Sunday, August 15, 2010


Just a question. Is anyone having trouble posting comments. Seems that it is sending messages that posts failed or something, but apparently they do show up anyway. Must be a Google thing.
Anyone have any topics they want to talk about?


  1. "Anyone have any topics they want to talk about?"
    I would like to talk about ending sentences with prepositions.

  2. That is the sort of bs up with which I shall not put.

  3. Is anyone having trouble posting comments...weird. when i open the page, it flashes once or twice. sometimes when attempting to post, i gotta do it twice. (I notice a small red hyphen-like thing just below the "post comment" button. Then I gotta push "post comment" button twice. strange. i've not encountered this on any other web pages. you asked. thx

  4. I am getting the flashing white when I open the page too. Figured it's some kind of money making scheme to get more page visits or something. I always make sure my antivirus is turned on when I come here.

  5. So, JJ

    Were you ever offered the opportunity to teach any specialized classes at Cowley or Southwestern?

    Like: Photagraphy, Journalism, or creative writing?

    Maybe even the history of religion?

  6. From The Purpose Driven Connection.Com

    We miss many occasions for serving because we lack sensitivity and spontaneity. Great opportunities to serve never last long. They pass quickly, sometimes never to return again. You may only get one chance to serve that person, so take advantage of the moment.

    "Never tell your neighbors to wait until tomorrow if you can help them now" (Proverbs 3:28 TEV).

    John Wesley was an incredible servant of God. His motto was:

    "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can."

    That is greatness. You can begin by looking for small tasks that no one else wants to do. Do these little things as if they were great things, because God is watching.

  7. 7:28, no .. id be open to the idea

  8. he does Not need to teach religion , or anything like that , You should be a master of the topic that you teach. He is NOT , he gets too defensive and flustered if you challenge his stance on a subject, he cannot explain it calmly he gets too emotionally involved

  9. he cannot explain it calmly he gets too emotionally involved

    Let's see where was that scripture about what happens to those who are luke warm?

    He would probably do just Fine!

  10. I dont see how i was flustered or defensive.
    The posters said i could not think for myself, that i just thought what people told me and that i am narrow minded for having beliefs.
    They also said the bible is full of errors in contradictions.
    I refuted their charges.
    how is that being defensive?
    I was certainly not as mean spirited as they were.

  11. You were way more mean spirited than they were. You told them to go hang theirself. If that wasn't mean spirited, I don't want to see your idea of mean spirited.

  12. I did not tell anyone to go hang themselves.
    Look back and see what i posted.
    I used that as an example of taking verses out of context, and thats all that was. You take the bible out of context and now you take me out of context.

    I was showing how taking things out of context can make some weird statements, which is what the original poster was doing.

    The idea that the bible "Is full of" contradictions and errors is a lie... and i am going to oppose that lie with truth. Some lies must be opposed. thats all


    decide for yourself.

  14. @12:04 you either or a total goofball or you have never read the Bible at all. SHEESH!

  15. not about religion: does anyone know what is going in where radio shack was? d
