Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Big 12 Football

Just one more post about football today.
Every Monday Big-12 coaches have a teleconference call. I sat in yesterday and wrote a couple stories about their comments. Nothing real earth shaking, but there were some interesting insights into what they are thinking as the season begins.
Here is the link to the sports blog.
I hope to post my own stories there, as well as stories from around the Big-12 and the SEC to some extent. There are a lot of really cool sports blogs out there so it will be a center for blogs.


  1. Back-channel contacts, secret meetings, and double-speak, is it the latest peace talks? No, It's how Nebraska joined the Big Ten


  2. The Big Ten, er, Big Eleven... Wait, they're up to Twelve now? Anyway, that big conference is putting Michigan and Ohio State in different divisions. Idiots.


  3. In SEC news - Houston Nutt (on Jeremiah Masoli): "He's done nothing but what he's supposed to do". Aside from burglary and marijuana possession of course. Bonus: Ole Miss has a Parks and Recreation graduate program


  4. Hey
    how about going over to the sports blog some ..
