Thursday, August 19, 2010


A poster on another thread brought to my attention a poll in a local newspaper. The poll shows 79 percent think Arkansas City is inferior to other towns. It should be noted that this is 154 votes.
Last week the guy from Municipal Solutions - the audit company - gave results of their survey. They sent out surveys in the water bills, and people were invited to send them back. They got 161 back, and half of those said the city either meets or exceeds their expectations.
The two surveys do ask different questions, but they do show different results.
One survey says people have a positive attitude and one says they have a negative attitude. Of course, 150 or so is not really representative of 12,000 people.

I would agree that Ark City has more than its share of negative people. I call them naysayers, and they will be negative no matter what.
Remember the doom and gloom about the hospital. Its more than 1 million under budget and going to be done a month or two early. Im sure they will still find negativity.
Remember the traffic circle on  the Bypass and Kansas Ave. ? and how it was going to result in hundreds of wrecks, deaths, mayhem and general bad things? Just how many wrecks have we had? One i think? i dont have official stats, but I would bet there are fewer now than there were before the thing was put in. .

As I have said before, people need to get out more. I dont think AC is better or worse than most towns. A town is not good or bad in itself .. it is what you make it.

I have to tell you all about the town of Crossett Arkansas. No worse or more godforsaken place on the planet in my estimation. Its in LA, lower arkansas, near Louisiana. Nasty hot in summer and extremely humid, cold and cloudy in winter but no snow. This used to be a company town that produced paper and grew those fast growing pine trees. It still is a paper mill town. Huge paper mill on one side of the tracks, town on the other. Stinks awful all the time, some days worse than others, but ... oh my goodness.
Smells like rotten eggs all the time.
For miles - probably 50 miles -in all directions there is nothing but rows of pine trees. Not even real forest, just rows of planned pine trees.
The only good thing is a small park with a decent trail through the woods, but it is by a stagnant lake - big pond - and mosquitos will eat you alive in the summer, so its not usable 6 months out of the year.
There are no cool looking old buildings. It was started as a company town in 1900 or so, and just has wooden structures. Anything that might have been historic was torn down.
Its also a dry county. You have to drive 20 miles into louisiana to get alcohol. and thats a two lane road that makes the road by the casinos here look like an interstate. About once a week there was a major accident with fatalities or serious injuries on that road  with people drinking on their way back..
It had about 8,000 people in the early 80s. The mill was the only employer of substance.. 
People were not friendly either. I lived there 2 years and was always an outsider...
Ok, the thing is though, the people that live there, who grew up there, LOVE their town. They think it is great. They dont even mind the smell.
One interesting fact. Coaching Legend Barry Switzer was born and raised there .. I dont remember, it was his uncle or cousin or something, that was municipal judge when i was there. Thats about the only good thing I could say about it, one interesting fact ... thats it. and he doesnt even go there anymore.

So, I come to Ark City. Historic old west town. Not so terribly hot in summer (usually) and not that humid. Has four seasons. Some snow but winter is tolerable..
Some interesting looking old historic buildings and homes. Nice looking brick streets. Somewhat active downtown.  A lot of great trails to hike on. Interesting looking countryside. Rivers to explore. Sort of close to larger cities - wichita, stillwater, oklahoma city, -
Has some good things going on...
Yet people are negative toward it ....

What do you make of that?



  1. Where are these great trails to hike on? I have lived here 30 years and the only trails I know are at the nature center.

  2. Nature Center is one. Out by Kneebler (is that how its spelled?) pond.
    The area around McFarland Pond
    There are some others by the rivers that are harder to define - and some are on private property.

  3. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You could give some people a hill filled with diamonds and they would complain about having to dig 'em up.

    yah, i was surprised Jr. even tried to use that piecemeal poll. One poster called him on it, (not me, cause i don't contribute) but as is his M.O., he did not respond. I mean c'mon...150 people.

  4. As I have said before, people need to get out more. I dont think AC is better or worse than most towns. A town is not good or bad in itself .. it is what you make it.

    I thinks its more of what you want to compare it to that is the problem!

    There are those who want things that Ponca or Wichita have like big retail or entertainment!

    There are those who are happy with the small town atmosphere which is more safe and relaxed!

    There are those who love the outdoors and rural lifestyles and the open air!

    There are those who like living close to family!

    But, the reality is that no matter how hard we want things to stay the same? If thats what we want?

    There is always someone who wants things to be different!

    There are even external forces like businesses, Federal and State Government who will always perpetuate/mandate changes!

    So in the end its probably about how you look at, plan for and accept CHANGE!

    That probably even applies to life and ageing!

  5. The Serenity Prayer

    "God, Give us the grace to accept with serenity
    the things that cannot be changed, Courage
    to change the things which should be changed,
    And the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other."

  6. I hate misinformation - well "hate is too strong but I'm just sayin....

    Please do not chracterize the process as "surveys were sent out with water bills." The actual survey did not come in water bill. I had an option to request a survey. I did not exercise that option. Had I gotten a survey, I would have filled it out and returned it.

    A chance to express opinions is ont readily available by any other mechanism. City Council only listens with patience to a select few. Some they won't even hear because of who tehy are or what the Council "thinks" tehy represent.

    Send me a survey. I'd love to see what they looked like. Maybe I could tailor it for use in another venue.

  7. I agree 4;32pm, and that seems to be a pattern with jj,s coverage of the city commission. He buys into everything they mislead us on, and it seems that mr jordan would rather trade the REAL TRUTH for easy and comfort afforded him by the 'meet and greet' practice of the city administration dept's, and the politicians on the commission.

  8. I write the truth. I check things out.
    Its just that some dont like the truth, and when you dont like the truth, of course, you call it a lie ...
    If you will be quoted on things you know and can prove, we can go with it ... but .... anonymous the sky is falling isnt the truth.

  9. JJ, I see no one else putting the time and effort into commission coverage that you do. Might you have a particular bias? Sure, we all do. Does it cloud your judgment, or skew your reporting of the facts? I don't think so. You seem to do a good job separating fact from your opinion, which, by the way, you are entitled to. Keep up the good work.

  10. i agree with 3:22. this page is one of the first i turn to for news every day. only get brand x for the funnys ( or was THAT the news)? someday i'll learn to type. jj keep up the good work on this page. don't see anyone else doing it.d
