Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jesus was born at a relatives home in the guestroom.

Jesus was born at a relatives home in the guestroom.


  1. That is an intersting article and well written. I enjoyed reading it!

    I think most people who actually take the time to read the Bible understand that many of the themes we have decided to use to represent Key events in Christianiy and even the Life of Jesus aren't 100% accurate!

    That Star lasted way more than one Night! The Wisemen probably weren't at the manger! It actually didn't say there were others except for the Angels and Shephards present at HIS birth! (No other family members or relatives).

    But the reality is that we use simple themes even re-enact them to teach, reaffirm and share our common beliefs!

    One simple question often arises when I think about the Wisemen? They follwed a Great Star (many believe it was really a convergence of the planets). They went to the then king Herod to inquire about Jesus birth! It had been predicited in the Old Testament and in Jewish text! That resulted in the Death of all the Jewish First Born boy children!

    Matt: 2:16

    When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.

    Now I would have to believe that Men and even the "Devil" who reins in mens hearts! Were expecting some type of event as was prophecied!
    (Maybe just like they are Today!)

    Maybe Jesus birth as written was actually more accurate than we choose to believe - why would man or even the "Devil" not know God's PLAN?

    Why would a KING be born in a MANGER?

  2. A lot of what many people think is based on the popular Christmas play. There is a lot to fit into a 30 minute play, and its all compressed.
    Maybe ill write a story about the wisemen too .. it was most likely as much as two years later before they showed up.

  3. We take a little of what we remember from each of the gospels, throw in a little tradition for good measure, and come up with a "mush gospel," that we hold out as "gospel truth." When the truth is, even the gospel truth isn't necessarily "historically accurate," but more likely embellishment and hyperbole to teach a truth about God, and God's nature.

  4. Most common folks would be appalled by some of the things found in the bible. The stuff that the preacher never hits on in Sunday worship.

  5. Wow theres someone who is so smart they know what everyone else thinks and knows.
    I guess you're not a common folk...

  6. HAHAHA JJ can't explain the appalling passages so he just deletes them. I never thought I'd see such an upstanding CHRISTIAN man deleting bible verses from his blog. What a hypocrite.

  7. Last comment is in regard to posts i deleted. We are not going to play this game again. I am not going to have this post hijacked by you as you have in the past. So I will delete whatever you post...

    My explanation of "appalling" passages is that when understood in context, they are not as much so. And, you do not know what the culture was like at the time. You cannot judge a previous culture on the basis of todays culture.

    Im just not going to play your game again, so .... call me what you like.

  8. Hey JJ, Sorry about my post. I was merely trying to point out that there are some things in scripture that most people would argue all day are not in there. Not all of it is neat and tidy, or pretty, or easily explained... Yes, what I posted has to be understood in context, and there is a context, nevertheless, it is in there, and it is meant to be a little jarring or shocking. There is plenty of scripture that most people have never heard.

  9. Ok, maybe you're not who I thought you were then.
    I do agree with you pretty much.
    but i think most christians are aware. I just didnt want the string to go off in that direction

    Here is one you dont hear preached on ....

    Ecc 7:16 Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise-- why destroy yourself?
    Ecc 7:17 Do not be overwicked, and do not be a fool-- why die before your time?

  10. "Do not answer a fool according to his folly,
    lest you also be like him." Proverbs 26:4
    "Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes." Proverbs 26:5

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. no, i just dont want the string hijacked. aint gonna happen. start your own blog ...

  13. "start your own blog.."

    "This is a new news blog for Arkansas City. I will be covering city commission as my main niche as much as possible. We will jump into other subjects that we find interesting, and I hope to have photos. The blog is for the community, so I will try to be responsive to reader interests. Let me know what you want."

    Why don't you just leave the religious stuff on your religious blog and put news on your news blog? Then people who want to hear the religious stuff will not be bothered by news, and people who want to hear local news will not be bothered by having your religion shoved down their throat?

  14. Jesus speaks to the Rich Young Man

    Mark 10: 17-31

    21 Jesus looked at him and loved him. "one thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything yo have and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me."

    22 At this the man's face fell. He went away sad because he had great wealth.

    23 How hard is it for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?

    25 "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven."

