Tuesday, April 13, 2010

tea party

This is disturbing to me. Tea party people - and lawmakers - in Oklahoma want to start a new militia to protect themselves from the federal government.
Here is the story from AP

I guess democracy isnt working out to well for them. They didnt like the results of the last election, so now they want to start up an army to get their way.
The majority did elect the current administration.
I think the tea party is essentially a good idea, but when they go to starting up militias - especially with lawmakers helping them - that is reason for concern.
I dont know how they can say the will of the people is being subverted when we had elections and the majority spoke.

Here is another story about how tea party opponents are trying to disrupt the party. Just radicals on the other side.

It is interesting that they - the tea partiers - are talking about states rights. That was the issue in the civil war. Slavery was part of it, but the real deal was states rights.
I really dont like what im seeing out of the radical right at this point in time.


  1. "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."


    If the government has no plans for takeover, then why would they care if someone prepairs for it?

  2. "I really dont like what im seeing out of the radical right at this point in time."

    The radical right? Is that a joke? This administration is the most radical in the history of this great nation. So people stand up to oppose a move toward Marxism and socialism and you label them the radical right? Give me a break. The TEA party is made up of everyday people who feel they are taxed too much and fear the direction this country is headed (straight left). I would love to be able to attend a tea party event, but unfortunately I am too busy working to pay for people who are too lazy to pay their own way in life.

  3. The correct term is "reactionary" not radical. Radical is historically the left, while end-of-spectrum dwellers on the right are traditionally called reactionary. In fact, I believe the textbook definition of 20th c. reactionarianism is "those opposed to socialism and communism."

    "I am too busy working to pay for people who are too lazy to pay their own way in life." I don't like to pull the name-calling card, but what a self-righteous prick. Is that why you work? You truly believe that's why you work? That may be a by-product, but I have a hard time believing that is why you work.

  4. Of course that's not the main reason I work. I work because I have a sense of duty to pay my own way through life and not sit around waiting for a handout that I didn't earn. As you say. it is a byproduct though. If all of us with a sense of duty and pride quit working, there would be no money for those who have neither.

  5. If the government has no plans for takeover, then why would they care if someone prepairs for it?and
    are you kidding???
    forming an army against our country is treason.
    plain and simple.
    and those that advocate creating a militia are doing that exact thing .. plotting against our country.
    The government was put in power by voters.
    any attempt to subvert that is treason...
    i may not like all the government does, but i sure as heck dont want a bunch of extremist militant right wingers running the country either.

  6. I guess the founding fathers were all committing treason when they fought back against a tyranical government too, so why is it we celebrate them so much?

    They aren't planning to form an army to takeover or go against our country at all. They are forming an army to keep the reverse from happening.

    The point is, to prepair for something is not a problem if the thing you are preparing for never comes to pass. Are storm shelters a bad idea because you are preparing for a storm that might never hit your house.

  7. Of course our founding fathers committed treason. That was why the Brits were so ticked off.
    Im just not buying it the idea of preparation like preparing for a tornado.
    The question is whether the treason is worthwhile or not.
    In our case, voters voted to have the current party in power ... that does not give another party the right to take up arms against it.
    I think the tea partiers are trying to subvert our democracy here.

  8. Our Founding Fathers also had no recourse. They were not part of a Democracy where change could be effected at the ballot box. It seems that those who espose Democracy, and claim to hold it in such high esteem, are the very people who do not respect the decisions made through that Democratic process.
    Should the majority vote for this to become a Socialist nation, through the Democratic process, then that is Democracy. Don't like it, find another country to live in, or organize and elect representatives who think like you.

  9. "I think the tea partiers are trying to subvert our democracy here."

    There you go lumping in one small group with a very large one. If I saw one Mexican guy who said he wanted to take back California, does that mean ALL Mexicans want to take back California? (That may be a bad example)

    If you would take a minute and read the comments on the link you provided, you will see that most tea party people and conservatives are saying that we will take back our country at the ballot box. I disagree with raising an army, even though I fear the idea of it being necessary. But then you come along and equate this one group of Oklahomans with the entire nationwide tea party movement.

    Biased much?

    "It seems that those who espose Democracy, and claim to hold it in such high esteem, are the very people who do not respect the decisions made through that Democratic process."

    First of all, the founding fathers did not create a democracy.. they created a republic. There is a huge difference. Secondly, if Obama has campaigned in the same way he is running the country, and been honest about his intentions, he would not have been elected. The tea party movement is full of people who believed in and voted for Obama, only to see him break every campaign promise he made and lead this country into socialism, kicking and screaming.

    If you put turning this country into a socialist nation to a vote you would see that the American people would NOT want that to happen. I believe that if Obama had been truthful about his socialist and Marxist ideals during the elction, he would not have been elected.

