Monday, August 23, 2010

Miners in Chile

Have you all been keeping up with the trapped miners in Chile? They have been trapped after a cave-in for 17 days and are 2,300 feet underground. They are all alive and communicating with people on the surface. Government and mining officials say it will take four months to get them out, but they can send supplies down, so Chilean officials are expecting to get them all out.
I just think its a pretty amazing story.
Here are a couple links to stories
Trapped Chile miners alive but long rescue ahead
Chile secures lifeline to trapped miners

1 comment:

  1. Crazy, crazy story. How cool it was to see that miners face staring back at the camera after 18 days of not knowing whether they were dead or alive. I can not imagine having to wait another 4 months to be rescued. My prayers are with them and their families.
