Thursday, August 19, 2010

One for the Obama haters

Here is an article I stumbled across while researching for a story I am writing (my actual job these days).
About the oil spill and how it was overhyped by the media, and about the president's recent visit to the gulf to show us all that everything is ok now - after he and the media told us how bad it was.
Anti-Obama people will love it. its a good read.


  1. I'm not going to read. I usually read the links you share. I didn't vote for President Obama. It's like you said about the atheists, I can pretty much tell what the link will say. yada, yada, yada. Though I don't group myself with the "Obama haters". I'm going to sleep. Tell me when it's over. zzzzzzz

  2. Except that it isn't vanishing, and perhaps it wasn't over-hyped.

  3. @10:58 I know, I know...I was just having a momentary flash of depression. Thanks for waking me. I'm all better now. :)

  4. Hey 10:58
    Government says everything is fine, scientists say it isn't. Quite a conundrum for the baggers. Do you side with Obama, or with the evil scientists?

  5. Aaaand now it's gone again.

  6. I think I'm going back to sleep again. zzzzz