  10. JJ,

    The will of the people is not being done by it's elected officials!
    There may have been an election by popular vote of those officials!
    But, they clearly aren't doing what the people expect or support!
    The States will be impaired through the decisions made at the Federal Level!(Healthcare will Bankrupt some of them for sure and make them totally depenent on the Feds.)
    They aren't going to take that lying down and some may even decide to withdraw from a Tyrannical Federal Government!
    How do suppose that will look?
    Something like Europe?

  11. SG- you are exactly right. Our founding fathers set up a Republic, not a Demcracy! Alot of people don't understand that.

    And if the American people voted for us to become socialist -- how would that then be a democracy. Nuts.

    Just because the majority elected the President, doesn't mean the majority now approves of all his actions. Don't you read the polls? He doesn't even have a 50% favorable rating any more. That means trouble in 2012. There is already going to be a turnover in 2010. God Bless the Americans that are exercising their right to free speech and demonsrating. God knows they protested during the Bush years.

    JJ - you can't just elect an official and turn them loose. You can't trust that they will do everything we expected. It is up to the American people to let them know when we are upset with them. That's exactly what the tea party is doing. Sure some of them may be radicals -- but there are plenty of radicals on the left as well.

  12. We are not becoming as socialistic as you are trying to make it sound. Health care reform is needed. Republicans did finally admit that much, after it was obvious it would pass without them.
    That doesnt make us socialist.
    Same thing happened when public education was started, social security and all the rest.
    The mantra of the tea party is that the will of the people is not being followed ... i say it is prety much.
    Bush had a very low favorable rating .. does that mean he should have been kickd out of office?

    The socialism thing is just an accusation, exaggerated, to stir up the masses. Who is profiting from this?
    Im not at all convinced that our government is going against the will of the majority of all americans.

  13. The socialism thing is just an accusation, exaggerated, to stir up the masses. Who is profiting from this?


    I am going to ask you the same thing I ask your former BOSS!

    How do you like paying for those salaries and caddilac insurance benefits for the workers of Govt. Motors? (That is plain and simple redistribution of wealth!)

    They just lost 3.4 billion dollars!

    Then we are pouring money (billions) into Freddie and Fannie to keep them going! They were the largest holders and buyers of the sub-prime mortgages?

    Why are we supporting failed businesses and business models at any cost to the General taxpayer/citizens?


    I believe the provisions are already in the current healthcare bill for Illegals. (Look at all those votes!)

    When Barry gives them amnesty? (Watch the flood of immigration at the border!)

    It is about Socialism and bringing America to its KNEES!

    Look at who the most frequent visitor is to the White House? (who represents the Unions and who has an agenda to Unionize the world!)

    Gee, we got some real winners in Charge! Who want to stay in charge through any means and at any cost!

  14. Btw: Yesterday they just announced and end to the multi-year decline in interest rates!
    It is alomost a certainty that inflation will occur! The National Deficit and selling off our debt. will continue to raise interst rates into the future!
    You think things are tough now just wait!

  15. ^^^^

    Sorry, should have been National Debt.!

  16. They also announced yesterday that the national debt DECREASED by 300 billion in the last quarter, due to interest rates and more tax revenue coming in.

    1:19 Holy Crap !!!!!
    you mean JR agrees with me on something???
    i better rethink this, either he or i HAVE to be wrong...

  17. Well I have this ink rubber stamp - that says

    The real trick is to get you and JR to walk into it! Hopefully stamp you right on your foreheads!


    Otherwise, I'd have to take you both down and stamp you risking bodily harm or criminal charges!

    Just kidding! But I could mail you the Rubber Stamp if you would just Comply!

  18. James Madison, (one of our founding fathers,) defined our Republic style of government as Representational Democracy, rather than a Direct Democracy. Our representatives were not elected to carry out our wishes, rather they are elected to act in what they think to be the countries best interest. Were that not so, there would be no need for representatives. We would put everything to referendum, and vote on it. We do not have a direct democracy. Don't like the policies, change your representation.

  19. Btw: I have another Stamp that says DUMB ASS TAXPAYER. But I couldn't begin to afford all the INK!

  20. Just kidding! But I could mail you the Rubber Stamp if you would just Comply!
    Sure, mail it with a check for $2,500 for each of us, and ill see what i can do.

