Friday, March 18, 2011

voter id

Here is something from AP about requiring voters to show a photo ID at the polls when voting.
I still remember the first time i voted in Kansas, i tried to show three people my ID, and none of them wanted to see it ...
in south carolina you have to show an id with your address on it, and it has to match what is on the roll. which is what i was used to.
People think this measure is about illegal immigrants, and maybe it is ... but to me it just makes sense that people should have to prove they are who they say they are in order to vote.
you could go through a phone book and vote 10 times in 10 different precints the same day just by saying you are a different person each time ... 
ive always thought it was a bad idea to not require some ID for voting.

TOPEKA (AP) — A Kansas Senate committee endorsed an election fraud bill Thursday after members rewrote legislation from Secretary of State Kris Kobach to delay the proposed start of his plan to require anyone registering to vote for the first time to prove they are a citizen.

The Ethics and Elections Committee also stripped the measure of provisions Kobach sought to increase penalties for some election crimes and give the secretary of state's office the power to file and prosecute election fraud cases in state courts, along with the attorney general and county prosecutors.

But the committee kept intact a proposal from Kobach to require voters to show photo identification at the polls, starting next year. That provision would make Kansas the 10th state with a photo ID requirement, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.


  1. A couple of elections ago, I was asked to show two forms of ID by the lady working the sign in desk here in AC. I managed to find a second form of ID, because my Driver's license was not good enough for her. But then, a man walked up behind me, and she did not even ask to see his. I am a white male in my 30's BTW. I am more than happy to show my driver's license to vote, and think everyone should have to do so to keep elections honest, but I think if you are going to check some, you should check all.

  2. Photo ID's needed for everything. Loan, cash a check, enter certain buildings, etc., etc. Why not to vote? A person shouldn't leave the house without a picture ID. IMO.


  3. Lets just shoot them all like we do the feral pigs....

    In a couple days I will say I am sorry after everyone tells me I should.

  4. Hmmm shooting voters who dont vote right ... interesting idea :)

  5. It's amazing how libs jumped on the feral pig joke, going so far as to say it was the end of the civility that had been in place since the Giffords shooting. They must have forgotten all about the Wisconsin democrats and their Scott Walker = Hitler signs, and all the death threats against all the Republicans in Wisconsin. But I suppose it's not their fault, because they only get their news from MSNBC and none of that happened according to the mainstream media.

  6. I am a white male in my 30's BTW. I am more than happy to show my driver's license to vote, and think everyone should have to do so to keep elections honest, but I think if you are going to check some, you should check all.

    I probably can't speak to the exact circumstances in you post! But, in small towns where people tend to live in the same places own or buy their homes and then not move around
    much. The people who volunteer to work the sign in desks usually elderly and retired know alot of the people who vote every election without even asking for their ID.
    The youth and young adults don't usually vote that often if ever - they tend to move more because they rent as do some of the transient groups!

    I don't think people would object to showing ID even if it was required! That's what good citizens do!


    Now aren't you glad we aborted all those babies in the U.S. We certainly didn't have room or the means to care for them - Not!

    Then you wonder why there are all the modern challenges to the OLD American Systems by Foriegners who have different Standards and BELIEFS!

    Hold-on it looks to be a WILD RIDE!

  8. In the political world, almost everything nowadays is centerd around 'illegal' immigrants. Just ask Virgil Peck !!! A duly elected representative whose position is now in jeopardy because a comment he made has offended the hispanic and latino populations, and advocacy groups for our newest flood of potential voters are demanding that he resign. Why don't they go back to mexico and voice their offense over the 4 year olds, and thousands of other mexican citizens, who are being butched by the drug cartels that the mexican government lets run rampant ?!??!!?

  9. Feral Pig joke? I'm sorry, but I don't see the humor. What's funny about denigrating an entire race of people, equating them to pigs, and saying they should be shot? Now that I think about it, it is funny. About as funny as lynching blacks, or gassing Jews. I'm sorry, if that's the way people talk in South East Kansas, then maybe it's time to move.

  10. You know I don't have anything against Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, American Indians or anyone else!

    I grew up running around, playing sports/track etc. with about all of them at one point or another.

    Many of them are still close friends today!

    But, we often shared the same values - although I know several who went astray even ended up in Prison - In the end the color of your skin only makes you different if you choose to make it an issue or use it to gain some advantage and/or as "Power" over others!

    Its Americas "VALUES" that have made the Melting POT/Great experiment work.

    Destroy "HER" values and it all falls APART!

