Monday, February 28, 2011

whats up

Ive been here a few days. Things are going well. People seem nice.
So whats on your mind"?
Talk about whatever you want below :)


  1. Gracias, senor Jordan,

    Does anyone have any thoughts about what is taking place with our republic? Specifically, the protests that are taking place in many of our states? The nearly unprecented departure of elected representatives on the basis that they are serving democracy? Where do you think this will end?

    What about the unrest in the middle east? Does anyone think they are the result of the populas wanting freedom, or is it the result of a much deeper push by pro islamic factors, or the result of a world wide 'labor movement'? And, where do you think will be the end result of such upheaval?

  2. I liked Paul Ryan's comments when he said that he didn't like the Obamacare voting, but he stayed and did his job, he didn't run away to another state and hide out like a criminal, which is what the Democrats in WI are doing to avoid a vote.

  3. thoughts about what is taking place with our...

    In a word..WE'RE BROKE! Can't seem to get that through some peoples heads. (Politicians in particular) The way we spent willy-nilly in the past is gone. The Lotto and more casinos ain't gonna solve our money woes either. Everybody's gonna have to do with a bit less. But, if we can realize this before it's too late, we will have a chance. Let's not continue to borrow until we are totally bankrupt. I ain't talking R. or D. I'm talking all of 'em. D.C. & Topeka. HELP!!!!

  4. Easy solution. Tax, tax, and more tax. Tax til we're in the black. Then tax a little more. Cut, cut, cut is not the answer, has never been the answer, and will never be the answer.

  5. Bullshit. Taxing people into the poorhouse is not the answer. The government has grown in leaps and bounds in just the last ten years. It doesn't need to be so huge. Scale back government and cut cut cut. That is the only answer.

  6. Easy solution. Tax, tax, and more tax.

    You would think that raising taxes would be an easy answer to the current problems.

    Except, You don't have as many people paying as in the past or on the same pace or scale. With an increasing number who are on some type of fixed income or Government assistance!

    There are STEALTH taxes and other taxes that are paid to or through multiple sources! Consumer taxes that once implemented never go away!
    (Incresing the taxes in the wrong areas and for the wrong reasons doesn't solve the BIGGER problems!) Btw: Neither does decreasing them or deffering them through all kinds of deals like TIFS or maybe even retirment plans!

    We can't tax our way out of deficits that we are simply pushing out onto future generations!
    (It's been done TOO LONG! Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are projected into the trillions of dollars unfunded!) (Medicaid is something like 43 trillion!)

    We can increase taxes but if you don't curtail spending? There is little to no CHANGE!(Because the interest paid on that borrowed money eats away at any increase in revenue!)

    The real answer is probably in reforming the WHOLE tax and entitlement systems!


    So, in the end it will be a TEST for Democracy and Capitalism - to see if it can PREVAIL!
    (The one where people are responsible for their actions and rewarded for their efforts!)


    Our form of Government will simply fall to Socialism and/or Communism - where Government makes all the Decisions and the CITIZENS LET THEM DO IT!


    The real question that remains?

    If it can't be done through Socialism and/or Communism in other coutries (equally or fairly) - WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THEY CAN DO IT THROUGH A ONE WORLD ORDER?

    That might just be a modern day TOWER OF BABEL!

    God is still here to help those who love HIM!

  7. Fighting those wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, rooting out those weapons of mass destruction as cost a lot. If we were not doing that, the deficit wouldnt be as high,.
    Oh, wait, there were no weapons of mass destruction. The Iraqis didn't want to be set free. hmmm
    and remember, the Russins spent 20 years pumping money into a war in Afghanistan before leaving, and then they were so broke the Soviet Union fell apart.

  8. Fighting those wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, rooting out those weapons of mass destruction as cost a lot. If we were not doing that, the deficit wouldnt be as high,.


    Your probably right about wasteful spending to some degree - even as the result of wars!

    But, the real fact is - just like the Soviets said - America would fall without firing a shot on US SOIL!

    It would implode from within!

    The Soviets failed because there was no incentive to do anything - It was all provide and decided for them - What a blissful Society that turned out to be - where you get shot in the back trying to leave!

    MR. Gorbachev TEAR DOWN THAT WALL!

