Friday, November 26, 2010

River development


  1. North Korea explains that we may be on the brink of war, yet Obuma sits on his toilet with a fresh box of tampax waiting to see if they will really will attack our friends in the south.

    This is the biggest joke of the American History and will show that passive liberal Muslims are not good leaders for a free People

  2. Hmmm - GOPs wanting to police the world. THAT never happens...

  3. Or we could try puting this person in charge

  4. I really love that Palin stirs up liberals so much. One slip of the tongue, and that's all they can talk about for days on end. Maybe they are forgetting that Obama has made plenty of the same kind of slips. Like when he said America had 57 states.

  5. passive liberal Muslims are not good leaders for a free People
    Wow, ive never heard muslims called pacifists before, we're breaking new ground.
    does anyone have any comments on the story i posted?

  6. This blog used to be topical, but now it seems you cannot dedicate the time it takes to put up local stories. Like the Thanksgiving dinner illness or the Burden Police Chief being arrested for domestic violence. It used to be we could come here to discuss and debate local goings on, but anymore if we aren't into volleyball, there's not much reason to visit.

  7. does anyone have any comments on the story i posted?

    Colorado is an interesting state especially around the rugged parts of the mountains.
    The industry in those parts is mining, recreation/tourism and prisons! (Seems the State provided jobs to those parts by placing their prisons in those remote areas.)

    I once knew a couple who ran a resort close to Mt. Elbert (highest peak in the North American rocky mountain range @ 14,433 ft.)

    There is traffic from all the ski resorts
    in the winter and tourists, hikers, sportsmen and the Gold Diggers in the Spring and Summer!

    Yeah, Gold Fever is still alive in the Rockies in the Spring and Summer months!

    Don't really have an opinion on the artist plan for a 42 mile exhibit! Other than he must have one BIG EGO!

  8. Odumbbo is going to get a Purple Heart. He got hit in the lip playing basketball. I wish he would try playing President once in a while

  9. He can display it next to his Pulitzer Prize he worked so hard to earn.

  10. Amazing!!! This man won the Presidency with some SUPER percentage of the vote. To listen to you guys, he's the worst ever. Honestly, if you have the guts. Did ANY of you vote for him? Somebody did. Can't even admit it anonymously. figures.

  11. Did ANY of you vote for him? Somebody did.

    Are you so sure it wasn't a vote against W and the "Evil Empire" instead of a vote for "Change"?

    Just like the latest vote was against Obama, Pelosi and Reid? (Was it all a miscommunication
    on their part? Especially the part about spending a year on healthcare instead of the economy and not adopting a budget, ignoring immigration, avoiding tax reform/relief, and continuing thier agenda on don't ask don't tell etc. ......! While themselves spending wildly and living in the fast lane? Seems as though their message got through pretty well - change is what we say it is and we know what is BEST!)

    So, the Republicans took the House by storm and gained 60+ seats! (By some SUPER percentage.)

    I think the general public is getting tired of all the Politics and Politicians!

    Especially those who make promisies they can't possibly keep and know it on both sides/parties!

    OK, we are ready for Act III scene One!

    Maybe we get surprised but some how I doubt it!

  12. "make promisies they can't possibly keep"
    or perhaps in the case of the present administration: promises they had NO intention of keeping.

    I understand a vote against W. I voted McCain..:( (I considered McCain 2 b lesser o' 2evils) I think I was rt. But, how many r willing to say: I was tricked & voted fur O...not many. rather throw rocks on blogs.

  13. Here is an article from Business Insiders The Money Game which has had 2,890,344 hits!

    You have to click on the inserted link to get to the 22 statistics, charts and definitions!

    I wonder if any of the current/future Potiticians were among those readers?

  14. Btw: If your just too burned out to read the article - here is probably the best part of the opening article:

    The reality is that no matter how smart, how strong, how educated or how hard working American workers are, they just cannot compete with people who are desperate to put in 10 to 12 hour days at less than a dollar an hour on the other side of the world. After all, what corporation in their right mind is going to pay an American worker ten times more (plus benefits) to do the same job? The world is fundamentally changing. Wealth and power are rapidly becoming concentrated at the top and the big global corporations are making massive amounts of money. Meanwhile, the American middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence as U.S. workers are slowly being merged into the new "global" labor pool.

    What do most Americans have to offer in the marketplace other than their labor? Not much. The truth is that most Americans are absolutely dependent on someone else giving them a job. But today, U.S. workers are "less attractive" than ever. Compared to the rest of the world, American workers are extremely expensive, and the government keeps passing more rules and regulations seemingly on a monthly basis that makes it even more difficult to conduct business in the United States.

    So corporations are moving operations out of the U.S. at breathtaking speed. Since the U.S. government does not penalize them for doing so, there really is no incentive for them to stay.


    Now do you really think that Socialism and/or redistribution of WEALTH? (Taxing all those rich people while paying more and more to do nothing!)


    Continuing to adopt or pass legislation that makes us even more expensive and uncompetitive?


