Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Open topic

I dont have a topic today. The election is over, nothing has changed, and nothing probably will change.
That's about as good of naysaying as I can do.
What do you all want to talk about?



    Well just in case you missed it - A judge has blocked the ban of Sharia law to be used in cases in Oklahoma! A proposal the citizens of that state voted overwhelmingly to adopt!

    Do you suppose it's possible to rape your wife or murder your wife or family under current Islamic beliefs in the U.S.?

    Seems as though we are being invaded through our own courts!


    The Christian principles on which America was founded are being challenged almost daily!

  2. nothing has changed, and nothing probably will change.

    Oh, things are changing and at a rapid pace - you are just looking in the wrong places - not all of those changes are for the better and pretty soon you won't recognize "America" at all!

  3. nothing has changed, and nothing probably will change...

    jj, stop being so cynical. pretty soon, you won't want to get out of bed in the a.m. eh?

    For starters, "we the people" were able to stop the Socialist "Obama, Pelosi, Reid" machine. Look what they rammed thru in just 2 years. No oversight, no public hearings, no one allowed to read or question these bills. it's a travesty of the american system.
    left to their own devices, the pubs aren't much better, but you can't leave all the power in the hands of one party. i don't think many of the people who voted these clowns in had any idea how radical they were.

    "We'll have to pass it so you can see what's in it." -Speaker Pelosi speaking on getting the Health Care bill rammed thru. 2000 pages.

    things have changed. now, "we the people" must hold those we temporarily hired (voted in) feet to the fire and let them know that they can be voted out too. i personally think we shouldn't let them be elected more than 2 terms in congress.

    the american system worked. try writing what we write if we lived in saudia arabia, iran, or china. they would march us to jail in a heartbeat. God Bless America. i'd rather live here than anywhere else on earth.

  4. I am concerned about judges overturning elections. That is scary on a few levels. Kinda defeats the point of democracy if a judge can just throw out an election.
    Either party could abuse that pretty easy.

  5. yeah...CA recently case in point. 1 homosexual judge thinks to throw out 7 million votes. think his opinion was biased???

  6. What does any of this have to do with Volleyball?

  7. Well, i was thinking about volleyball at the time. Does that count?

  8. JJ said, "I am concerned about judges overturning elections. That is scary on a few levels. Kinda defeats the point of democracy if a judge can just throw out an election.
    Either party could abuse that pretty easy."

    There are some "elections," or refferendums that should never be held. What if there was an initative on the ballot to legalize slavery, or impose segregation, or establish a state endorsed religion...? What if these measures garnered unanimous support? Do you think they should be should be upheld simply because a majority of voters thought it a good idea?

  9. Ok, Einstein. That's gotta be the stupidest thing I ever heard on here. Could you try & find a more preposterous premise?

  10. "School Makes Boy Take American Flag Off Bike",0,3045879.htmlstory

    A middle school boy is told to remove his American flag from his bike because:

    "A school official at Denair Middle School told Cody some students had been complaining about the flag and it was no longer allowed on school property."

  11. From Yahoo Finance Commentaries -Oct. 27, 2010
    by Robert Kiyosaki (My Rich Dad/Poor Dad)

    Alexander Tytler (1747-1813) was a Scottish-born English lawyer and historian. Reportedly, Tytler was critical of democracies, pointing to the history of democracies such as Athens and its flaws, cycles, and ultimate failures. Although the authenticity of his following quote is often disputed, the words have eerie relevance today:

    A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.

    A democracy will continue to exist up until the time voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by dictatorship.

    The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

    • From bondage to spiritual faith;

    • From spiritual faith to great courage;

    • From courage to liberty;

    • From liberty to abundance;

    • From abundance to complacency;

    • From complacency to apathy;

    • From apathy to dependence;

    • From dependence back to bondage.

    If interested you will have to read the rest of his article! He compares Americas path with the sequence of events listed in the first part of his article! (posted above)

    But the question is do we have the WILL to change while we still have CHOICES?