    26 Who then can be saved?

    27 "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God."

    31 "But many who are first will be last and the last first."

    The Bible never said what Jesus family did with all the gifts given them by the Wisemen.
    Jesus was raised as a carpenter which was his earthly fathers trade.

    The Bible never said the Wisemen left "POOR"
    or remained poor.

    God uses individuals, he can only work in/through the hearts/minds of those whom he is allowed.

  15. I agree with the above poster. Lay off the religious nonsense and stick to local news. That's the only reason anyone comes here. You can tell by how much viewership has dropped off since you stopped covering local events with any speed or regularity.

  16. Nativity means circumstances of birth. The wise men & their 3 gifts were there during the circumstances of his toddlerhood. Their gifts bankrolled the trip to Eqypt to escape the death squad.

  17. JJ, keep doing what you're doing. I like the mix. In fact, I wouldn't mind more of a religious debate, but there are to many morons out there to do that civilly. Were this a pay site, perhaps people would have a right to complain, or dictate what you cover. Until then, shut up.

  18. A religious debate is impossible when the person on one side can simply delete the comments from the other side. JJ's idea of debate is roughly the same as Adolph Hitler's. Censorship and propaganda.

  19. There are some who attack maliciously and say its debate, then they get mad when they get deleted.
    that is why it is hard to have a decent discussion.
    and its the same old attacks over and over and over and over and over and over.
    so i delete them.
    im pretty tired of being called a censor ... im not censoring anything.
    i have every right to delete whatever i choose
    you do not have a right to post here.
    id like to have reasonable and decent discussions but it is nearly impossible with the attacks of people who only want to attack and prevent discussion.
    and then they call me hitler for calling their bluff ....

  20. This post was not about religion.
    It was about history.
    The anti religious folk felt threatened enough that they had to attack it ....

  21. So JJ,

    Are you going yo write about the Three Wisemen?

    They apparently traveled a great distance. I WONDER if they knew the importance of their mission?

    Did they know/see through Herods plan?

    We probably wouldn't be celebrating Christmas without them or all the others who followed God's commands!

    Joseph, was also a Great Man of God!
    He was asked to go against the very traditions of his religion!

    Mary would have been killed for her part in Jesus birth.

    So, when we celebrate Christmas?

    Aren't we really celebrating all those indivdiuals who let God use them to bring his Son on EARTH?

    God probably didn't need them and could have just as easily came by FORCE!

    I often wonder who he is using TODAY!

  22. Yes ill have something on the wiseguys real soon.
    i think they knew, their trip was very long and hard. it was several hundred miles. be kinda like us riding a horse to argentina, to put it in perspective.

    interesting too that the religious leaders of the day did not recognize him (Jesus) ... just makes me wonder, would we recognize him today?

  23. That's what she said.

  24. A debate requires two sides, and James only allows one side. His own. Anything else he censors.

  25. A debate requires two sides, and James only allows one side. His own. Anything else he censors.

    You might be cautious - those who start to question God - sometimes find Him!

  26. Are you calling James Jordan god? lol

    Your big scary god doesn't scare me. Or is he the merciful loving god? I get those mixed up.

  27. My God is big,m scary and mercifully loving. My God is full of awe and wonder. I have some very different opinions than JJ. In fact, I question the deity of Jesus Christ, yet believe that Jesus was the full revelation of God. I just don't believe that the "Christ" event found in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was unique to Jesus. I believe there are untold numbers of "Christ" events. Any time someone is a faithful witness to God, even unto death, whose life and witness are then carried on in the life of the community is Christ to me. And we in remembrance are called to be Christ to each other. I have said as much in other posts on this blog, and JJ has never deleted them, nor has he been rude or condescending. He thinks I am wrong, as I do him, but we have had some reasonable discussion. My post earlier on this thread is one of those that was deleted. It was probably inappropriate in the context of this thread, it spurred mean spirited dialog, and JJ not only had every right to take it down, I believe he was right to do so.

    JJ, you asked earlier if we would recognize Jesus today? My question is not would we, but do we?

