Thursday, August 12, 2010

More Media Hypocrisy

A N.H. Democratic candidate for state legislature said he wished Sarah Palin had been on the plane that crashed and killed the Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens.
This is bad. But what is worse to me is yet another case of blatant media bias and hypocrisy.
I have not found hardly any "respectable" media sources reporting on this.
New York Daily News has a report.

Some blogs are reporting it, and here is an example.  and here is another one.

Can you imagine the media storm we would be having if she had said the same about some democrat?
(Saying that about the president would be illegal, so im thinking of some other politician)


  1. It would not be illegal to say you wish Obama had been on that plane that went down. That is not a threat. It would not even be a threat to say you hope his plane goes down tomorrow. A threat would be if you said you are going to do somehting to make a plane go down with him on it. THEN you would be in a world of poo. So don't do that!

  2. If Palin had said that about anybody, be it Pelosi, Reid or Obama, the lamestream media would be all over it. Congress would be calling for censure, and the Tea Party would be blamed.

    Since a Democrat said it... crickets! FOX news might get wind of it and report it, and then be blamed for being biased. It's sad really that whoever has the most influence on the public basically runs this country. The old saying used to be that history is told by the winners, but now the present is told by those with the most power and media backing. Truth should be all that matters.

  3. thx for saying this, jj. if it weren't for talk radio and bloggers, we probably would be totally in the dark. (except to know who had a tingle in their leg) The media is so in the tank for the Democrats, it should be criminal. Journalism, true journalism is dead in this country. flatline.

  4. It is a bit odd that Fox isnt on this. Dont know why they arent.
    I do think journalism has changed with the advent of the internet. It will never be the same.
    But I have a lot of negative things to say about talk radio too :)
    Journalism has gone through many changes and it will emerge. But for now, for the present, you are pretty much right .. there is no credibility anymore.
