Thursday, May 27, 2010

open chat


  1. I can hardly wait for the reality version of this live blog to made into a movie! HD-3D and on the big screen!

    What a script!

  2. James could be played by Danny Devito.

  3. I have always thought a journalist, or reporter, was called a 'gumshoe' because, once they got a piece of a story they stuck to it 'like gum on your shoe'. Well, no more eh? Our Republic was stronger, and our people more free, when we could count on the news media to investigate, even if it meant that they would have to forge ahead in the dark of nite to find the true answers, either to prove or disprove a story. Now they only want facts brought to them by people who are in fear of losing their jobs for speaking out. Here is another lead you can put in your 'not to follow up on list' How much money did the city pay out for not knowing where one of their LARGEST water mains was located, resulting in the massive water main breaks when the walmart was under construction? It surely was in the six figure range because of the business interruption to creekstone. Why hasn't there been ANY COVERAGE concerning this? Just another cover-up by city hall to keep themselves from looking bad? Come on jj. grow a pair and start ruffling some feathers on those turkeys that are running this den of thieves called a 'city'

  4. Boy, what a happy person you must be!

  5. Economics explained in a nutshell: Critics ask how can it possibly be rational for a society to engineer its own ruin. Can't we see that everybody would be better off if everybody were to grab less of the common resource? The error in such reasoning is elementary. A player in the human game of life isn't some abstract entity called "everybody." We are all separate individuals, each with our own aims and purposes. Even when our capacity for love moves us to make sacrifices for others, we each do so in our own way and for our own reasons. If we pretend otherwise, we have no hope of ever getting to grips with the Tragedy of the Commons.
    -- Ken Binmore, renowned game theorist.