  15. To 8:54 poster, I can Honestly say, without any doubt, that I did not vote for Barry. Alot of people were fooled and led like sheep to vote for him. Hows that hopey changy feeling working out for you?

  16. Here's another oldy but goody from B/I:

    I think they just scratched the surface:


    Just in case you thought they didn't have enough to pay some of the bills!

    Makes you wonder what they will do with any additional money they get from more or higher taxes?

    Be sure to read #50 it hits kind of close to home! ( Hint: #50 the CRP Program pays farmers 2 billion annually not to farm their ground!)


    From Business Insiders today!

    Be sure to view all the pages on the inserted link!

    Then at the end is another link for the deficit proposal of the Republicans!

    Interesting comparison and both plans have some merit! One includes some spending the other is basically cuts or modifications!

    I wonder if they can ever work together?


    In case you missed it at the end!

  19. @9:47
    Hey, somebody switched your period and exclamation point keys.

  20. Hey, somebody switched your period and exclamation point keys

    I just blame it on Viagra!

  21. In a Motley article yesterday the author was citing that Small Business while important for job creation. Often destroy as many businesses/jobs as they create! (People who have an idea or want to compete.)
    (I couldn't find that link).

    If you skip down the article - he said that innovation was the key ingedient in job creation!

    He followed that up with the fact that there are something like 700,000 Patents tied up in the Government Patent Agency!

    The Agency said they were grossly understaffed and that it usually took 3-4 years to get approval with an average success rate of 4 out of ten being Patented! (I wonder if the next big innovation that changes Society is sitting on some Government desk?)

    If you look (its not that hard with the internet) to see there are stark contrasts in ideas and what is/should be the true role of Government!

    I know of someone who visits and does business in China! They can give him a working prototype and fixed cost for an item he describes or even draws on paper before he returns to America.

  22. to see there are stark contrasts in ideas and what is/should be the true role of Government!
    Yes. I know conservatives holler really loud what the role of government should be, as though it were gospel truth .. but do they have any stats or scientific studies to show that?

    I think the larger problem is that our culture is seeing it as Either - Or .. that it has to be one or the other.
    Maybe one or the other isn't the answer, but a combination or cooperation of the two ..

  23. "I know conservatives holler really loud what the role of government should be, as though it were gospel truth .. but do they have any stats or scientific studies to show that?"

    How about the constitution and the Founding father's ideas about government's role in America?

  24. Thats open to interpretation as well.
    The first part of the constitution says By the people FOR the people ..
    to me that means that the role o govt, is what we want it to be now.

  25. Yes. I know conservatives holler really loud what the role of government should be, as though it were gospel truth .. but do they have any stats or scientific studies to show that?


    I think you missed the point!

    Government can be too intrusive/regulatory/controling - it can actually act as a negative factor as well as a positive one!

    When you look at areas like Gov. provided healthcare and even Public Housing/Welfare/Foodstamps etc....

    Which direction do you see the momentum? (Increasing or decreasing?)

    Is Government a factor?

    I think the statistics speak for themselves - maybe even SCREAM.

  26. I am so thankful for all you sidechair commentaters out there...
    Out of all of you, who would love to be president? Who "knows' that they could do a better job?
    Anyway, let me know before the next election, so I can make sure and vote for 'you'

  27. Out of all of you, who would love to be president? Who "knows' that they could do a better job?

    Well, you might just be right!
    Our form of Government with its "balance of power" is just too expensive today! We can certainly do things better/cheaper without it - and will probably be "FORCED" to in the future!


    Those PESKY STATES - we're going to have to bail them out! With conditions of course!

    We have taken the first steps through Nationalized Healthcare, then energy, and we already control the money supply!

    If we can just re-emerge as a different Country with a different style/form of Government things will be ALRIGHT!

    We won't even need a constitution or a President!

    The rest of the World is watching and many are just waiting!

  28. Those PESKY STATES - we're going to have to bail them out! With conditions of course!


    I think these people have nailed the problem and used charts and sources to do it!

    It shows the relationship between National/Federal spending per household and the median income per household from 1967 to 2009!

    It shows how much is being overspent and suggests the amount that should be spent to balance the budget!

    Overspending continues/increases the deficit-
    while under spending creates a surplus!

  30. From the above article:

    In a nutshell, when federal spending per household rises above that line, deficits and a growing national debt will be the result. When federal spending per household drops below the Zero Deficit Line, federal budget surpluses will result and the level of the national debt will fall.

    Our analysis also confirms that it is the amount of federal spending, and not changes in federal tax rates, that is primarily responsible for the current unsustainable fiscal situation of the United States. This is especially true given how exceptionally stable the level of median household income has been after adjusting for the effect of inflation since 1997, even though federal tax rates have changed significantly over that time.

    It's just that now, we can directly communicate how much federal spending per household that the United States can truly afford with respect to the income of the median household.

    As an example, if we assume the median household income in 2011 will be $49,000, that means that any federal spending over $20,592.91 per household will only add to the national debt and make the nation's fiscal situation worse. How much worse will depend upon how much over that figure the spending figure will work out to be.

    Read more:
