Monday, April 12, 2010

Burning fields

People were burning fields north of town yesterday afternoon.
It was quiet a spectacle to see. There are a few more pictures on the site.
I was watching from a high bluff, so had a really cool viewpoint. I was amazed at how fast the fire spread through a field. I can see how they could get out of control easily. I did not hear of any out of control.
This was quiet a culture shock when I moved to Kansas. I had never heard of burning off fields. When I first saw it, I thought it was an act of terrorism or at least criminal activity.


  1. LOL,thats funny JJ. I remember when I was a kid my parents used to burn the pasture to make new grass for the horses. At the end of the day we would roast hotdogs and marshmallows!

  2. It really should be called weed burning.

  3. Why is this legal? How much C02 is being released into the atmosphere per acre of field burned? If a business did it, they would be levied a fine. I don't see anyone clamoring for farmers to buy carbon offsets.
    What is this doing to air quality? Just wondering?
