search. There were a couple million webpages listed.
    Is this going to be the next thing now that the birthers are totally discredited ... that we dont know anything about this prez...

    Teabaggers and conservatives would be much better off if they would attack actual issues instead of just continuing attacks and bogus conspiracy theories.
    Theres lots of info out there on the president .. and there are issues he could be challenged on

  4. James, that's an uphill battle. These are things the Repubs ACTUALLY believe.

  5. They will not let facts get in the way.

  6. So who paid for his college education?

    How did he go from a nobody to the Senator from Illinois?

  7. So who paid for his college education?
    maybe he did? his parents? student loan perhaps?
    im sure you could find out pretty easily, but what would that prove? Maybe he is a real deep cover double agent for the bush administration?
    How did he go from a nobody to the Senator from Illinois?

    Its called running for office...
    how did palin get mccain's attention? had you ever heard of her before he picked her? How did she get to be gov. of alaska?

  8. Theres lots of info out there on the president .. and there are issues he could be challenged on

    Good Point!

    I don't dislike Obama bcause of his Race, or the fact that he rose to Power from a lower class!

    I do like the fact that he seems to Value family! (However there have been suggestions he has a little of Tiger Woods or Bill Clinton in him!)

    I don't like Obama because of his Socialist views in regards to or as answers to the problems in our Society!

    I don't blame him for many of things that have gone wrong or that were done by previous Adminsitrations!

    I don't like the way he wants to place blame and creates diversions away from the real facts and what really needs to be addressed! While working behind the scenes to fulfill his own agenda!

    One of the things I find most interesting - is that in many cases he's finding out that the President doesn't have all the Answers!

    He spent all his time trying to organize the Community (even the World!)!

    He's becoming a Ceerleader at best and not a LEADER!

  9. An excerpt from an article on CNN/Money by James Carville!

    I don't know many people -- and no Democrats -- who were as tough on the Obama administration as I was when the oil started gushing.

    But for now I'll take Mississippi governor -- and chairman of the Republican Governors' Association -- Haley Barbour saying President Obama has "done more right than wrong." In fact, I'll up Gov. Barbour's bid one and say that as of late, President Obama has done a lot more right than wrong.


    But, there can be no real recognition of the part that BP played in the sloving of the LEAK!
    No apology, no credit to the Oil Industry and all those technicians, scientist, and fabricators who no doubt worked tirelessly around the clock to find a Solution!

    They are still part of the EVIL EMPIRE of Capitalism!

    AND Certainly no apology to the previous CEO of BP!

    It was all Super Obama!

  10. NEW YORK ( -- Billionaire Wilbur Ross is the latest rich guy to put the word out that he's fine with higher taxes.

    "I think that's okay, as long as they do something useful," Ross told Charlie Rose on Monday, saying it's okay to raise taxes on high earners as long as the government puts the money to good use.

    Ross thinks the country needs to invest more in research and development. And education.

    "I really feel that within five or 10 years, we could be a second rate power. We'll still be big, but we could really be behind the eight ball in a very big way. And it isn't even just R&D. A generation ago, we were the Number One country in the world in terms of what percentage of people finish college. You know where we rank now? 12th. 12th."

    Pimco's Bill Gross makes a similar point on the need for investment. "We've been flushing a lot of stimulus down the economic toilet," said Gross in an interview with CNNMoney.

    By that he means that the emphasis has been on consumption so people will 'continue to buy things.' Instead, Gross said, we need to start thinking about investments in clean energy, infrastructure and education.

    As for taxes, Ross thinks it's important to keep taxes low for those who earn less than $250,000 a year.

    "If you want to do something to destroy consumer spending, just eat away at the middle class because the other problem we have is the structural problem of middle class America," said Ross.

    Last week, several wealthy folks came out in favor of reinstating the estate tax. The group included former Treasury Secretary and Citigroup chairman Robert Rubin and hedge fund manager Julian Robertson.