    Now how I really feel about Immigration:

    If you come to America - left your country of ORIGIN - you left your Country to BECOME AN AMERICAN! NOT BRING YOUR COUNTRY WITH YOU!


  11. This is off topic, but I just came across this video I felt everyone should see. It involves planned parenthood, and their attempts to remain funded by our tax dollars by hitting the media and saying things like if women lose access to PP, then they will miss out of basic healthcare like mammograms..

    So someone took it upon themselves to call several planned parenthood facilities and attempt to set up an appointment for a mammogram.

    Basically getting "Sorry, we don't do mammograms at PP, we only kill babies. Have a nice day." [I'm paraphrasing]

  12. Tom,

    Been that way a long time. I have wondered why the taxpayers should subsidize a private entity. Any entity, but especially one who kills babies.

    Hey, hey...I didn't say "CLOSE PP DOWN!". I just say if they want to do business of that type (or any business) let them stand or fall on their own productivity and marketing. Don't take my tax $$ to keep it afloat.
    I don't give a flip if they use my money to pay the light bill or water's all going to keep the same ship afloat. It should be criminal. Man, I hope Congress can pull their money. It's time.
    But, then even if they can... What's the chances of getting it past this President?


    One last note on immigration:

    Americans don't intentionally break the LAWS of the LAND. (like entering America illegaly.

    They don't falseify their indentification or help others to do it. So they can qaulify for benefits they don't deserve or are not entitled.

    They don't work to subversely change the Federal or State or Local Governments to meet their wants, needs or desires!

    Lastly, Americans don't leverage their country to the point they have to consider reducing benefits to American Citizens to then be able to give those benefits to those who are not eligible! (Especially the elderly who have paid their dues and have few CHOICES!

    You have to wonder when the REAL AMERICANS
    will come to the RESCUE?

  14. Man, I hope Congress can pull their money. It's time.
    But, then even if they can... What's the chances of getting it past this President?

    Ok, the pubs have the majority .. question is, do they have the guts to make it an issue?
    What if the pubs went to work half as hard on abortion as they did on health care?
    you may be right about the prez., i just dont see the pubs doing any better.
    Remember, in the 90s we gave the pubs the presidency, the house AND the senate ... and they never even made it an issue for debate ...
    how can you excuse that ? and believe that the pubs are in any way at all a pro life party ?
    I dont disagree with the criticism of the dems on this issue .. how have pubs done any different?

  15. You have to wonder when the REAL AMERICANS
    will come to the RESCUE?
    maybe when they stop looking for political parties to make a difference ..
    pubs, dems .. no.. not the tea party either ..

  16. Voter ID is unconstitutional no matter how you want to paint it.

  17. Well, then I don't need a DL. It's unconstitutional. I don't need an ID to get into my job. It's unconstitutional. I don't need any of the 12 hard plastic cards in my purse. It's unconstitutional. I quit. HMMPH!

  18. Obviously, the poster at April 2, 2001 1:40 PM has a very limited grasp of the United States Constitution. Proving that you are who you say you are, and that you are a citizen of the United States with the right to vote, in NO WAY violates the United States Constitution. Perhaps you like to quote the part you feel this would violate?

    Or maybe you meant it was a violation of the Mexican constitution? Oh wait.. Article 9 of the Constitution of Mexico states "Only citizens of the Republic may take part in the political affairs of the country."

    I guess they don't want any foreigners influencing their elections either.

  19. No one has shown evidence that there is a problem with illegals voting in elections.
    my concern is fraud. anyone could say they are anyone and vote in that person's place.
    what if you showed up to vote and were told you had already voted?
    dont know if that happens a lot but it could.

    i see a need to have people show an ID, but my concern is not illegals as much as people stealing votes.

  20. To the 3 pubs - It's the constitutional freedom guaranteeing the right to vote. No stipulations. You have the right to vote. You don't need this, you don't need that. You are here? You may vote.

  21. i see a need to have people show an ID, but my concern is not illegals as much as people stealing votes.

    You made a good point!

    But, I think there is a problem with aliases and false ID's with the illegal mexicans as well as all the other races!
    Do those people vote? IDK!

    But in this modern age of ID theft its getting a lot more complicated.
    Look at some of the scams they are running like mutiple people drawing on the same SS#. People drawing on SS# 's of the deceased etc.
    Those Programs have gotten so big they can no longer control them and they want more and bigger programs like Obamacare!
    If they want to really make a difference they will go after fraud in SS, Medicare and Medicaid! (They already know it exists!)

    Those Progressives and Socialist just want to spread the wealth - even to those who don't earn or deserve it!

