Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Election Results

Here are the primary election results. Local results are here. This is with all but one precint reporting
County results for statewide races are here

Democrat Primary
County Commissioner District 1
Vote for 1  WRITE-IN. 19

State Representative 78th District DISTRICT 78  Vote for 1 Ed Trimmer 391
State Representative 79th District DISTRICT 79  Vote for 1 16

Republican Primary
State Representative 79th District DISTRICT 79 Vote for 1 Kasha Kelley 1,108
State Representative 79th District DISTRICT 79  Write in 69

19th Judicial District Division 3
E. Rodney Iverson. . . . . . . . 289 10.45
LaDonna L. Lanning . . . . . . . 666 24.08
William E. Muret . . . . . . . . 665 24.04
Christopher E. Smith. . . . . . . 636 22.99
Robert D. Wilson . . . . . . . . 510 18.44

County Commissioner District 1
Darrin Green . . . . . . . . . 50 4.48
Henry Hawkins . . . . . . . . . 324 29.01
Edward (Eddie) D. McGowan . . . . . 192 17.19
Wayne Wilt . . . . . . . . . . 551 49.33


  1. A little disappointed in McGowan - Little ED isn't Big ED!

    Wilt will be OK - hes a nice Guy! Not sure that means any contorversy or change!

    Lanning??? - Men BEWARE!

    Moran - Lets hope he means what he says!

  2. Teabaggery is being rejected.


  3. lol. Nice spin by liberal rag Newsweek. I am a tea party supporter and voted for Moran. I'm sure a lot of tea party supporters did the same. To try to say Moran won because he was more moderate, and therefore not tea party worthy, is ridiculous. Moran won because he was a true conservative. And because Tiahrt slung too much mud. For Newsweak to say it is a sign of consevatism being weak is ludicrous.

    BTW, didn't Newsweak just sell for a dollar yesterday? I can see why.

  4. No, Beavis. Did you read the article? They said nothing, NOTHING about conservatism being weak. Their "spin" was reporting that bagger-backed candidates did poorly across the board. Hoekstra, Tiahrt, Purgason, Lightner, etc. Since many baggers were defeated, they reported that many baggers were defeated.

  5. Teabaggers have shown that the facts do not get in the way of their message.

  6. Well Butthead, the moral of the story is this: Republicans and conservatives won! No matter if they were endorsed by the Tea party express or Sarah Palin, or Ralph Cramdon. Conservatism is on the rise and will take back the house in November. And no matter how hard Newsweek might try to spin it, people got out and voted yesterday because they do not like the direction Obama, Pelosi, and Reid have taken this country. Plain and simple. We will start taking it back in November. And cry all you want, the socialist trend in this country will start being reversed.

  7. @12:48 A loud DITTO!!! I laughed. someone on here actually quoted Newsweek. Goodness, the whole rag, lock, stock & barrel sold for $1.00. The buyer paid too much. Like it or not, our voice was heard. This is just us picking our final race horses. Let me see...August, September, October and....then...

  8. 1:40,

    It's fun to watch them sweat isn't it. haha The liberals thought they'd found their messiah, and all would be sunshine and rainbows. As it turns out, the only sunshine to be had was being blown up their proverbial asses and now they are squirming for anything bad to say about the tea party or conservatives.

    Shoe, meet other foot.

  9. Sorry to break up the superiority party kids.

    "Republicans and conservatives won!" It was a primary.

    11:37 - You are soooo right. It has been proven here.

    Newsweek - Helloooo?!? It was a link. It was free.

    1:46 I am a conservative. I voted for Obama, not because of your messiah rhetoric, but for fear of a McCain/Palin ticket.

    The more you two carry on, the more we bruise our faces when we slap them with our palms.

  10. "The more you two carry on, the more we bruise our faces when we slap them with our palms."

    Is that supposed to be a deterrent? lol

  11. A poem for you liberals. Feel free to smack yourselves some more.


    November is coming,
    The house we will take

    'Cause Voting Obama,
    was a big ass MISTAKE!

    His promises ended
    when his term began

    But he won't get the chance
    to "bamboozle" us again.
