Saturday, April 24, 2010


Just posted the latest outdoors column on the webstie.
Ive been feeling pretty lousy this. What i thought was allergies turned into a cold.
That is why ive not been posting as much.
No spider bites yet.


  1. jj, to keep from getting anymore spider bites, go to walmart or ace and buy glue blocks. It is a produt made for small mice and insects. When we lived in Ark City we had a house full of brown recluse spiders and the glue block did the trick.

  2. yes indeed HooRaww for Arizona,, its time we sent the illegals back where they came from and take back out country

    Come on Kansas lets rally the wagons and follow Arizonas lead

  3. its time we sent the illegals back where they came from and take back out country

    Well your not going to cure the desperation of poverty in Mexico, Cuba or Central America without making their Governments accountable!

    I don't personally blame those who want to escape to a better place and "Freedom"!

    I do blame those who run those countries and act or allow others as their oppressors! I do think some of them are cowards who are afraid to work to change their own country! They will risk dying to get here rather than dying to change their country!

    My guess is that when it is possible for those people to have the same or similar opportunities in their own countries that they seek here in the U.S.?

    They would return on their own!

    It's time to make those countries accountable!


    make them keep their people in their country!


    make them PAY for providing for their people in our Country!

  4. I blame the companies that hire illegal labor. They get cheap labor at the cost of American jobs. If we hold those people accountable, the jobs will dry up, and the illegals will go away.

    I agree with what Arizona is doing, but it will only burden bordering states unless they too pass tougher laws.

  5. Sounds like a good plan to me, but can the authorities legally stop someone hispanic and ask if they are in the country legally?

  6. I think we are to worried about what they want! They are here with out going through the legal process. They drag their children their elderly parents because they know that we have a heart and that we won't allow them to be left out in the cold, or left hungry of without medical.
    Well because of that we are doing it to a lot of American's that can't get help because there are rules, and hoops that have to be jumped through.
    It was once said that the problem was simply to be to tackle. If not NOW when.......?

  7. Lets check everyone's nationality at every traffic stop. Every time you vote, every time you register a car. At least that is consistent, and doesn't single anyone out, or profile and harass anyone just because they are Hispanic. There are millions here legally. Why subject them to scrutiny other Americans do not have?

  8. Well because of that we are doing it to a lot of American's that can't get help because there are rules, and hoops that have to be jumped through.

    Yes, and we want to cut medicare to the elderly and provide for those who are aliens!

    Then the problem with illegal immigration is that there is no control. The majority of those people are already at the poverty level or below!

  9. there is no law saying that just because your Hispanic you will be harassed, your imagining that,, now let’s look at the big picture, the illegal immigrants are Mexican, the problem isn’t millions of French running the boarder to come steal jobs or welfare is it?
    Well then we look for Mexicans and not the French
    If perhaps you are French I am sorry I compared you to a wetback, but thanks for those tickler thingies anyhow.

    Now back to the illegal bunch, yes we are a country of immigrants, I been an American for 50 years, I have paid taxes, worked my ass off and contributed to my community.
    I pay for my Childs school lunch and pick him up in a broken down old Toyota Celica,, while I watch illegal children’s parents drive up in a Lincoln navigator or escalade to pick up their children who get free school lunches,, then I go to Wal-Mart and see them load baskets of food up and pay for it with a vision card and go load up the Lincoln navigator or escalade.
    How do I know they are illegal?? Well to be honest I do not know however if you are 35 years old and cannot speak English then I have reason to suspect you are not from the USA, if you are having your 5 year old child interpret for you at the grocery store chances are you’re not American.
    Now if I am a cop and I pull over Poco for to check his seat belt and he says he is late for his baseball game,, I am more than likely not going to assume he is illegal just because he is Mexican.
    On the other hand if I stop a woman with six kids and she speaks no English and has no drivers license and she is nervous, I am going to check her credentials, if she comes up as illegal she is deported along with her children, I do not think we should allow anchor babies to be left behind.
    I am highly in favor of legal immigration for all, I do not believe that favoring Mexicans is just, there should be equal for all nationalities and races.
    It should be limited as well
    and YES i am fed up and it is time to join a tea party or revolt in some nature

  10. to 9:39 pm
    I agree with your sentiment as i understand 70% of americans do, however as long as we have OBAMA we will a buckt of beans that no one wants to eat

  11. Nowhere in this AZ law does it give cops the right to pull people over just because they are brown. That is leftist BS. It requires lawful contact, as in being stopped for another reason or being called to a residence for another reason.

  12. Right - like a plate light out or window tinted one shade too dark or no seat belt.

  13. The lesson: If you are not here legally, keep your tail lights in working order, and your tint the right shade.

    Or, better yet get out of our country!

  14. No, Beavis. Swing and a miss. The lesson is if you have brown skin you will get whistled for the ticky-tack foul that the other guys are getting away with.

  15. Right - like a plate light out or window tinted one shade too dark or no seat belt.


    Twenty five people crammed in a 15 passenger van!

  16. They should try getting jobs at the circus!
