Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday, 9-11 and Bulldogs and other things

I just realized that I have not posted anything in a few days. I have been busy and have had some computer troubles. The laptop was sick. Its working now so we shall see.
Today obviously is 9-11. Far as I know there are no local activities to mark the date. Not sure what should be done, maybe nothing is fine.
Arkansas and Winfield football game was stopped by the storm last night, and will be finished this morning. Winfield is ahead, but maybe the Bulldogs will regroup?
Back to 9-11 again. The thing about burning qurans became a complete media circus. More than anything it shows the excess of American media and how ridiculous things can get. On again off again, on again, lets make a deal ,, no deal, deal on a gain ... sheesh.
The florida "pastor" got his 15 minutes of fame, will get a trip to New York and probably made a few thousand bucks on the side. P T Barnum would be proud.  Just saying, this had absolutely nothing to do with defending America, sticking up for our culture or standing up to Islam ... It had everything to do with a huge dog and pony show.
One point a poster made, which I thought was legit .. was that some time back muslims were  burning bibles in a Middle East Country and so forth, and there really was not much of a media storm.. Here it was just a pastor threatening too burn a quran and you saw what happened . BUT realize, it wasn't Muslims that were throwing a fit over it as much as it was our own media creating a crisis..
Still, i think the florida pastor is more a charlatan and con man than a man of God. Yes, i guess I am judging him, but ... it is biblical to hold those who call themselves pastors up to a higher standard. It is writ that those who would be teachers are held to a higher standard by God even.  His threatened actions - let alone the dog and pony show - were not becoming of a Pastor - let alone a "regular" christian.

I wanted to also comment on the Mosque planned near Ground Zero in New York. It isn't exactly "next to" ground zero as some would have us believe. From what I have read, you would not be able to see it from ground zero because of other buildings and such.
Even so ... there is the issue of sensitivity. Moving it a few blocks further away would help and that should be a reasonable alternative.
I cannot help but think of the Confederate Flag. I never knew it was offensive to some black people until the late 90s. and thats even with growing up in the south. Dont know if yall remember the flap about it flying over the statehouse in south carolina for years. Actually it was put up there in the mid 60s but it took until the mid 90s for anyone to realize they were offended.
And to be truthful it was hard to see. If you didn't know it was the confederate flag, you probably would not have recognized it if you were casually walking down the street in front of it. I lived in the state capital from 1993 to 2003, and did not realize it was there until it was pointed out in about 1998.
BUT .. people are offended by it. I am not offended by it, but a lot of people apparently are, so I was in favor of taking it down just because of that. They put up a little monument to confederate soldiers on the grounds instead, so I thought that was a good compromise.
I see a strong parallel to the mosque.
I know the majority of Muslims are not terrorists and did not support 9-11, and do not want to make war on us. It is the radical fringe that does.
To compare the Confederate Flag analogy ... Most white people don't hate or even look down on black people, and remember the civil war mostly as just a piece of history. It is the radical fringe that is the problem.

Another fact that seems to be getting lost in all this. The person behind putting up the mosque does not yet have the money to build it. It might never happen at all. Still, I think moving it a bit further away would be a good compromise. 


  1. He doesn't even have the money to pay his 224,000.00 he owes in back taxes on the property.

  2. There are a lot of people in the US that are not aware of this info.

    Pass it on. We need to vote people out of our house!
    IN November .
    A little history the day the democrats took over was not January 22nd
    2009 it was actually January 3rd 2007 the day the Democrats took over
    the House of Representatives and the Senate, the start of the 110th Congress.
    The Democratic Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first
    time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.

    For those who are listening to the liberals propagating the fallacy that
    everything is "Bush's Fault", think about this:
    January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate
    and the Congress:
    At the time: The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
    The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
    The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
    George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52
    Remember the day... January 3rd, 2007 was the day
    that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee
    and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee.
    The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part
    of the economy?
    Thank Congress for taking us from 13,000 DOW, 3.5 GDP
    and 4.6% Unemployment to this CRISIS by dumping 5-6 TRILLION
    Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae
    and Freddie Mac fiasco's!
    Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001, because it was financially risky for the U.S. economy, but no one was listening).
    And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac?
    OBAMA. And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie?
    OBAMA and the Democratic Congress.
    So when someone tries to blame Bush...
    TOOK OVER!" Bush may have been in the car, but the Democrats
    were in charge of the gas pedal and steering wheel they were driving.

