Tuesday, May 4, 2010

City wide party

I will be gone until May 17. how about may 19
that is a wednesday, do you think it being a "church night" would matter?
my church doesnt do anything that night (i hope not anyway lol)
or may 20
6 p.m. ????
Lets start a new string with this

who will make sure we have paris park? Just need to make sure electrcity is on i guess is all?
maybe the first one just bring food and hang out?


  1. This sounds COOL! Lets do it

  2. We are set for wilson park, 20th. because its available.
    6 p.m. ok?

  3. OK who's coming!
    I think this is a great idea lets get going. bring your own food and do we need to be entertained or just make this first one simple?
    Let's get to talking

  4. what does everyone think on that?

  5. Is anybody going to try and come out. I would like to know. this could be neat just a word of mouth thing......

  6. i like the idea. if weather cooperates. lets let some bring a guitar(sp) and make our own music. nothing heavy just maybe some pop or folk music or light gospel. i feel there is a lot of talent out there just waiting to be heard.d.

  7. Sounds good but nobody whips out an Amway board or turns this into a fundraiser, just sit and visit, meet new people, enjoy being outside, the park playground is right there, and the rotunda is reserved, for this event. COOL

  8. the families from PACK 328 will be there! 6 pm right? See you then!

  9. Anyone have a sound system? If someone can get us one to use, We can just have an open mike. Whoever is brave enough to get up there and play and or sing ....

  10. sorry jj i can only do karaoke. but i will if someone brings a sound system and equip. d.

  11. Boy, I hate to sound negative, but...are all Ark Citians welcome? The other thread makes it sound like a certain sect aren't exactly welcome.

  12. dont play the race card around here
    its for everyone.
    except naysayers

  13. Didn't say a thing about race. Odd assumption.

  14. What sect did you mean then?
    This is something good people are trying to make happen.

  15. Bring your own food and family and come on! Let's start something for us!

  16. What other thread?

  17. Probably wasn't one. There are people who will try to mess up anything that anyone else might enjoy.
    Thats all it was.

  18. The thread about the Phoenix Suns uniforms. I would love to come to the party, 1:04; my family would enjoy it. I'm just not sure we would be welcome. If so, we will ALL be there. If not, and believe me, there are places in this town we do not go, then we won't. Simple as that. No need to attack or be defensive, 6:03.

  19. I would love to come to the party, 1:04; my family would enjoy it. I'm just not sure we would be welcome. If so, we will ALL be there.

    Do you have anything to HIDE? If not why worry what someone else thinks! But it always helps to fit in with the crowd - so speak ENGLISH!
    We are not in Mexico!

  20. There are no limits.
    tell other people to come.
    you can even bring your dog.

  21. I've have grown up with Mexican/American friends. Many of them only one or two generations removed from Mexico. They are usually bilingual and can use their language skills as needed to communicate as needed and are very effective!
    Several have served in the Military! One was in the Navy on a Carrier! He said he got to see the World through the U.S. Navy! Something he could have never done otherwise nor could he ever afford!

    So America as projected on the rest of the World? Isn't about one race its about Americans!

    You either want to be ONE or you don't!

  22. Come On guys let's don't worry about who's coming! let's worry about a little music, and how do we get tables moved under the roof.....?
    If you live here your welcome, if your visiting someone who lives here your welcome, if you are driving through town and ran out of gas and happen to be reading this on your laptop while waiting for AAA and emergency roadservice, you too are welcome to come.
    Just put all the other stuff to rest and have fun.

  23. I think i can scrounge up a guitar player. Can anyone get a small portable sound system?
    Do you think we could hear a guitar player with no sound system?
    WE can move tables around and such as needed when we get there.
    If we can get some sort of sound system, I was thinking of just letting anyone who wants to play some music or sing, or tell jokes, or maybe even make a boring political speech (no just kidding about that)

  24. Should we wear nametags?

  25. aw come on. no speech? just kidding. no name tags either! don't about sound system though. hope someone can come up with one. d.

  26. When did you say this party would be?

  27. It was last night.
    A few people showed up. Kanyon brought the boy scouts, so it turned into a scout gathering, which was ok.
    We will try again soon .

  28. sorry i was out of town or would have been there. deep trying. no KEEP trying it will catch on. do need entertainment though. d.