  9. There never were any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Shouldn't Bush and company be held liable.
    Couldn't Bush be charged with war crimes for making war on a nation for no reason?

    The Ruskies fell apart because they wasted so much money fighting a war in Afghanistan that they could not win.
    And we are doing what they did.

  10. Islam's sharia law is where we are heading, mostly because of those who believe "tax,tax, tax til we're in the black", or, in other words, those who believe that government is the answer to the problems facing our crumbling nation

    6:42 a.m. Well said, but it is Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, who will be there to help them that love Him. I only expound on your statement because I do NOT wish to be confused with one who may think that allah is the same as the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; in whom I believe as the only answer!!

  11. we are


    And Russia went broke trying to keep up with the American arms race. That's how we won the cold war. By outspending them.

  12. And Russia went broke trying to keep up with the American arms race. That's how we won the cold war. By outspending them.

    Well I agree with you partially - Their military was their largest employer!

    The Russians lost the Afganistan war because we supplied the rebels (Freedom Fighters) -like Osama Bin Laden with military weapons!
    The Russians made their raids in helicopters because Afganistan was the most land mined country in the World!
    We supplied the Afgans with hand held heat seeking (Stinger) missiles!
    The return rate of Russian raids got to the point that their personel refused to go on those missions!

    Where were you?

    The reason that Russia failed was there was no incentive to plant or harvest the crops - so they rotted in the fields! and on and on.......!

    Communism wasn't so great and then what do you do with that Huge Military Machine? When a few Hydrogen bombs could just wipe them out! (Their Number One Employer!)

  13. Btw: Don't forget the lessons learned from Russia like Chernobyl!

    The worst Nuclear Reactor accident in the History of the World!


    It may be contained but it's still ACTIVE!

  14. There never were any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Shouldn't Bush and company be held liable.

    There was enough intelligence to convince some of the Democrats who voted to go to war!
    Even Collin Powell thought there was a possibilty they existed.
    Then there was the evidence from the Chemical assassination of Iraqis by Saddam!
    Go back and read about the orange and yellow powder used to kill his countryman!
    Something like the physical contact the size of a dime of one of those chemical agents was enough to kill an adult!
    Makes you wonder what really exists and where it might be TODAY? In who's hands!

    I never have really figured out if there were biological agents used on the US military in the Gulf War of 91!
    Some still claim they did!

  15. "There was enough intelligence to convince some of the Democrats..."

    Ain't it funny how John Kerry and the rest of the left can't remember that every intelligence agency worldwide agreed that Saddamn had WMD? Bush couldn't summarily order troops to Iraq. He HAD to have Congressional approval. They saw the SAME reports the White House saw.
    Whatever, we're better off with Saddam gone. The world's better.

    But, that said...if it were up to me. (and it's not) I would bring every single man, woman and piece of U.S. equipment home tomorrow. Let them destroy each other. They hate us. Why should we continue to send our best people for them to blow to bits? It is enough. We've done our part.

    Know what? when we're gone, they will turn on each other. Religion of peace? I think not.

  16. Well said DQ

    I just had the opportunity to watch a live press conference with obama and mexican pres. caulderon-it made my skin crawl!!

    The 'pres' of the U.S. expressed his concern for the continued sovereignty of the mexican nation, while expressing none for our own. In addition, I watched as mexican reporters asked if obama had the power to veto the 2nd amendment (right to bear arms), as the violence in mexico could be attributed to guns from U.S.; then he had the nerve to ask obama if the U.S. had plans to reduce the demand for drugs in this country, which was another reason for the violence in mexico.

    I could go on for the entire hour of the press conference citing incredible statements made by both our pres. and the mex. pres, both of whom pretty much blamed America and thanked the mexicans.

    GET READY AMERICA, THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. (they also covered the nafta highway as truckers from mexico will soon be allowed greater access with less restrictions into the U.S.) all on the basis of the beneficial trade that will result in betterment of both the U.S. citizens and mexicans

    I believe that obama will be the last president of the United States as we now know it! God forbid another terrorist attack (or black flag operation) prior to the next election, or marshall law will change our lives overnight.