    Set the record straight on Bush!
    So, as you listen to all the commercials and media from the Democrats
    who are now distancing themselves from their voting record and
    their party, remember how they didn't listen to you when you said
    you didn't want all the bailouts, you didn't want the health care bill,
    you didn't want cap and trade, you didn't want them to continue
    spending money we don't have.
    I'm not forgetting their complicity in getting us into this mess, and
    I'll be marking my vote accordingly!
    It's not that liberals aren't smart, it's just that enough is enough.
    And by the way liberals are far from smart. Controlling, Yes.
    Smart, No.
    Like the Acorn slogan, vote early, vote often

  3. There are a lot of people in the US that are not aware of this info.

    Pass it on. We need to vote people out of our house!
    IN November .
    A little history the day the democrats took over was not January 22nd
    2009 it was actually January 3rd 2007 the day the Democrats took over
    the House of Representatives and the Senate, the start of the 110th Congress.
    The Democratic Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first
    time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.

    For those who are listening to the liberals propagating the fallacy that
    everything is "Bush's Fault", think about this:
    January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate
    and the Congress:
    At the time: The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
    The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
    The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
    George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52
    Remember the day... January 3rd, 2007 was the day
    that Barney Frank took over the House Financial Services Committee
    and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee.
    The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part
    of the economy?
    Thank Congress for taking us from 13,000 DOW, 3.5 GDP
    and 4.6% Unemployment to this CRISIS by dumping 5-6 TRILLION
    Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae
    and Freddie Mac fiasco's!
    Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001, because it was financially risky for the U.S. economy, but no one was listening).
    And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac?
    OBAMA. And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie?
    OBAMA and the Democratic Congress.
    So when someone tries to blame Bush...
    TOOK OVER!" Bush may have been in the car, but the Democrats
    were in charge of the gas pedal and steering wheel they were driving.

    Set the record straight on Bush!
    So, as you listen to all the commercials and media from the Democrats
    who are now distancing themselves from their voting record and
    their party, remember how they didn't listen to you when you said
    you didn't want all the bailouts, you didn't want the health care bill,
    you didn't want cap and trade, you didn't want them to continue
    spending money we don't have.
    I'm not forgetting their complicity in getting us into this mess, and
    I'll be marking my vote accordingly!
    It's not that liberals aren't smart, it's just that enough is enough.
    And by the way liberals are far from smart. Controlling, Yes.
    Smart, No.
    Like the Acorn slogan, vote early, vote often

  4. Islam is a belief system followed by hundreds of millions of people around the world. It may be said that they are not violent but if the radicals cause a division so wide in the world that there is a need to take sides, guess what? The so called non-violent will take sides with the violent. It is just a matter of time and we'll see this come to pass. This is the most orchestrated movement in world history. They are set on world domination. This is no secret. The little Muslim women that just goes about her everyday activities looks as forward to that day as Christians do for the Coming of Christ. We can't rest or sleep with the enemy thinking that it is all going to just go away.

  5. Wasn't it Bin Laden who said that the time has now come for them to push their agenda?

    The Big Picture is the Great battle for the hearts, minds and souls of mankind!

  6. I watched AC 360 on CNN last night and Anderson Cooper interviewed Donal Trump!

    Trump has made an offer to buy the property at something like reasonable profit for the owner.
    Trump said the owner paid something like 4 mil for the property and wants to sell it for 20 mil.

    Doesn't sound like the mosque is the real motive behind the property! Its about raising the money to buy the property and build the mosque and using controversy as a means to profit!

    Welcome to the New World Dis-order!

  7. Hey 2:06
    You're gonna reprint an entire column (twice)w/o showing where you got it?? I know u didn't write it.

  8. From a CNN article:

    The Bush tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 cover all taxpayers and are scheduled to expire at the end of the year.

    Obama and congressional Democrats want to keep in place those tax cuts that apply to Americans earning less than $250,000 a year. People earning more than that would have their rates restored to higher levels in place before the tax cuts were enacted.

