Monday, February 14, 2011

Swiss gun control

Here is a link to an interesting story about guns in Switzerland. Most of Europe tends to not like our ideas about guns, but it appears the Swiss love their guns and wont give them up.


  1. This is from an article on over the W/E!

    Allen West is a R-Fla. and the article is about his joining the Congressional Black Caucas.
    Some in the CBC are leery of West!


    West raised some eyebrows in a CBC meeting soon after the assassination attempt of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.).

    After members expressed concern for their safety, West, a two-decade plus Army veteran, said members should consider carrying a concealed weapon.

    In an interview with The Hill this week, West said, “They were talking about getting detailed security and I said, ‘Well you just look in your state as far as getting a concealed weapons licensing,’ which is something that I have. I think personal protection starts with yourself, but you just coordinate with local law enforcement to make sure you have collateral security at your events.”

    CBC member Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) said West’s suggestion didn’t go over well, adding it was “frowned” on by other lawmakers.

  2. It looks like the Swiss learned a hard lesson from Britain.


  4. They must not have an ACLU chapter in Switzerland. jk.... in any time era you want to name, people have always had the right to defend themselves. It's a proven fact that when the common people are armed, crooks rob, rape, murder and steal a whole lot less. Why? Because crooks want an easy target. If they think they might get shot, they think twice before doing the crime. And no, I do not belong to the NRA.

  5. jj, what's up with the City? I heard something about severance pkg being "re-negotiated"...