  21. I think health care reform was needed yes, i just do not agree with the underhanded lies and trickery it was accomplished with,, JJ if you say that voters always get what they want, why then did it takes tricks and secret meetingings and underhanded tricks to get it through congress???
    I think Obama is a stinking thief and is indeed intent on draining the wealth from America,, go vote November and vote republican to stop this crazy stuff

    Also make sure you check where you go to vote the democrats know what is coming and are tring to create confusion by changeing the voteing locations

    beware of liberal trickery
    me thinks JJ is behind this

  23. Yea its a plot by arkcityrevived.com
    tell all your friends to come read about it .

  24. From Motley Fool Today:

    This is the combined total assets of the four big commercial banks -- Citigroup (NYSE: C), Bank of America (NYSE: BAC), Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC), and JPMorgan Chase -- as a percentage of gross domestic product. In 1992, the combined assets of these four banks amounted to 5.2% of GDP. By 2009, that number had increased tenfold, to 52% of GDP. The big jump came in the late '90s with the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, which allowed commercial banks to merge with investment banks. A second surge came in 2008 after surviving banks purchased their fallen neighbors.

    This chart is particularly revealing because it thoroughly wrecks the claim -- made mostly by bank CEOs -- that megabanks must not be broken up because large companies like Apple and ExxonMobil absolutely need banks of today's size to conduct business. Eyeball the chart for three seconds and you realize how ludicrous this idea is. Big companies didn't struggle to raise capital in 1992. Or 1995. Or 2000. Or 2006. In fact, they thrived like never before. To suggest that reducing the size of big banks relative to GDP to where they were in, say, 1998, would somehow asphyxiate big businesses is comically refutable.

    Don't shoot the messenger
    These three charts don't tell the whole story, of course. You can gab away about how the Fed, Fannie and Freddie, China, the Democrats, the Republicans, the media, and whoever else you detest created the financial collapse. And please do.

    What I hope they do is provide perspective. There's a growing group, without naming names, that acts like even the slightest smidge of financial reform will send us into a Socialist Stone Age. But when you see how dramatically and quickly the financial system skewed, you see how even significant reform would simply revert it back to where it was only a handful of years ago -- a time that was demonstrably more stable, produced higher growth, and, to the irony of all, represented the "old America" so many reform opponents want back.

    Some say banks are making lots of money and paying themselves accordingly, but that's their right. That's capitalism. We encourage it. We cherish it. But as Adam Smith mentioned more than 200 years ago, it isn't capitalism if the misbehavior of a few bankers "endanger the security of the whole society." And that's exactly what happened in 2008.It wasn't capitalism. It was banks blowing up the economy. And a few of us are praying it'll soon end.

  25. I saw these photos, and both puzzle me. First one, Pres. Obama bowing to a Chinese Communist leader. Second one, wagging his finger in the face of a Western Conservative Canadian leader. A picture is worth a 1000 words.
    What ya'll think?




  26. I'd say it's all up for interpretation, and I am not surprised you are puzzled. The second pic away from yours is this one -


    Your pic, to me, looks like Harper is commenting on the shoes and Obama is saying "You are right, these are great shoes." I don't know how you can tell from a pic whether a finger is being wagged, or if he is just pointing. Did you watch the video of this event, or just pull one pic out of context to prove a point? Surely a GOP would NEVER do something like THAT!

  27. And this -

    Shaking hands with invisible people??? I've seen enough.

  28. In the first pic, Obama is saying "Man, those sure are nice shoes. They look expensive. Do you make sure everyone in your country has shoes as nice as yours?" Then, in the second pic he pulls a quarter out from behind the guys ear. Then, in the third pic he is telling the guy about the awesome shoes the first guy (who is sitting out of frame) has on, and how he is going to go back to America and make sure that everyone in the country has an equally nice pair of shoes. He's gonna spread the wealth around enough for people to all afford some nice shoes like those.

    You're right, it's all open to interpretation.

    But that first pic is a bow. No doubt.

  29. What was the proof you posted JJ? Can you prove God's existence? Because that would be a good thing for us to know when these atheists ask us questions we don't have good answers for.

  30. I posted evidence, which was dismissed. Atheists dismiss evidence, they refuse to look at it.
    Then they say there is no evidence.
    I can engage in a serious discussion, but i am not going to cast pearls before swine.

    There is evidence - apart from the bible = that Jesus existed and that people who knew him said he rose from the dead. There is evidence that the New Testament was written before 100 a.d., and its accuracy is very good.
    As far as evidence for God .. there is plenty
    Paschal's wager (french philosopher) that if there is no god, and we all die, we wont know or care.
    if there is, then those that scoffed will be in a world of hurt.

    I can prove a reasonable case for God.
    You cannot disprove it.
    But i dont want to get into name calling .. and allow the blog to be used for atheist propaganda.
    so .... if you want a serious discussion of evidence, email me.

  31. You say you can prove it but post no proof?? Come on. Give me something I can use to combat the atheist in my family who has done his research. I am always stumped.