    Speaking on "CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS," former Obama budget director Peter Orszag said the tax cuts have to go at some point in order to balance the federal budget.

    "We, unfortunately, can't afford the tax cuts over the medium and long-term," Orszag said. Ending all of the Bush-era tax cuts would "pretty much" solve the deficit problem in the medium term, he added.

    Republicans and some Democrats oppose the plan, saying that what amounts to a tax increase in a weak economy would deter economic growth by hindering investment and spending by wealthy Americans and small businesses.

    House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, told the CBS program "Face the Nation" that he wanted the tax cuts extended to all Americans, not just those earning less than $250,000 a year.

    However, if Obama and congressional Democrats push through their plan, Boehner said he would vote for it.


    I wonder if we could ever elect people (on both sides) who can see the real problems?

    In this case it just might be a outdated and far too complicated TAX CODE!


    There are a lot of Republicans out there right now who support the ideaof adopting the Fair Tax. If enough Republicans gain power, and we get a Republican President in 2012, there is a chance we could see the Fair Tax implemented in the next decade. That would be wonderful in my opinion.

  10. End the bush tax cuts! That would be wonderful in my opinion.

  11. Ending the Bush tax cuts would make everyone's taxes go up, not just those dreaded wealthy people who own everything.


    I agree SG,

    But the reality is that they want a complicated tax system! (Just like they want a complicated Healthcare system!)

    It's about Government Programs, Agencies and jobs. (like the IRS, etc). As well as, all those in the Private Sector (Accountants,
    lawyers etc.) who benefit from the current inefficient tax system!

    Then they wonder why there is no confidence by the Private Sector Businesses, Corporations and Consumers in the U.S.! Why some of the choose to move/expand or invest in other countries!

    They simply don't know who they can TRUST or BELIEVE!

  13. Btw: Can you list for all the different levels, the agencies and parties - Both Government and Private Sector - who are responsible for creating, assessing, recording, collecting and paying taxes?

    Then you'll start to get the BIG picture!

  14. "End the bush tax cuts! That would be wonderful in my opinion."

    Well that just proves that you are either

    A. Someone who hates people who have more money than you do,
    B. Someone who hasn't taken the time to research what it would do to the rest of the country,
    C. Someone who hates anything with the word "Bush" in it, no matter what it is.

    Any small business owner making over 250k per year, of which this town has many, will see their taxes jump to 40.8% of their income. That translates to a loss of over 7% of their gross income compared to now. And you expect that to make them want to hire more people and stimulate the economy?

    The Bush tax cuts were one of the things Bush got right. Let them stand. 41% taxes is ludicrus.

  15. From a CNN Article earlier Today:

    Havana, Cuba (CNN) -- Cuba announced on Monday it would lay off "at least" half a million state workers over the next six months and simultaneously allow more jobs to be created in the private sector as the socialist economy struggles to get back on its feet.

    The plan announced in state media confirms that President Raul Castro is following through on his pledge to shed some one million state jobs, a full fifth of the official workforce -- but in a shorter timeframe than initially anticipated.

    "Our state cannot and should not continue maintaining companies, productive entities and services with inflated payrolls and losses that damage our economy and result counterproductive, create bad habits and distort workers' conduct," the CTC, Cuba's official labor union, said in newspapers.

    Castro had announced layoffs in August, but said they would occur over the next five years.

    At the time, he said the government "agreed to broaden the exercise of self employment and its use as another alternative for the employment of those excess workers."

    The drastic and unprecedented economic changes have many Cubans worried that jobs they had long taken for granted under the Communist government will no longer be guaranteed.

    Others are hopeful that they will have more freedom to set prices and earn more than the average state wage of $20 a month.

    The state currently controls more than 90 percent of the economy, running everything from ice cream parlors and gas stations to factories and scientific laboratories. Traditionally independent professions, such as carpenters, plumbers and shoe repairmen, are also employed by the state.


    Just another example where Socialist even Communist are turning to Capitalistic ideas where the goal is to reward indivduals for their desires, efforts and responsibility!

  16. Sgt. Tyler A. Juden, 23, of Arkansas City, died Saturday (September 12, 2009) due to injuries received during active duty with the United States Army in Afghanistan. (copied from