  17. I agree with the prior two posters. Well said. I too saw the news conference you reference, and it made me sick. What will it take for the politicians to close the border and protect this country as they swore to do in their oath of office?

  18. But, that said...if it were up to me. (and it's not) I would bring every single man, woman and piece of U.S. equipment home tomorrow.


    I don't think we can stick our heads in the sand in this modern day world!

    But, we should be cautious about who is leading an directing our YOUTH!

    In almost every ERA of history it was the Youth who were EXPLOITED by the world's leaders.
    (Some who were surley led by the DEVIL!)

    They were the ones KINGS sent to do battle, they were used (decieved) by Hitler. They were the legacy in the "Killing Fields of Cambodia" and are used by Al qaeda and even the Gangs and Drug Cartels TODAY!

    So, when we see the YOUTH around the world rising up against injustice - WE should PRAY that they are not DECEIVED - History tells us that someone/somewhere will rise in POWER to do
    that very thing!

  19. Unions are ruining this country. They've ruined education & they ruined the auto industry. States are going broke because of spending.

  20. "I don't think we can stick our heads in the sand..."

    I know. It's just that I get so frustrated seeing our best & brightest being killed to prop up a godless regime that doesn't appreciate us. They want us gone. Know what? I say "have at it". Let's see who keeps you guys from killing each other. Problem with that is...they soon want to start killing us again.
    Maybe we should just push the button? Iraq & Afghanistan. They don't want peace. Only war.
    IDK. I've just had it, that's all. I was glad to see Saddamn gone. Now, though we need to let them stand or fall on their own. Both countries.

    Islam.. a religion of peace? I think not. It never produces anything. No inventions. No new ideas. Their women are slaves. War and fighting and predjudice is about all they produce. (and export)

    Good point about the unions. There was a time when unions were all about the worker. That time has apparently gone forever. NEA, UAW, etc. :(


  21. I don't watch him all the time, but I saw a show yesterday on glenn beck about the unions, and the way they seem to be tied, or intermingled with, the international socialists organization, and with obama's ties to the unions and chicago politics, it's stuff that should be of concern to everyone who lives in this country.

  22. No doubt unions were a communist plot dreamed up by Stalin to destroy this country. Now I read that Russia is building it's military up. Coincidence? I think not.

  23. Now I read that Russia is building it's military up. Coincidence? I think not.

    Well you should go back (a few years) and read about Putin and Russia.

    Putin has bribed the women of Russia with all kinds of incentives (like cars and money etc.) to have more children! Because they are predicting that areas of Russia will basically be uninhabited due to their declining population!

    The women of Russia aren't buying into his plan - because its too expensive and life is difficult raising families in Russia.

    Russia doesn't believe in or want immigration!
    So, his plan is to turn to the YOUTH!
    (Do remember all those pictures -(photo-ops) of the ex-KGB president meant to impress the youth? Some with his shirt off?
    His newly established youth organizations?
    He wants to return Russia to Super Power Status
    in the World!

    Does build up the Military and a return to the old Communist Party Society sound Familiar?

    Fast forward to more recently and the headlines were about the new designer Russian military uniforms and how many of the Russian soldiers were getting sick due to those light weight but uniquely designed and colorful uniforms!


    History tells us there will always be someone/somewhere who will rise in POWER to do that very thing! (Try to remake or relive History!)


    This is actually a pretty good article on written by Fareed Zakaria.

    He doesn't pull any punches on the Democrats or Republicans regarding their visions for America short and long term!

    He also rightly describes our status and rankings as compared to other countries around the world!

    We may not be #1! (and some of the areas where we are #1 we might not be much longer!)

  25. What's going on in Lybia right now is the same thing that the U.S. and Britain did in Iran in the 1950's.(operation ajax) This is exactly what the government WANTS to be happening. It is time that the citizens of this country get educated from sources OTHER THAN the main stream media. Every channel, fox, cnn, cbs, abc, nbc, etc., are controlled by the government in one way or another. We are facing the most serious times this nation has ever faced! The dominoes are nearly all lined up, and we have pretty much allowed it to happen through our self centered complacency. And don't give me the same old 'conspiracy nut' rebuttle, it doesn't work anymore. Too many past conspiracy theories have been proven to be true, for those who willing to spend a little time reading!