    Just in case you were wondering how some of the Super Rich feel about taxes!
    Interesting that they don't mind paying taxes as long as the money gets INVESTED and not WASTED!

  11. "Interesting that they don't mind paying taxes as long as the money gets INVESTED and not WASTED!" You know, I respect Mr. Rich man's opinion. Seriously. He's entitled to his opinion, just like I am. I just got this one problem....It's called the Federal Government. When have they gotten their hands on money and not wasted it?

  12. "However there have been suggestions he has a little of Tiger Woods or Bill Clinton in him!"

    Monica Lewinski had a little bit of Bill Clinton in her!

  13. @5:11, now, now that is not true. "I did not have sex with that woman! Ms. Lewinski" (wagging finger at camera) -Bill Clinton

  14. @August 5, 2010 5:37 PM

    I wonder if they ever determined what the definition of IS - is?


    When have they gotten their hands on money and not wasted it?

    Well its going to be a little hard to invest when we are borrowing money to PAY ON PROMISES!
    Even that tax money will go to pay off all the programs we have run into a deficit or are BROKE(N)! (How many billion have we just spent in extended unemployment? Paying people to not work for 2-3 years?)

    No, we can just keep on borrowing or printing more money!


    What Happens when those promises can't be kept?

  15. GOP has offered an alternative to Democrats' job bill, and you're NEVER going to guess what it proposes

  16. What Happens when those promises can't be kept?

    I think the BIG question that needs to answered Today by ALL those IN Government?


    What happens when those Children and Grandchildren who are going to be asked to pay off that DEBT they didn't create? Don't want to PAY it! CAN"T pay it or REFUSE TO PAY IT!


    The Rich probably can't/won't keep pace paying taxes or donating their wealth!


    The Government's ability to distribute WEALTH and create DEBT!!



  19. What was that link again?

  20. An excerpt from a CNN Money article:

    A yearly income of $300,000 would allow for taxes, a $3,800-a-month apartment (the average price in Manhattan), and a monthly spending allowance of around twelve grand, he said. Not too bad, especially since you could do this all without a pesky job.

    To generate $300,000 a year beginning at age 35, you'd need a nest egg of just under $12 million. That assumes a conservative investment portfolio generating a return of 5% a year, an inflation rate of 2.5% a year and Social Security benefits of $25,000 a year starting at age 62.

    Over time, the shape of your nest egg would resemble a bell curve, growing in the early years, and then declining as inflation required you to withdraw more money to maintain a lifestyle equivalent to $300,000 in 2010. The $12 million would finally dwindle to $934 when you turned 100.

    If you live in a low cost part of the country, $100,000 a year should be enough, said Kaye. In that case, you would need savings of about $4 million to retire at 35.

    But if you're willing to stay in the workforce until age 65, a mere $2 million would be enough.

    Jon Duncan, a financial planner at Tacoma, Wash.-based Seneschal Advisors, gave numbers similar to Kaye's, and agreed that for most people, the figure would be somewhere in the multi-millions.

    "I'm from an era when we'd talk about millionaires and say 'Whoa, he's got it made for life,'" said Duncan. "But that's not the case anymore."

    Indeed, few experts think a million is enough to quit your day job.

    "Don't retire at 35," he advised this reporter, "you'll need a ton of money."

    Keeping up with the Joneses
    Of course, there are other ways of determining wealth besides just what you'll need to live well in retirement.

    Does $250,000 make you rich?
    Although decidedly not recommended by financial planners, one is relativity. Basically, you're rich if you're making more than your brother-in-law.

    That appears to be how the government measures affluence. The Obama administration wants to extend tax cuts for all but the wealthiest Americans, which it defines to be those families making more than $250,000.

    But that only includes about 2% of the population, according to the Census Bureau.

    Kaye cautions not to confuse wealth with income. Some people can make a million a year, but be spending a million and a half. They are not rich, said Kaye.

    "Income relates to lifestyle," he said. "Wealth relates to balance sheets."
