Thursday, December 30, 2010


Im out of town again, in Tennessee. Ill try to post some while I am here.
I wont be able to make the commission meeting next Tuesday, but Ill get back in the saddle soon after that.
I took the interstate, which is more straight, faster and boring..
but sometimes a boring trip is a good trip.

Heard that the city will be considering a permit to allow a pig statue? in front of the wb meats store in town.
Seems like it would fit the buisness.
Be interesting to see what you all think about that.


  1. I think the pig statue is a good idea. Quirky things like that can help establish a towns identity, and while perhaps not be a tourist draw, might make those passing through more inclined to stop. Lot's of towns have little statues like that... Couldn't hurt.

  2. Enjoy your time away, jj. Let 'em have a pig statue. Fits their business. i.e., meat, pork, etc. Plus, they're a nice couple guys to boot. :)

  3. Oh My! Has there been notification to all involved? Maybe there should be a public vote on this! Make sure Warren and Kanyon are notified!

  4. The Commission will be voting on this 11:49. If Warren doesn't know about this he didn't read his packet.

  5. WAY, WAY too much government control in this town. I am done supporting this local gov. so they can give my hard earned money away, all while the employees are still being pampered as if they are some kind of heroes for just doing their damn jobs. I, for one, have put my house in town up for sale so my family doesn't have to be raised in a town with so much government intervention in their lives!!
