Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cops, other stuff

Posted on the site a story about three incidents at the Walnut Street bridge. Juveniles involved in fighting. School is out looks like.

Dont forget the meeting tonight with KDOT about Amtrak. Could be interesting. They do want your comments. I posted the material they will be using on the web site.

Is anyone interested in trying a citywide party again next month. We had a few people, but not many, at the last one. Just need to know what people are thinking about that.


  1. Your site takes so long to load, I opened another tab, went to newscow, looked at the headlines, and your site STILL hadn't completely loaded. I may be the only one with this problem, but this is the only site that takes my comp so long to load. FWIW

  2. PACK 328 had over 40 people at the city picnic that was great attendance from our group! Would have been nice if you had said something positive instead of turning a positive into a negitive..... your friend speaks highly of you and says that you are really a great person... personally i haven't seen it.

  3. I get pop ups on this site, I rarely come here because of it. That and other reasons^

  4. As much as I enjoy visiting this site, yesterday I got a message from my computer saying that this site had been reported as a "dangerous site". I'm not sure why, but my browser blocked it completely and displayed a big red warning page. Between that and the popups I encounter on every visit, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to stop coming here. I will check back every so often to see if the problems get fixed though.

  5. are other people having this problem?
    are other people not having this problem?
    how about letting me know either way?

  6. yep, pop ups and warnings are constant, the latest is the warning screen and tries to open Adobe! My security software flags your site all the time now. Too much adware on your site.

  7. mostly weird popups happen to me on this site. Once I had happen what @7:30 p.m. describes. I'm still trying to figure out what the invitation to play the sex game on here is about, even had it as a popup once...

  8. OK we are letting you know that we are getting mega popups, and it is being flagged as a dangerous site. There are a ton of ads on here that makes it not so nice to come here anymore.

  9. ok let me know if it is ok now?

  10. my popup blocker was kicking in but not now. also i did have a red flag one time. not today. d. also i feel the city wide picknic is a great idea. may need tweeking though. d.

  11. oh and it's w.chestnut bridge.d.

  12. The ad for "play discreetly" isn't a sex game. Evony is a internet knock-off of "Colonization". It is a game based on building your colonies economies, military, technology and such.

    Evony has been around quite a while and their new marketing scheme is very misleading. To put it another way, the game involves or suggest no cleavage (other than banner ads).

  13. Get popups occasionally, yesterday I got the MalWare warning, but not today...

  14. lots of junk on the web site and no real news,, i think therefore i am

  15. no pop up today. thanks jj. i wondered about the evony thing. thanks for the update @7:37. the ad is very suggestive. i don't play internet games and am overly cautious about porn sites, so never would clik on it. i won't throw the baby out w/the bathwater...this blog does serve a useful purpose. does it have problems? yes. well, name one useful thing in life that doesn't have problems. we can talk on here, we can listen, we can learn.

  16. Good. That suggestive ad was very misleading, as someone posted. If you did click on it, you would find just a silly computer game, with absolutely no sexual content at all.
    I was actually making a few pennies off that ad.
    Ill stick with the more generic ads - shoe stores and the like - and you can support the site by shopping online with them. Is there any product you would like to buy online that I could post ads for?
    The site makes money if you click on the ad and make a purchase that way. Like at bestbuy.com for example.
    Let me know what products or brands you might actually shop at and ill get an ad for it :)