  28. I just don't believe that the "Christ" event found in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was unique to Jesus. I believe there are untold numbers of "Christ" events. Any time someone is a faithful witness to God, even unto death, whose life and witness are then carried on in the life of the community is Christ to me. And we in remembrance are called to be Christ to each other

    Jesus tells about the future.

    Mark 13: 1-23

    21. At that time if anyone says to you, Look, here is Christ! or, Look there he is! do not believe it. 22. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to decieve the elect-if that were possible. 23. So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.

  29. What about the ones who came before Jesus? Jesus was just one of a long list of charlatans who were good at convincing people that they were more than just a guy who was good at lying. There were many before Jesus, and there have been many since. Jesus had 12 followers. He was able to find TWELVE people who believed what he was saying. How many did David Koresh have? At least five times that many. Charles Manson? Think about it...

  30. How illogical.
    You know, Hitler drank coffee, so I guess coffee makes people want to kill Jews.
    So coffee growers in south america are the real cause of the holocaust.
    think about it.
    Or. Every murderer who ever lived breathed. so breathing makes people murder. Better stop breathing dude.

  31. What about the ones that came before Jesus?

  32. The Apostles Persecuted

    Acts 5:17-39

    34. But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, who was honored by all the people stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men be put outside for a little while. 35. Then he addressed them: Men of Isreal, consider carefully what you intend to do to these men. 36. Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to be someone, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed and his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing. 37. After him, Judas the Galilean appered in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered. 38. Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. 39. But if it is of God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against GOD."

  33. Jesus tells about the future.

    Mark 13: 1-23

    21. At that time if anyone says to you, Look, here is Christ! or, Look there he is! do not believe it. 22. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to decieve the elect-if that were possible. 23. So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.

    The fact that there will be false messiahs does not negate the fact that there might be true ones as well. You don't thin that there aren't people who lead people in the way, truth and life, while others lead people to death?

    Jesus said "No one comes to the Father except by me." I believe that to be true. We come to the father by following the way of Christ. Doing justice, loving mercy, walking humbly. Living the kind of life Jesus came to show us. We honor Jesus, and show our love for God by living lives of self-sacrificial living for others.

  34. The fact that there will be false messiahs does not negate the fact that there might be true ones as well. You don't think that there aren't people who lead people in the way, truth and life, while others lead people to death?

    I think there are people who lead others to Jesus - AND HE SAVES THEM, FORGIVES THEM and then LEADS and USES THEM!
    They GIVE THE GLORY TO GOD not themselves or others!


  35. I think there are people who lead others to Jesus - AND HE SAVES THEM, FORGIVES THEM and then LEADS and USES THEM!
    They GIVE THE GLORY TO GOD not themselves or others!

    That's where you and I differ. Does that make me any less of a Christian? I do not believe Jesus saves, I believe it is God who does the saving. Yes, I know that people will argue that God and Jesus are one, just as Jesus said, but I also believe that all of us have a spark of the devine, and are also one with the father. No, that does not make me God, far from it. Jesus said, "you have seen me, you have seen the father." Indeed, anytime someone sees another live according to God's will in humility and service to others, I believe they have seen the father, and caught a glimpse of the world possible in the Kingdom of God. Jesus was/is the way. Many people point others to the way whereby they might be saved.

    Of course all glory is God's, just as Jesus reminded us, over and over again. It was never about "him," he continually pointed us to God.

    We are called to be Christ for each other, and to recognize Christ in each other.

    Don't believe it?

    Matthew 25:37-41 "Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? 38And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? 39And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?” 40And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family,* you did it to me.”

    In this advent season, as we wait for the Christ child to be born; let us remember that God's incarnation was not a once in a lifetime event, but that God Immanuel, "God with us," comes to us in every moment, with each new possibility, if we will just have eyes to see it.

  36. sorry, miss spelled *divine --- my spelling is atrocious...

  37. That's where you and I differ. Does that make me any less of a Christian? I do not believe Jesus saves, I believe it is God who does the saving. Yes, I know that people will argue that God and Jesus are one, just as Jesus said, but I also believe that all of us have a spark of the devine, and are also one with the father.

    I think that all men/women are created with a hole or void in their hearts/souls that can only be filled with God.