    What's wrong with a little cheating if its for a good cause or helps people? (Maybe because it turns into a whole of cheating? Which in turn hurts the HONEST PEOPLE!)

    You are here? You may vote.

    I think the 15th Ammendment Gaurartees the right of U.S. citizens to vote!

    The 1965 voter legislation by Johnson made it more clear that states couldn't make exceptions - like literacy or educational tests or any other rule to exclude U.S. Citizens from voting!
    But I haven't seen anywhere that just because your in the U.S. as a visitor or alien you have the RIGHT TO VOTE!

    Nice try!

  22. Btw: You should look up some of those articles about medicare fraud. How some of those fraudulent companies get set up as providers skim the money which goes out of country and then they and the companies disappear!

    Those people running the Federal Government really have a handle on things - NOT!!!!!!!!!

  23. my concern is fraud. anyone could say they are anyone

    I like to use stories as examples - no I don't make them up - but I see alot of things and meet alot of People!

    So, there was a Hispanic man working at this one business establishment I would go almost everyday.
    He was younger and a hard worker - he also liked to joke around as do I. But, one day he was giving me a hard time so I asked him if he had a Green Card! He jumped up from his chair (they were on break and pulled out his Kansas Drivers License - Photo ID.) I really didn't care to see it because I was just joking with him! (He liked to dish it out but couldn't take it in return!)
    Fast forward a few weeks and he was no longer working at that business - I inquired what had happen to him - they said he had quit!
    Child Support had caught up with him and he was getting his checks garnished!
    Now I don't know to this day whether he was legal or illegal - but he told the workers at that business he knew someone and would have a new identity and go to work somewhere else!
    Honest to God that's what they told me - they didn't even know if name and indetification he had used to get employed there was his real name! (Management might have known in the end.)

    So don't tell me it doesn't or couldn't happen or that it isn't a potential problem!

    How big? How bad? I bet they already know!

    They just don't have the means to STOP IT!

  24. "To the 3 pubs - It's the constitutional freedom guaranteeing the right to vote. No stipulations. You have the right to vote. You don't need this, you don't need that. You are here? You may vote."

    YEP, just as I thought. You obviously know nothing about the Constitution. I know liberals are dumb, but I can't tell if you are really THAT dumb, or just trying to goad us into an argument, but either way, you are way off base. Read up and come back. If you find the right to vote in there, I will give you a cookie. And I don't meant the 26th Amendment which changed the voting age to 18, I mean a RIGHT to vote, as in the RIGHT to free speech, the RIGHT to keep and bear arms, etc etc. I'll give you a hint, it's not in there. For something to be unconstitutional, it pretty much has to be in the constitution. You can infer that the founding fathers intended people to vote for public officials, but nowhere is it stated as a right in the constitution. And MOST CERTAINLY not for non citizens.

  25. Yeah, it's in there. Several places in fact. And several SupCt rulings addressing it as well. Like I said, I'm not going to argue w/ you. You'll just call me dumb and that makes you the winner. I don't debate that way.

  26. Well, you could debate by proving your point, but I guess that would be too much to ask.

    You show me where the Supreme Court has ruled that evertyone who is in the U.S., no matter whether they are legal or not, has the right to vote, and I will give you a month's wages. How's that for a debate?

  27. Nice try Tom, but you can't fix stupid. Uninformed liberals only use talking points, and want to 'show compassion' for humanity by using TAXPAYERS MONEY, rarely their own

  28. You said "Uninformed liberals" as if there were another kind.

  29. Pot-kettle. Kettle-pot. "Dang ol moran libruls don't know nuthin'"
    Ouch. Your words hurt so bad!
    You 3 really need to get a room.

  30. ^^ Wow, that's some informed liberal debate right there.

  31. and BTW, Moran is a conservative.

  32. This is a good example of why we need more political parties, and it shows how "bankrupt" both parties are when it comes to actual solutions or ideas.
    All either side can do is blame the other. 900th verse same as the first.

    This has happened before several times. Some media folk are acting like it is a crisis and people are buying into it.
    Its just a political game.
    No one has any intention of letting the government stop, as if that were possible.
    They will pass the budget, once the grandstanding is done, and once everyone has made their points and gotten their contributions from voters that they have stirred into a frenzy.

    When this is done the politicians will laugh all the way to the bank because they have their money for reelection.
    Both parties will say they have fought the good fight against the other evil side.

    Politics as usual.
    When will some viable parties emerge?
    What if we all refused do vote for pubs or dems period ... That would be the best idea i think.
    The problem isnt whether its the libs or cons fault..
    the problem IS the libs and cons.

