Thursday, November 11, 2010

AC City Commission

City Hall is closed today for Veterans Day. That means there will be no city commission worksession meeting today. The worksession has been moved to Monday at 5:30 p.m. The regular meeting will be Tuesday as per the normal schedule.
I will try to have the live blog going.


    City finally fesses up to employee discrimination lawsuits. You were clued in a year ago! Any Comment?

  2. Well they should be scooping me. How many people do they have?
    I knew this was coming but didnt know when.
    And i have been saying the city has been having executive sessions.
    Im not sure that a lawsuit being filed is all that big of news ... it doesnt take much to file a lawsuit.
    but .. that the city is making a settlement offer is a good story.

  3. This is not the first time that lady has sued people. She is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

  4. couple that with a supervisor who doesn't know how to deal with people and whatta ya got? Bingo! $75,000.00 right down the cr@pper. Tell me again....why do we pay taxes?

  5. Who else has she sued? It is so easy to make such statements without any merit. Who else has she sued. Do you even know her or is this just another City Hall insider trying to sling mud anonymously? TRaveler posted a link to the public records associated with this legal action. Surely, you could do the same to back up your statement. Surely?
