Thursday, April 29, 2010


  1. Appreciate the local coverage, James.
    I for one have missed it.

  2. Moving the ambulance service to the new hospital is a very bad idea. People were already concerned with the extra amount of time it will take the ambulance to get to the hospital, and now she wants to double that time? Ridiculous!

  3. I have never heard her say that.
    She has not said it in any meeting.

  4. I heard her say it, JJ you need to hang around the grinder man for cookie time a little more often.

  5. Ok, well her saying that at cookie time is a whole lot different than her saying it at a meeting.
    But i will ask her about that

  6. Ambulance cannot be split from FD. It would cost the city waaay too much. Response time - city heads aren't particularly concerned about. As soon as they see how much extra expense would be involved...they'll drop it like a dept. head.

    With the bypass - most, not all, but most response times will be quicker with the new hospial. Not if EMS moves, but as it is now.