  33. I agree that the potential shutdown is being played for political gain, with both sides being blamed by their counterparts from the other side of the aisle. But it is hard to argue with the FACT that the democrat controlled Whitehouse and Congress FAILED to pass this budget last year when it was due, and when they had a democrat majority in all areas of government. Why are we six months into fiscal year 2011 with no budget? Did Obama's vacation plans get in the way, or did they plan this brew ha ha all along to try to gain support going into the 2012 election?

    No matter which side you are on, the fault obviously lies with the failure to pass a budget last year when it was due. Obama's failure!

    Frankly, I am glad that the Republicans are trying to defund Planned Parenthood, and I could care less if the government shuts down for a week. I just feel for any military families who might not get a paycheck.

  34. WOW JJ you are spot on with your prediction this time. It's 11 pm and I'm listening to harry reid tell of the tiresome struggle to get to common ground. Politics has become nothing more than a broadway show, with boring characters acting out a scripted plan.

    And I would still vote for Tom Sawyer for president, no acting on his part, just some damn fine common sense!!

    The fact that congress EVEN CONSIDERED not paying our military just chaps my hide!! 'Non essential government employees?? what world do they live in on capital hill??

  35. Frankly, I am glad that the Republicans are trying to defund Planned Parenthood,

    Good Point Tom,

    But, I don't think either part should be considering or pushing their agenda when it comes to the Budget!

    I don't agree with abortion, I am not sure it will ever be abolished! It certainly hasn't throughout history!

    The problem I have with the politicians on both sides is that abortion is a personal decision that should be paid for with/by private money! If they want they could have fund raisers or set aside charities whatever - I don't want tax dollars used to subsidize abortion!

    There are too many of the "CORE SERVICES" that Government is responsible for that are in trouble! They don't have any business funding Prviate or Personal Matters! (Nor should they be dictating morality with money!)

    So, in that aspect I would side with the Republicans - not with tax dollars that are so critically needed elsewhere in the Budget!

    The Federal Govenment has over reached into too many areas where they don't belong and used social agendas and tax dollars as a means to justify it!

  36. I am opposed to abortion, so it makes it very easy for me to think that planned parenthood should be defunded. There are laws in place that say that abortions should not be paid for with tax dollars, but planned parenthood specializes in abortions, and then lies to the press about performing services such as mammorgrams (as we saw last week or so when they were busted on that). If they were to only perform other functions such as adoption and healthcare for the poor, that would be another story.

    I am amazed at how the media is giving Obama a pass in this budget showdown. Had he and his people passed this budget SIX MONTHS AGO, when it was due, there would be no budget battle, and no last minute deal. But the media does not cover that aspect.

    I used to think that Bush was a bad President, but brother, we hadn't seen anything yet. I'd take Bush back in a heartbeat.

    And by the way, I have decided to put together an exploratory committee for the 2012 election. I have twenty seven dollars and thirty six cents, and I am only charging supporters one dollar each to try painting this here fence, in hopes of raising more. Before I'm through, Tom Sawyer will be a household name. Heck, I bet somebody will even write a song about me. And before you ask, yes I was born in America, and no, I have never had any friends who were domestic terrorists OR racist preachers. That alone should be enough to beat Obama.

  37. Your typical abortion seeker:

  38. It is ironic that the dems are always beating up on the pubs and big corporations when the media that gives obama 'a pass' is/are one of mainly 5 LARGE corps-Time Warner; Disney; Murdoch's Newscorp; Bertelsmann of Germany; Viacom(formerly CBS); and perhaps a sixth-General Electric's NBC. The method in which they control information made available to the general public is kin to the Nazi propaganda machine of the 30's and 40's.

    As for your presidential qualifications Tom, you forgot to mention that you consistently maintain the same position on different issues, not different positions on the same issue

  39. Given enough rope...well , you now the rest. "Nazi propaganda machine" - *facepalm*

  40. Go Tom. I might for for you... especially if you ran under a different party than the main two.
    That got me to thinking. There really are not many qualifications for president. You got to be a natural born citizesn, which our prez is, 35 years old and not a felon.
    That's it i think?
    Maybe if we actually required the president have some qualifications we might get some better candidates.
    Its not going to matter as long as the current political atmosphere prevails.
    It is kinda humorous. When Bush was in the dems wailed and weeped and crticized his every move.
    Now that Obama is in, the pubs do the same.
    It is amazing how similar the rhetoric is.
    Of course those that are fully sold out to either side cannot see this.
    Im still calling for the rejection of both main parties by the public until one of them actually has something to say other than "at least we are better than the other side."