  32. http://www.carm.org/answers-for-seekers

    this is a good link. plenty of research and stuff there.

  33. From the link:

    "The Bible was written by those who were inspired by God, so it is accurate and true, and represents historical occurrences. When we look at the New Testament we realize that it was written by those who either knew Jesus personally, or were under the direction of those who did. They wrote what they saw. They wrote about the resurrection of Christ. They recorded His miracles and His sayings. It comes down to whether or not you believe what it says about Christ. Do you?"

    That site is not proof. Every question on that site you linked to is answered by pointing to scripture from the bible. But if you believe the bible is made up by man then that doesn't help any. I want independent proof of a supernatural being. A being who talks through bushes and parts the sea and makes it rain frogs and plagues people who disobey and orders the murder of innocent children etc etc. Prove to me that your god exists and your bible is real. Any scientific evidence would go a long way.

  34. Well there is plenty of "scientific" evidence that the bible was written by people who knew jesus, and that jesus existed.
    These are provable historical facts.
    Though i know atheists say they are not proofs. but you cant argue with someone whose mind is made up.

    The problem is, you want scientific evidence. That is looking in the wrong place. Science has become a God. science is not the only authority on reality. It is not the only measure of reality.

    If you seriously want to discuss it, email me, and we can get together and talk evidence.
    Will you do it?

  35. Anonymous said...
    I guess the founding fathers were all committing treason when they fought back against a tyranical government too, so why is it we celebrate them so much?

    CAn someone help me say "That is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard or read."

    Of course, had they lost the war, they would have been tried as war criminals. Question to this poster above. No one even explained why the called the American Revolution? You never wondered why they fought and lost lives and took lives? You didn;t wonder why they used guns and live ammo rather than sending secret notes? Did you think it was only because they didn't have the Internet and blogs so that they coudl be cowards like all the people on here who make wild false accusations without ever being held accountable for it. I'm sorry. That was simply stupid!!!

    Shame on your hypocritical so called conservatism. If you ain't got the guts to own your words, you ain't got the right to live in a nation made free by people whose faces were visible and names were known as they fought to win their freedom. Move to some cowardly country and anon blog away.

  36. Okay, this is almost too dumb to respond to.


    I was making the point that they were commiting treason. Surely even someone of your limited intellect can complrehend that?!?!?

  37. I love when someone posting anon calls out another anon poster for posting anon a coward.

    Too Funny!

  38. This blog is funny today, even SG's interpretation of the pics hit my funny bone this morning! Maybe thats what we all need is a good laugh.

  39. @3:37 p.m. "If you ain't got the guts to own your words, you ain't got the right to..."

    signed by anonymous. ROTFLMAO

  40. "If you ain't got the guts to own your words, you ain't got the right to live in a nation made free by people whose faces were visible and names were known as they fought to win their freedom. Move to some cowardly country and anon blog away."

    They said... ANONYMOUSLY! lol

  41. They probably said it anonymously to underscore how silly this whole blog is. Wonder if anyone ever considered that there could be a perpetual antagonist who just gets on here and posts stuff (anonymously) just to see the silly people rant and rave for days on end.

    This is like the free human zoo. What an awesome exhibition of humanity at its absolute worst.

    So next time you underscore someone who slaps at ana nonymous post and post all yoru rotflyao, consider it quite the same as the last time you went to the zoo and watched the apes clowning around. Seeing a bunch of monkeys, gorillas and apes fighting an then luaghing - maybe a food fight tossed in (oh yeah they throw feces at each other too) consider yourselves on the inside of the cage.

    Someone is just getting entertainment from these uninformed personal attacks. How long can you stay on here arguing with someone you don't even know? How angry can you get with someone who is only amusing themselves at your fuming indignation?

    Now, ROTF and LYAO at that. Keep it going. It is quite entertaining.

  42. Seeing a bunch of monkeys, gorillas and apes fighting an then laughing

    Said by a Anonymous Darwinist!

  43. Actually, the poster said they would be "luaghing" whatever that is.

    This is me ROTFL and LMFAO at the poster trying to cover for their own stupidity by saying they were just trying to amuse themself.

  44. They're called trolls, and they simply post to start circular arguments. Those who respond to trolls are called suckers. Leave them alone, they'll go away. Favvorite topics - there's no God, can u prove it? and -I like Obama - and I secretly know what's going on, I'll tell u when it happens, and I support gun control.

    They push a hot button and suckers go ballistic. This blog is like a dinner buffet in Ark City for them.

  45. Actually it probably an interesting cross section of how the people think about the general topics and things of concern!
    But, there is always someone who is above all the discussion and wants to diminish the opinion of the others!
    What do call them? Kings and Queens?
