Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Live Blog tonight

The Live Blog will be going tonight (Tuesday) at 7. for the City Commission meeting.
Could be a very interesting meeting, as the commission will be talking about the city manager's contract.
Rumor has it that the commission is set to not renew his contract.
May or may not be true, but there are rumblings. This would be a good meeting for you to attend, for everyone to attend.
Far as I know, the City Manager has done a good job, things are going ok with the city - the recent financial audit gave them good marks, and the performance audit that the city spent around 30,000 on not too long ago, said things were basically OK.
Nothing has been said about that study since.
Things could be interesting tonight.


  1. It should be interesting. Rumor has it the commissioners want to get rid of him because he didn't fire several staff that "certain" commissioners don't like.

    Hopefully someone will start asking questions. Like how many harassment complaints have been filed by staff against the commission. What specifically did the city manager do? Etc. It kind of makes you wonder why there has been so much secrecy around this topic. Why have the outside attorneys been in town so much? Could it be the commission has stepped across the line and may be trying to prevent negative public feedback and lawsuits. Time will tell. JJ ask some questions.

  2. Could it be the commission has stepped across the line.........

    I certainly don't have access to any knowledge that might suggest they have or haven't crossed a line.

    But, true commisioners, board members,(even in banks)and advisors are supposed to ask questions and search for the details! All too often those positions have become a symbol of status or a personal achievement!

    Their job is to question and approve/disapprove!

    (Even if they don't get adequately compensated for their time or efforts!)

    They are an important part of the Check and Balance System! (A first line of defense/protection in business and government.)

    Having the right people - ones who they can trust and who provide them details and information which then allows them to make wise decisions. On behalf of both the Public and Private sectors!

    Is not an option!

    Rumor has it the commissioners want to get rid of him because he didn't fire several staff that "certain" commissioners don't like.

    Thats exactly why some Companies choose not to promote from within! (They want to reduce the Comfortability factor!)

    The trend is for managers to get hired/fired and rehired but not at the same place!

  3. Good points. Maybe someone can ask some very pointed questions to the comissioners since they are playing with the taxpayers money. And to look at how many laws they may have been broken. I bet the commissioners would have second thoughts if some of these issues cause them to be sued personally. JJ ask some questions. Surely someone has some answers.

  4. Do you know for a fact that any laws have been broken.... they haven't but it's a nice scare tactic. When you want to get some one to back off you tell them you are going to sue.. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't

  5. Is it true that Wallace is looking for a job in Texas?

  6. I guess I am confused the previous commission you said were the ones that were micro-managing. In the last election we voted down anyone who might agree with old regime. The people were told that voting for anyone who agreed with that commission was a vote against Arkansas City. It worked they were shut out.


    Diametrically opposed this new commission would in fact shut down the old and bring in the new.

    After about 18 months or so, while on some areas they still disagree, they have begun to work together as a cohesive team if you will. Still very much independent, they are, learning to be informed. They research, make phone calls, take calls and work late into the night, for the people of Arkansas City.

    Now these two opposite sides agreed last night 5-0 to do this.

    Therefore, if two different commissions, with two different, platforms come to the same conclusion is the problem really the commission or is in fact the leadership of the administration.

    This commission has worked tirelessly for the people of Arkansas City and will continue to do so in the coming months

  7. JJ ask some questions. Surely someone has some answers.

    December 7, 2010 5:15 PM

    To ask questions and find answers takes an investigative reporter. We've not had that type person or media in Cowley County for a long time. They are not about to make waves.