  41. JJ, I think both side do have something to say. And people choose sides based on issues.

    Democrats are for bigger government, and Republicans are for smaller government.

    Democrats are pro-abortion, and Republicans are anti-abortion.

    Democrats are anti-gun, and Republicans are pro-gun rights.

    It's my opinion that the differences in these issues are what keeps the two sides from being able to work together. And I see no compromise on any of these hot button issues coming any time soon.

  42. I think that is what bugs me the most. Any of those three issues could easily be solved by reasonable people. There's money to be made pandering fear and division though. Gotta think about book sales and tv ratings ... that's the real deal.

  43. How would you solve them without alienating one side or the other? Impossible.

  44. How would you solve them without alienating one side or the other? Impossible.

    Well what if you didn't use Government or tax money to solve them in the first place?

    The debates in the 30's,40's,50's and 60's weren't centered around the use of TAX DOLLARS and how they should be spent on items that were basically Social Agendas! (However Medicare was
    an agenda! Social Security was solvent and more were paying in than drawing benefits - plus the Congress didn't borrow the money and replace it with IOU's (treasury notes)!)

    Not until the last 30 or so years have more and more programs been targeted which are supported by the Federal Government or through the States with Federal Subsidies/Aid/Laws!

    SSI for Children diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, and so on ....!

    Welfare/Healthcare for Anchor Babies and their mothers ...

    There are probably alot more but I'll keep this post short ...

    There seems to be no end to the Social Programs that have been created and have been extended to cover things they were never originally designed to do!

    The real problem is how do you reverse those trends once they have been STARTED and/or have been in place for a PERIOD OF TIME! (Especially when they continue to GROW!)


    Especially when you get to the point you can no longer pay for THEM!

  45. The more you speak Tom, the more doubt you remove.

    "Pro-abortion?" Really? This is what you actually believe?

  46. ALL politicians are liars, but not all liars are politicians.

  47. How would you solve them without alienating one side or the other? Impossible.
    Its not impossible. the division is being widened by the media. As i said, there's a lot of money being made here by both sides, and people profit from the conflict as well.
    Its not impossible at all.
    Its called freakin compromise. make a dad gum deal... it aint hard. :)
    Both sides need to get over themselves

  48. Like calling people who hate abortion "pro-abortion" simply because they don't want the gov't meddling. You'd think pubs would like the idea of smaller gov't. Tom is either very uninformed, or very narrow-minded, or built up such a tolerance to the koolaid that he is now just pouring the powdered mix straight into his mouth like a pixie stick.

  49. Its called freakin compromise. make a dad gum deal... it aint hard. :)

    So JJ,

    Would you compromise your beliefs as a Christian?

    Seems the real agenda is to make you agree or determine what you or your family (children) can or will do according to that COMPROMISE!

    Would you allow your children to have an abortion if the Government tells them it's OK!

    What if the Government doesn't even ask your opinion or permission?

    Would Jesus Compromise?

  50. POLITICS has NOTHING to DO with RELIGION. Reactionary FASCIST broadstrokes are AMUSING while MADDENING.

  51. Where did my post go?

  52. "Like calling people who hate abortion "pro-abortion" simply because they don't want the gov't meddling."

    You don't want government meddling? Should we just remove ALL laws when it comes to murder then? Just let anyone have the "freedom of choice" to kill whomever they want? What do you suppose the baby's choice would be? What is the difference between a baby in the womb and a baby after it's born? Aren't they the same baby? It doesn't take koolaid to realize that when you kill a baby inside the womb that it is murder just the same as if you wait a few more months and let it pop out first and THEN jam scissors in the back of it's head and suck out it's brains.

  53. Im going to start a new thread on this just because this one is very long.
    Maybe our culture is too spoiled.
    We have lost the basic idea of compromise.
    Of course you have to give up something to get something.
    You do that in marriage if you stay married for very long. :)

  54. Tom Sawyer said...

    Where did my post go?

    Ive not deleted anything. Must be a computer thing.
    They do disappear at times, but it is rare.

  55. Pretty sure we can copy and paste any of the other ones. They are basically all the same

  56. jab, retreat, don't offer debate. jab, retreat, don't ofer debate,

    wash. rinse. repeat. Here's an idea. If you disagree with my positions, why not attempt to articulate a reason why you disagree, and perhaps give a reason why your opinion is so much better? Maybe some facts to back up your argument even.

    Or, just keep throwing out snide comments with no intelligent debate. That seems to suit you better.