    Your plans/ideas about Christianity make it possible for men/women to enter God's kingdom through works, examples or even relationships.
    What about those who didn't lead a perfect life? Like you suggest!

    Jesus invatation is open to ALL who will accept HIM!

    In all your writings and arguments - it is more than evident that you don't know Jesus!

    Maybe this CHRISTMAS you should ask him to LEAD YOU!

  38. I think that all men/women are created with a hole or void in their hearts/souls that can only be filled with God.

    Your plans/ideas about Christianity make it possible for men/women to enter God's kingdom through works, examples or even relationships.
    What about those who didn't lead a perfect life? Like you suggest!

    Jesus invatation is open to ALL who will accept HIM!

    In all your writings and arguments - it is more than evident that you don't know Jesus!

    Maybe this CHRISTMAS you should ask him to LEAD YOU!

    Although your comments seem to be a bit disparaging, and condescending, I'll take them at face value as genuine concern for my salvation, and my well being, so thank you.

    As far as not knowing Jesus, I will not be able to convince you otherwise. I will tell you that I am a 3rd year seminarian, and I take my studies very seriously. I set aside time for prayer daily, and spend 8 - 10 hours every week preparing a sermon. I more than tithe, on a very limited budget, and give of my time generously to numerous charities and causes. Yet, I do not believe ANY of that makes me righteous, or wins me any favor with God. I do it in response to what he has already done for me. God has given me life, and life abundant. We are all saved by God's grace, lest anyone should boast. My "good works," are not to earn my place in heaven, but are offered in gratitude through faith because my place has already been secured in heaven because my father loves me like a prodigal son. My father wishes only good for me, and has promised me an inheritance. I am an heir of salvation....

    Isn't that the understanding that God wants from each of us? Or can we simply "believe in our hearts, confess with our mouths, offer a couple vain and empty thank you Jesus' and hallelujah amens; and purchase our ticket into heaven? What does it mean to believe in the way, if our lives are not fundamentally transformed?

  39. The point is that God sent Jesus to make it CLEAR the path to Heaven!

    He did it to stop all the confusion that man (Devil)has created and continues!


    There are plenty of Clergy who don't know Jesus!

    People get transformed when they find HIM!

  40. Sure, there are plenty of clergy who don't know Jesus, I guess you and I will just have to disagree on who those clergy are.

    I agree 100% that Jesus came to make the path to heaven clear. And what did Jesus say was the greatest commandment? Love God, and love one another. How do we show God love? We feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit those in prison. That is true worship, and what the LORD desires most from us.

  41. I think you are both on the right track. You're just at other ends of the spectrum.
    Faith without works is dead.
    Works without faith ... is not faith.

  42. And both of us can be faithful Christians...

  43. Here is what you can believe:

    John 3:16-21

    "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17. For God did not send his Son into the world to condem the world but to save the world through him. 18. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. 19. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20. Everyone who does evil hates light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may been seen plainly that what he has done has been through God."

  44. I guess for us, the difference lies in what it means to believe, and then, how do we live out that belief.

  45. I think the difference lies in the fact that God can do more through people who give themselves to him - to be led/and used!


    We can ever accomplish on our OWN! Even if we believe we can do it without HIM! (Don't need him!)

    Just like Gamailiel said - It/We will FAIL!

  46. Throughout my posts I have said quite clearly; apart from God I am nothing, and can accomplish nothing. It is all because of God's grace, and for God's glory.

  47. Throughout my posts I have said quite clearly; apart from God I am nothing, and can accomplish nothing.

    Without Jesus you are still nothing!

    I hope you find HIM The Father/Son/and Holy Spirit!

    You can't have one without the others! It doesn't work on your terms!

    Jesus is knocking but its you that has to open the door!

  48. Thank you for your concern. I opened the door a long time ago. I do confess Jesus as my LORD and my savior. I just understand that a little differently than you. Don't think it makes me any less a Christian. If Jesus' main reason for coming was to demand our worship, that seems to be a bit egotistical and self centered. I believe HE came to call us to a new way of living, I have surrendered my life to HIS ways, and strive to live according to his example.

    What does the LORD require of you, but to do justice,love mercy, and walk humbly with your God?
