Friday, December 17, 2010


I thought it was interesting that, a few days ago I posted a link to an article I wrote about the birth of Christ.
Several people were up in arms. There are about 20 comments there, many critical of me "forcing" religion on people, and I deleted several that were of the same type.
Yesterday I posted an article about the Pagan God Janus, which is where the name of the month "January" comes from.
No comments. Nothing. No one was upset about me "forcing" religion upon them.....
Just thought that was interesting and needed to be pointed out.


  1. The comments you deleted were not "of the same type", they were quotes directly from the bible that you did not want people to see. Tell the truth.

  2. They were out of context and way off topic. I really dont think i prevented anyone from seeing anything they might want to see.
    Yes there is blood, gore and murder in the bible, and other nasty things ... why do you think no one knows that ?

  3. This is strange. When people post it goes to my email. I just got one that said it was on here, but it isnt. It was that same old song and dance about what a dictatorial censor i am and how im preventing people from knowing about all the horrible things in the bible ...
    I dont know why this poster thinks people dont know that there are stories of bad things..
    There's nothing for me to defend there.
    Id suggest everyone read the bible for yourself and see what it says for yourself.
    Still, if a post is too far off topic, as those were, ill delete them if i choose to do so.
    Many blogs screen all posts..

  4. I still hope you find the time to post on the Three Wisemen - might be interesting to read some information related to their journey that wasn't included in the Bible version of that Story!

    Of course:

    I am assuming there is a more in-depth story!

  5. Planning on doing that tomorrow. There is a more in-depth story. :)

  6. Oh, you just "happened" to lose that post I spent 10 minutes on huh?


    A civil debate cannot happen when one side has the power to censor everything the other side says and then lie about it to anyone else who might be interested in the debate.

    Have your blog. I won't bother you or ask you to think rationally anymore. But know that as a journalist, and someone who proports to hold the first amendment so dear, you have lost every iota of respect with your censoring.

  7. And a vote for city council. It's one thing to debate. It's another to censor.

  8. Ridiculous to say im censoring.
    You have no right to post here. You are ALLOWED to post here. I have a right to choose what is here and what is not.
    That is not censoring.
    Anyone is free to start their own free blog any time they want.
    That is not censoring.
    look it up in the dictionary.

  9. But you admit you are a liar.

  10. Baloney. gotta speak up for jj here. jj and me disagree on here...LOTS. BUT, that said, he allows others to post. (why don't you head on over to Davey jr's blog and see what censorship really means. If he happens just to ain't goin' on) 2 cents... jj is not a censor. (kinda leftwing mind you)..but in fairness...he has never deleted a post of mine. But, I don't have an axe to grind, or don't try & use this space for some anti-Christian bash box either. (If it was my blog, I'd delete your ##$ too). Go start your own blog. Better yet...head on over to Iran and see how far you get bashing Muslims or Muhammad. Sheesh! ...some people (throwing hands in the air)

  11. But he admitted he is a liar. How else do you explain lying about what was in the posts and lying about them just not showing up? So he does censor posts that are nothing but scriptures quoted directly from the bible that he says is 100% true, and then lies about what was in the post he deleted. Real stand up guy.

  12. come on dude, youre making yourself look real stupid here.
    if i was deleting something and trying to hide it, why would i say it disappeared? why would i even mention it ?
    im the only person who ever saw it ...
    think dude ....
    some of you need to get a life.

  13. Dude, even if that's true about the "missing" post, you still lied about what was in the other posts. You delete posts, and then misrepresent what people had said in those posts so it fits your agenda. If that's not lying, then I don't know what is. And it certainly doesn't equal journalistic integrity. Dude.

  14. You are missing the point, brainiac. It's his blog - he can do or say anything in it or about it he wishes. If you have something to say, get your own blog and have at it.

    It's just like having people over for a visit or meeting with people in a coffee shop. If he asks you over for your opinion, fine. But if you are that guy who comes over, butts in and acts like an ass, he has every right to ask you to leave his group and dismiss what you say.

    Whether or not he lied about anything is only material to one person - the person who got shunned. It's called sour grapes. Sack up and get over it.

    JJ- why even publish his childish rants? I feel dumber for having read them.

  15. You're probably right, no point in publishing his or her silliness. I guess I just wanted to let people see the ... childishness...

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. dogeurtenoehtsinatas
