Friday, May 27, 2011

Free Speech

Here is something I have been thinking about. Freedom of speech seems to be under attack.
Last week an NBA player was fined $50,000 - that amount may not be right - for making a "gay slur" towards a fan.
A few months back Kobe Bryant, also of the NBA, was fined $100,000 for saying something was "gay."
And this week a tv commentator got in trouble for calling conservative woman politician a slut.
Now im not thinking about the gay issue, or any other issue.
The problem to me is freedom of speech. What does it say about freedom of speech when you can be fined, suspended, or even fired for making a comment.
Whether the comment was right or wrong is not the point. In all of those instances it was bad judgement and not a good thing to do. Does that make it right to take disciplinary action against them?
They were all on the job at the time, so i guess you could say they were representing their company.
There might be a conflict of rights there, so its not black and white.
But still I think there is a tendency now a days in our culture to squash freedom of speech.
Should offensive speech be allowed"?
How do you define offensive?
If you only allow freedom of speech to those you agree with, do you have freedom of speech?
Just some questions to spur discussion.

Something else that seems odd to me here. It is the liberals who seem more likely to take action against someone for bad speech. Arent liberals supposed to be the ones who want to let everything go? But not offensive speech apparently. hmmmmm


  1. Those instances are not freedom of speech issues in my opinion. They are employees of companies making asses of themselves while on the clock. Saying the things they were saying is not against any law, but an employer of someone in the public eye has contracts that state that the employee shall conduct themselves in a certain manor. These idiots chose to disregard those rules and act like idiots (especially Ed Schultz) and were slapped on the hand for it. A fine for these guys (well, the basketball players at least, Schultz probably only has six viewers) is nothing. They would spend that much on a night out on the town.

  2. also, many careers have been ended over things done off the job that were immoral, especially when it is a career that should be held to a higher standard such as Law enforcement or publicservant. There have been several cops and firemen fired here in Ark City for things done off the job that didn't meet the moral standards that were expected of them. A couple just in the last year or two.

  3. There is no freedom of speech unless the most vile of speech is protected. That being said, I believe employers have the absolute right to set standards of conduct for their employees. You have a right to free speech, but no right to employment.

  4. Well, when those religious nutjobs in Topeka are protected, I think it's safe to say there is freedom of speech.

  5. It's kind of ironic that we want to make people who are in the media - sports, politicians, celebrities, etc. - fit a politically correct mold!

    Although at the same time we want them to be passionate and competitive. (We want winners!)

    There are certainly descriptive words that probably shouldn't be used out of context.
    In music, speeches, public appearences, etc.
    Words that obiviously are meant to degrade or destroy the person, object, or situation of focus.

    But, I think the real problem is the 24 hr. per day media coverage and their willingness to get or make a story. (Plus alot of celebrities who are willing to keep them busy.)


    A Hypocritical Society who say one thing and does something entirely different!

    Then welcome to the "New Age" of crudeness and un-mutual respect!

    (Alot of those words and many more that used to be spoken in private are now part of the everday vocabulary - even new ones! Who would have ever thought of "knappy headed hoes".)


    "Isn't that kind of queer?"

    Go figure ........


    Here's an article on Yahoo today! Its about the declining role of marriage its society!
    (Also the attempt for Governments re-definition!)

    If you read far enough - Louisiana has one of the highest rates of poverty! It also has one of the highest rates of single mother households!

    Do you think there is more to marriage than just co-habitation or just raising kids?

    Again welcome to the "New Age"!

    That's queer indeed!

  7. Here is a great example of freedom of speech being infringed upon.

    Sure, these are far left hippies, but when the cops are in the wrong, arresting people for dancing, it is a clear violation of the first amendment. Ironically it takes place at the memorial of Thomas Jefferson, the champion of free speech. I can't wait to hear the outcome of this, and how the police try to justify their no dancing law.

    Where's Kevin Bacon when you need him?

  8. The problem to me is freedom of speech. What does it say about freedom of speech when you can be fined, suspended, or even fired for making a comment.

    Well V.P. Joe Biden didn't get a fine or punished for his BFD comment at O's speech about Obamacare! (Even when the majority didn't agree!)

    Oh yeah, it was an "open Mic."!

    But, the reality was he said it!
    (So, is there a double standard?)


    He probably can't be fired!

    (How are you going to Police "personal
    expressions"? Maybe as the result of who
    gets offended - no doubt!)

  9. You can dance if you want to,,,


    Looks like the man - that paid for a billboard showing a man holding the cutout of a two month old baby he said was aborted by his ex-girlfriend - and his lawyer are invoking the same Supreme Court ruling that Fred Phelps won to protest Military funerals!

    To keep his billboard (protest) in Public!


  12. jj....wherefore art thou?

  13. Still here, just waiting for you all to comment.
    I suppose there do have to be some limits on free speech, such as libel. Or shouting "fire" in a crowded room.
    I think we have gone a bit too far in some ways.
    Yet there are people who want to create hate speech laws, which i think is a very bad idea.
